[ Test Suite arasan | Hossa ]
Positions 51 - 60
White to move
FEN : 1n3rn1/3b4/rq1P1pkp/1p4p1/p1p1N1N1/2Q2B1P/1P3PP1/R3R1K1 w - -
Best Moves: Nexf6 Ngxf6
Position ID: "arasan4.51"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +0.33 0.00 2 1.g4h2
33/1 +0.54 0.00 110 1.g4e3
<1> +0.54 0.00 166 1.g4e3
2 +0.25 0.00 207 1.g4e3 Kh7
<2> +0.25 0.00 590 1.g4e3 Kh7
3 +0.37 0.00 951 1.g4e3 Kh7 2.e3d5
<3> +0.37 0.02 4111 1.g4e3 Kh7 2.e3d5
4 +0.34 0.02 6699 1.g4e3 b6a5 2.c3c2 Kg7
<4> +0.34 0.03 13721 1.g4e3 b6a5 2.c3c2 Kg7
5 +0.37 0.07 25015 1.g4e3 d7c6 2.g4 b6a5 3.c3xa5 a6xa5
<5> +0.37 0.10 40992 1.g4e3 d7c6 2.g4 b6a5 3.c3xa5 a6xa5
13/6 +0.01 0.28 161193 1.c3c2 f5 2.g4e5 Kh7 3.e5xd7 b8xd7
4.e4c3 b6c5
20/6 +0.14 0.46 258875 1.e1d1 b6a5 2.c3xa5 a6xa5 3.e4c5 f8e8
<6> +0.14 0.60 335257 1.e1d1 b6a5 2.c3xa5 a6xa5 3.e4c5 f8e8
7 +0.07 0.85 466917 1.e1d1 b6d8 2.g4e3 d7c6 3.c3d4 Kh7
4.e4c5 c6xf3 5.c5xa6 f3xd1 6.a6xb8 d8xb8
<7> +0.07 1.28 773703 1.e1d1 b6d8 2.g4e3 d7c6 3.c3d4 Kh7
4.e4c5 c6xf3 5.c5xa6 f3xd1 6.a6xb8 d8xb8
8 +0.28 2.02 1189866 1.e1d1 b6d8 2.e4g3 Kh7 3.g4e3 d8c8
4.g3h5 d7xh3 5.g2xh3 c8xh3
! 6/8 +0.49 2.78 1745552 1.a1d1
! 8 +0.38 3.47 2172189 1.a1d1 f5 2.g4e5 Kh7 3.f3h5 b4
4.c3f3 Kg7 5.e4g3 b6c5
<8> +0.38 3.78 2437678 1.a1d1 f5 2.g4e5 Kh7 3.f3h5 b4
4.c3f3 Kg7 5.e4g3 b6c5
9 +0.59 4.85 3163740 1.a1d1 f5 2.g4e5 Kh7 3.f3h5 b4
4.c3xc4 f5xe4 5.c4xe4 Kg7 6.e4g6 Kh8
7.e5f7 f8xf7 8.g6xf7 b6d8
<9> +0.59 5.75 4021276 1.a1d1 f5 2.g4e5 Kh7 3.f3h5 b4
4.c3xc4 f5xe4 5.c4xe4 Kg7 6.e4g6 Kh8
7.e5f7 f8xf7 8.g6xf7 b6d8
10 +0.57 8.11 5555278 1.a1d1 b6a5 2.e4c5 a5xc3 3.b2xc3 a6a5
4.f3d5 h5 5.g4e3 f5 6.d1d2
!6/10 +1.01 12.13 8748279 1.e4xf6
! 10 +1.76 15.03 10772598 1.e4xf6
! 10 +2.67 18.49 13279308 1.e4xf6 g8xf6 2.g4xf6 f8xf6 3.f3h5 Kxh5
4.c3xf6 b6xd6 5.f6f7 d6g6 6.f7f3 g4
7.e1e5 g6g5 8.e5xg5 Kxg5 9.f3d5 Kh4
<10> +2.67 18.71 13489885 1.e4xf6 g8xf6 2.g4xf6 f8xf6 3.f3h5 Kxh5
4.c3xf6 b6xd6 5.f6f7 d6g6 6.f7f3 g4
7.e1e5 g6g5 8.e5xg5 Kxg5 9.f3d5 Kh4
11 +2.92 24.16 17268429 1.e4xf6 f8xf6 2.e1e7 b6xd6 3.g4e5 d6xe5
4.e7xe5 Kg7 5.f3g4 d7c6 6.a1d1 a6a7
