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The Halloween-Attack in the Four Knight GameBrause - N.N.(C)opyright 1996-1997 by Steffen A. Jakob |
White: Brause (C) Black: N.N. (GM) BlackElo: 2623 Event: Internet Chess Club (3 3) Date: 09.01.1997 Result: 1-0 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5 Nxe5 5. d4 Nc6 6. d5 Nb8 7. e5 Ng8
I call this the Back-to-the-roots line. Many strong players think when they are playing their first Halloween games that they can play totally passive and hold the knight. This game shows that even a very strong opponent (N.N. is one of the best blitz players at ICS) will be crushed badly if he doesn't pay attention.
Now Brause plays a manoever which is very typical for the Halloween-Attack. 8. d6 paralyses the black position for a long time.
8. d6 Nc6 9. Nb5 cxd6 10. exd6
N.N. decides to take the sting on d6. Nevertheless 10... Qf6 was better.
10... Bxd6? 11. Qxd6Of course 11. Nxd6+ Kf8 12. Be2 is possible, too.
11... Qe7+ 12. Be3 Qxd6 13. Nxd6+ Kf8 14. Bc4 Ne5 15. Bb3 Ne7 16. O-O-O f6 17. f4 Ng4 18. Rhe1
Terrible! There is no escape for black's king. A serious threat e.g. is 19. Bc5 and the prosaic 19. Nxc8 Rxc8 20. Rxd7
© steffen ; last modification: $Date: 2005/11/16 22:18:35 $ |