7.g4f5 a7e7
<11> +2.92 24.78 17932335 1.e4xf6 f8xf6 2.e1e7 b6xd6 3.g4e5 d6xe5
4.e7xe5 Kg7 5.f3g4 d7c6 6.a1d1 a6a7
7.g4f5 a7e7
12 +3.06 34.50 25192256 1.e4xf6 f8xf6 2.e1e7 b6xd6 3.g4e5 d6xe5
4.e7xe5 Kg7 5.f3g4 a6b6 6.a1d1 d7xg4
7.h3xg4 b6b7 8.d1d2 b7d7 9.e5xb5 d7xd2
<12> +3.06 37.78 28552726 1.e4xf6 f8xf6 2.e1e7 b6xd6 3.g4e5 d6xe5
4.e7xe5 Kg7 5.f3g4 a6b6 6.a1d1 d7xg4
7.h3xg4 b6b7 8.d1d2 b7d7 9.e5xb5 d7xd2
13 +3.04 53.78 41403834 1.e4xf6 f8xf6 2.e1e7 b6xd6 3.g4e5 d6xe5
4.e7xe5 Kg7 5.f3g4 a6b6 6.a1d1 d7xg4
7.h3xg4 b6b7 8.d1d2 b8c6 9.e5e1
<13> +3.04 1:00 47889483 1.e4xf6 f8xf6 2.e1e7 b6xd6 3.g4e5 d6xe5
4.e7xe5 Kg7 5.f3g4 a6b6 6.a1d1 d7xg4
7.h3xg4 b6b7 8.d1d2 b8c6 9.e5e1
Computed move : e4xf6
NPS: 798158
solution found [42/51], time: 12.13, points: 16, nodes: 8748279!
White to move
FEN : r1bq1rk1/ppp1bpp1/2np3p/3N3n/2P1PB2/3BQN2/PP3PPP/R3K2R w KQ -
Best Move : Bxh6
Position ID: "arasan4.52"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +0.12 0.00 146 1.d5xe7 c6xe7 2.O-O h5xf4 3.e3xf4
<1> +0.12 0.00 428 1.d5xe7 c6xe7 2.O-O h5xf4 3.e3xf4
2 +0.12 0.00 675 1.d5xe7 c6xe7 2.O-O h5xf4
<2> +0.12 0.02 975 1.d5xe7 c6xe7 2.O-O h5xf4
! 3 +0.54 0.02 5025 1.d5xe7
! 3 -0.15 0.04 11173 1.d5xe7 d8xe7 2.f4g3 h5xg3 3.h2xg3
! 4/3 -0.06 0.04 11794 1.e3e2 h5xf4 2.d5xf4
! 5/3 +0.12 0.04 12256 1.O-O h5xf4 2.d5xe7 c6xe7 3.e3xf4
!38/3 +0.50 0.05 13991 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6
<3> +0.50 0.05 14491 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6
! 4 +0.92 0.05 15429 1.f4xh6
! 4 +0.92 0.05 15800 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 c6xe7 3.e3xh6
<4> +0.92 0.07 19678 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 c6xe7 3.e3xh6
5 +0.79 0.07 23216 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 d8xe7 3.e3xh6 c8g4
<5> +0.79 0.10 35354 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 d8xe7 3.e3xh6 c8g4
? 6 +0.26 0.19 94222 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 d8xe7 3.e3xh6 c8g4
4.f3d2 c6d4
<6> +0.26 0.25 139849 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 d8xe7 3.e3xh6 c8g4
4.f3d2 c6d4
7 +0.04 0.32 185744 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 d8xe7 3.e3xh6 c8g4
4.e5 f5 5.h6g6 h5g7
<7> +0.04 0.47 299901 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.d5xe7 d8xe7 3.e3xh6 c8g4
4.e5 f5 5.h6g6 h5g7
! 8 +0.46 0.58 377276 1.f4xh6
! 8 +0.98 0.75 508112 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 c8g4 3.e5 f5
4.e6 g4xf3 5.g2xf3
<8> +0.98 0.82 569646 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 c8g4 3.e5 f5
4.e6 g4xf3 5.g2xf3
9 +0.82 1.08 774751 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 h5g7 3.d5xe7 d8xe7
4.f3g5 c8f5 5.O-O f6 6.e4xf5 f6xg5
<9> +0.82 1.19 879424 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 h5g7 3.d5xe7 d8xe7
4.f3g5 c8f5 5.O-O f6 6.e4xf5 f6xg5
10 +0.72 2.27 1775243 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 h5g7 3.d5xe7 d8xe7
4.f3g5 c8f5 5.O-O f6 6.e4xf5 f6xg5
7.a1e1 e7f6
<10> +0.72 2.75 2225893 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 h5g7 3.d5xe7 d8xe7
4.f3g5 c8f5 5.O-O f6 6.e4xf5 f6xg5
7.a1e1 e7f6
11 +0.85 4.86 3892392 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 h5g7 3.O-O f6
4.e5 f5 5.d5xe7 d8xe7 6.f3g5 g7e6
7.g5xe6 c8xe6
<11> +0.85 5.60 4513330 1.f4xh6 g7xh6 2.e3xh6 h5g7 3.O-O f6
4.e5 f5 5.d5xe7 d8xe7 6.f3g5 g7e6
7.g5xe6 c8xe6
12 +0.91 16.60 12579390 1.f4xh6 c8g4 2.h6g5 e7xg5 3.f3xg5 c6e5
4.h3 e5xd3 5.e3xd3 g4e6 6.h4 e6xd5
7.c4xd5 h5f4 8.d3g3
<12> +0.91 18.27 13970791 1.f4xh6 c8g4 2.h6g5 e7xg5 3.f3xg5 c6e5
4.h3 e5xd3 5.e3xd3 g4e6 6.h4 e6xd5
7.c4xd5 h5f4 8.d3g3
13 +0.74 32.94 25634971 1.f4xh6 c8g4 2.h6g5 e7xg5 3.f3xg5 c6e5
4.h3 h5f4 5.d5xf4 d8xg5 6.h3xg4 g5xf4
7.e3h3 e5xd3 8.h3xd3 f4xg4 9.g3
<13> +0.74 39.65 31184236 1.f4xh6 c8g4 2.h6g5 e7xg5 3.f3xg5 c6e5
4.h3 h5f4 5.d5xf4 d8xg5 6.h3xg4 g5xf4
7.e3h3 e5xd3 8.h3xd3 f4xg4 9.g3
<14> +0.74 1:00 48296232 1.f4xh6 c8g4 2.h6g5 e7xg5 3.f3xg5 c6e5
4.h3 h5f4 5.d5xf4 d8xg5 6.Kd2 g4d7
7.f4d5 g5d8 8.Kc2
Computed move : f4xh6
NPS: 804937
solution found [43/52], time: 0.05, points: 25, nodes: 14491!
White to move
FEN : 2r3k1/5pp1/1p5p/p1n1P3/2B2P2/P3Q3/1PP4q/1K4R1 w - -
Best Move : Qd4
Position ID: "arasan4.53"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +0.28 0.00 2 1.g1d1
6/1 +0.52 0.00 8 1.c3
7/1 +0.67 0.00 10 1.e3c1
<1> +0.67 0.00 140 1.e3c1
2 +0.54 0.00 188 1.e3c1 c5e4
<2> +0.54 0.02 689 1.e3c1 c5e4
3 +0.50 0.02 1032 1.e3c1 c5e6 2.c4a6
<3> +0.50 0.02 3863 1.e3c1 c5e6 2.c4a6
5/4 +0.25 0.03 8169 1.c3 c8d8 2.e6 f7xe6 3.c4xe6 Kh8
30/4 +0.31 0.05 13626 1.g1d1 c5e6 2.e3b3 e6xf4 3.c4xf7 Kh8
<4> +0.31 0.05 17300 1.g1d1 c5e6 2.e3b3 e6xf4 3.c4xf7 Kh8
5 +0.04 0.06 21572 1.g1d1 c5e6 2.e3b3 a4 3.b3a2
2/5 +0.29 0.08 28077 1.c3 c5e4 2.c4b5 h2f2 3.e3c1
<5> +0.29 0.11 46858 1.c3 c5e4 2.c4b5 h2f2 3.e3c1
6 +0.30 0.14 62467 1.c3 c5e4 2.c4a6 e4d2 3.Ka1 c8c6
<6> +0.30 0.22 111584 1.c3 c5e4 2.c4a6 e4d2 3.Ka1 c8c6
7 +0.32 0.35 175141 1.c3 c5e4 2.c4a6 e4d2 3.Ka2 c8c5
4.a6b7 a4 5.e3d4
<7> +0.32 0.55 298751 1.c3 c5e4 2.c4a6 e4d2 3.Ka2 c8c5
4.a6b7 a4 5.e3d4
! 2/8 +0.74 1.64 964716 1.e3d4
! 8 +0.93 1.97 1162678 1.e3d4 c5e6 2.c4xe6 f7xe6 3.g1xg7 Kh8
4.c3 c8xc3 5.b2xc3 Kxg7 6.d4xb6
<8> +0.93 2.08 1233175 1.e3d4 c5e6 2.c4xe6 f7xe6 3.g1xg7 Kh8
4.c3 c8xc3 5.b2xc3 Kxg7 6.d4xb6
! 9 +1.35 2.99 1747695 1.e3d4
! 9 +1.36 4.10 2366878 1.e3d4 Kh8 2.c4xf7 c5e4 3.e6 h2xc2
4.Ka2 e4f6 5.e7 c2c7 6.d4e3 f6e8
<9> +1.36 4.24 2480919 1.e3d4 Kh8 2.c4xf7 c5e4 3.e6 h2xc2
4.Ka2 e4f6 5.e7 c2c7 6.d4e3 f6e8
10 +1.53 7.77 4597959 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.e6 Kf6
<10> +1.53 8.42 5048754 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.e6 Kf6
11 +1.56 12.72 7804124 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.Kb1 b5 9.e6 Kf6
<11> +1.56 13.55 8395488 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.Kb1 b5 9.e6 Kf6
12 +1.68 24.91 15416924 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.Kb1 Kf8 9.Kc1 Ke7
<12> +1.68 26.31 16497146 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.Kb1 Kf8 9.Kc1 Ke7
13 +1.56 45.06 28454655 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.Kb1 h5 9.b4 a5xb4
10.a3xb4 c5a6
<13> +1.56 59.92 37184437 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.Kb1 h5 9.b4 a5xb4
10.a3xb4 c5a6
<14> +1.56 1:00 37223109 1.e3d4 c8c7 2.d4d8 Kh7 3.d8xc7 h2xg1
4.Ka2 g1g6 5.c7xf7 g6xf7 6.c4xf7 g6
7.f7d5 Kg7 8.b3 b5 9.Kb1 h5
10.Kb2 h4 11.e6
Computed move : e3d4
NPS: 620178
solution found [44/53], time: 1.64, points: 25, nodes: 964716!
Black to move
FEN : 1q4k1/5p1p/5npR/1p1rp3/6P1/2P2N1P/1P3P2/2Q3K1 b - -
Best Move : Qd8
Position ID: "arasan4.54"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +0.51 0.00 2 1... f6e4
<1> +0.51 0.00 59 1... f6e4
2 +0.45 0.00 99 1... f6e4 2.g5
<2> +0.45 0.00 297 1... f6e4 2.g5
3 +0.47 0.00 671 1... f6e4 2.c1c2 e4c5
5/3 +0.54 0.00 1295 1... b8f8 2.b4 f6e4
<3> +0.54 0.00 1527 1... b8f8 2.b4 f6e4
4 +0.48 0.02 2317 1... b8f8 2.b4 f6e4 3.g5
17/4 +0.52 0.02 5967 1... b8d8 2.c1e3 d5d1 3.Kh2 d1d3
24/4 +0.71 0.03 7895 1... b8d6 2.Kg2 d5d1 3.c1c2
<4> +0.71 0.03 8103 1... b8d6 2.Kg2 d5d1 3.c1c2
5 +0.68 0.03 12470 1... b8d6 2.c1c2 d5d1 3.Kg2 d6d5
<5> +0.68 0.05 17125 1... b8d6 2.c1c2 d5d1 3.Kg2 d6d5
6 +0.55 0.08 31023 1... b8d6 2.Kg2 d6e7 3.Kg1 f6e4
12/6 +0.59 0.13 63188 1... b8f8 2.b4 f6e4 3.c4 b5xc4
<6> +0.59 0.14 69873 1... b8f8 2.b4 f6e4 3.c4 b5xc4
7 +0.66 0.25 129789 1... b8f8 2.b3 f8d6 3.c1c2 d5d1
4.Kg2 d6d5 5.g5
<7> +0.66 0.30 160942 1... b8f8 2.b3 f8d6 3.c1c2 d5d1
4.Kg2 d6d5 5.g5
8 +0.74 0.49 273071 1... b8f8 2.c1e3 d5d1 3.Kh2 f6d7
4.e3e2 f8d6 5.Kg2 d6d5
<8> +0.74 0.58 328857 1... b8f8 2.c1e3 d5d1 3.Kh2 f6d7
4.e3e2 f8d6 5.Kg2 d6d5
9 +0.71 1.27 765425 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f6d7 3.c1e3 f6
4.e3e4 d5d6 5.e4e3 d6d1
<9> +0.71 1.63 983969 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f6d7 3.c1e3 f6
4.e3e4 d5d6 5.e4e3 d6d1
10 +0.91 4.41 2745581 1... b8f8 2.Kf1 f6e4 3.c1e3 d5d1
4.Kg2 f6 5.e3xe4 f8xh6 6.e4c6 e4
7.c6e6 Kg7 8.e6xe4
<10> +0.91 4.69 2941376 1... b8f8 2.Kf1 f6e4 3.c1e3 d5d1
4.Kg2 f6 5.e3xe4 f8xh6 6.e4c6 e4
7.c6e6 Kg7 8.e6xe4
11 +1.06 9.19 5829706 1... b8f8 2.Kf1 f8c5 3.Kg2 f6e4
4.c1e1 Kg7 5.h6xh7 Kxh7 6.e1xe4 Kg7
7.b4 c5d6
<11> +1.06 12.27 8023171 1... b8f8 2.Kf1 f8c5 3.Kg2 f6e4
4.c1e1 Kg7 5.h6xh7 Kxh7 6.e1xe4 Kg7
7.b4 c5d6
12 +1.10 24.00 15854871 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f8g7 3.c1e3 e4
4.f3d4 g5 5.h6xf6 g7xf6 6.e3xe4 f6d8
7.f4 h6
<12> +1.10 27.80 18559449 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f8g7 3.c1e3 e4
4.f3d4 g5 5.h6xf6 g7xf6 6.e3xe4 f6d8
7.f4 h6
13 +1.18 44.24 29378761 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f8d6 3.c1e3 Kg7
4.g5 f6h5 5.Kg1 f6 6.e3a7 d6d7
7.a7xd7 d5xd7 8.Kf1 f6xg5 9.f3xe5
<13> +1.18 51.42 34569449 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f8d6 3.c1e3 Kg7
4.g5 f6h5 5.Kg1 f6 6.e3a7 d6d7
7.a7xd7 d5xd7 8.Kf1 f6xg5 9.f3xe5
<14> +1.18 1:00 40320939 1... b8f8 2.Kg2 f8d6 3.c1e3 Kg7
4.g5 f6h5 5.b3 d6c6 6.Kh2 f6
7.c4 b5xc4 8.b3xc4 d5a5 9.h6xh5
Computed move : b8f8
NPS: 672015
no solution found [:-( [44/54]!
Black to move
FEN : 2r1r1k1/1p3pb1/q2Pb1p1/p7/P5PP/1PNR4/2Q3BP/2BR1K2 b - -
Best Move : Bxg4
Position ID: "arasan4.55"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -3.70 0.00 2 1... e6xg4
3/1 -1.87 0.00 5 1... g7xc3
<1> -1.87 0.00 77 1... g7xc3
2 -2.03 0.00 191 1... g7xc3 2.d7
<2> -2.03 0.00 592 1... g7xc3 2.d7
! 3 -1.61 0.00 821 1... g7xc3
! 3 -1.58 0.00 1130 1... g7xc3 2.g2xb7 a6xb7
! 4/3 -1.01 0.02 1923 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3
<3> -1.01 0.02 2156 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3
4 -1.30 0.02 4181 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 b3xd3
<4> -1.30 0.03 6559 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 b3xd3
5 -1.13 0.03 10535 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 a6c4
4.h5xg6 f7xg6
<5> -1.13 0.06 20623 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 a6c4
4.h5xg6 f7xg6
6 -0.92 0.10 33125 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 e6d7
4.c1e3 b3xd3 5.d1xd3 d7xa4 6.h5xg6 f7xg6
5/6 -0.84 0.16 66368 1... g7xc3 2.c2e2 e6f5 3.c1e3 f5xd3
<6> -0.84 0.19 80636 1... g7xc3 2.c2e2 e6f5 3.c1e3 f5xd3
7 -0.84 0.28 135365 1... g7xc3 2.c2e2 e6f5 3.c1e3 f5xd3
4.d1xd3 c3b4 5.d7
2/7 -0.57 0.38 178655 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 e6d7
4.e2c2 b3xd3 5.d1xd3 d7xg4 6.h5xg6 f7xg6
<7> -0.57 0.44 222539 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.h5 e6d7
4.e2c2 b3xd3 5.d1xd3 d7xg4 6.h5xg6 f7xg6
8 -0.22 0.67 349354 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 e6d7 3.g2e4 c3xb3
4.e2f3 b3xd3 5.d1xd3 a6c4
<8> -0.22 0.72 385071 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 e6d7 3.g2e4 c3xb3
4.e2f3 b3xd3 5.d1xd3 a6c4
9 -0.28 1.46 756307 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.c1e3 g7c3 5.h5 b3b2
<9> -0.28 1.72 936081 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.c1e3 g7c3 5.h5 b3b2
10 -0.25 2.78 1547344 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.d3xb3 e8xe2 5.f3xe2 a6c6 6.h5 c6h1
7.Kf2 h1xh2 8.Ke3
<10> -0.25 3.58 2101582 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.d3xb3 e8xe2 5.f3xe2 a6c6 6.h5 c6h1
7.Kf2 h1xh2 8.Ke3
11 +0.03 5.96 3533573 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.d3xb3 e8xe2 5.f3xe2 a6c6 6.c1b2 d7xg4
7.b2xg7 g4xe2 8.Kxe2 Kxg7
<11> +0.03 9.14 5856225 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.d3xb3 e8xe2 5.f3xe2 a6c6 6.c1b2 d7xg4
7.b2xg7 g4xe2 8.Kxe2 Kxg7
12 +0.12 15.06 9412164 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.d3xb3 e8xe2 5.f3xe2 a6c6 6.c1b2 d7xg4
7.e2xg4 c6c4 8.b3d3 c4f4 9.d3f3 f4xg4
<12> +0.12 21.67 14363372 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.g2f3 e6d7
4.d3xb3 e8xe2 5.f3xe2 a6c6 6.c1b2 d7xg4
7.e2xg4 c6c4 8.b3d3 c4f4 9.d3f3 f4xg4
13 +0.01 42.75 26944017 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.Kg1 b3xd3
4.e2xd3 a6xd3 5.d1xd3 e6xg4 6.c1f4 g4f5
7.d3d5 b6 8.h5
<13> +0.01 1:00 38401606 1... c8xc3 2.c2e2 c3xb3 3.Kg1 b3xd3
4.e2xd3 a6xd3 5.d1xd3 e6xg4 6.c1f4 g4f5
7.d3d5 b6 8.h5
Computed move : c8xc3
NPS: 640026
no solution found [:-( [44/55]!
Black to move
FEN : 4r3/3R4/6pk/2p3b1/3pp1P1/P7/1P5P/4R2K b - -
Best Move : Bh4
Position ID: "arasan4.56"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -0.02 0.00 2 1... g5f4
7/1 +0.45 0.00 9 1... d3
<1> +0.45 0.01 23 1... d3
? 2/2 -0.26 0.01 254 1... g5d2 2.e1a1
<2> -0.26 0.01 377 1... g5d2 2.e1a1
3 +0.07 0.01 631 1... g5d2 2.e1e2 e3
<3> +0.07 0.01 820 1... g5d2 2.e1e2 e3
4 -0.32 0.01 1510 1... g5d2 2.e1e2 d2f4 3.Kg2
<4> -0.32 0.03 4602 1... g5d2 2.e1e2 d2f4 3.Kg2
5 -0.26 0.03 7700 1... g5d2 2.e1e2 d2g5 3.e2c2 g5e7
! 5/5 +0.10 0.04 11769 1... d3
! 5 -0.01 0.06 18279 1... d3 2.Kg2 g5h4 3.e1f1 h4e7
<5> -0.01 0.06 19416 1... d3 2.Kg2 g5h4 3.e1f1 h4e7
6 -0.01 0.11 37659 1... d3 2.Kg2 g5h4 3.e1c1 e8e7
<6> -0.01 0.14 49637 1... d3 2.Kg2 g5h4 3.e1c1 e8e7
7 +0.16 0.36 151447 1... d3 2.e1f1 e8e7 3.d7xe7 g5xe7
4.f1e1 d2 5.g5 Kxg5 6.e1d1
! 2/7 +0.41 0.47 206002 1... g5h4
! 7 +0.25 0.48 212530 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2d2 h4g5
4.d2d1 g5f4 5.Kg2
<7> +0.25 0.50 217307 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2d2 h4g5
4.d2d1 g5f4 5.Kg2
8 +0.36 0.86 391547 1... g5h4 2.g5 Kxg5 3.e1c1 e8e5
4.d7c7 d3 5.c1xc5 Kf5 6.Kg2
<8> +0.36 0.87 396128 1... g5h4 2.g5 Kxg5 3.e1c1 e8e5
4.d7c7 d3 5.c1xc5 Kf5 6.Kg2
9 +0.30 1.56 741623 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2e3 h4f6
4.b4 f6d4 5.e3h3 Kg5 6.d7d5 Kxg4
7.h3g3 Kf4 8.b4xc5
<9> +0.30 1.57 746551 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2e3 h4f6
4.b4 f6d4 5.e3h3 Kg5 6.d7d5 Kxg4
7.h3g3 Kf4 8.b4xc5
! 10 +0.72 2.45 1204116 1... g5h4
! 10 +0.62 2.59 1271661 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2e3 c4
4.Kg2 Kg5 5.d7c7 Kf4 6.e3h3 Kxg4
<10> +0.62 2.84 1392628 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2e3 c4
4.Kg2 Kg5 5.d7c7 Kf4 6.e3h3 Kxg4
11 +0.45 4.48 2260575 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2e3 h4f6
4.b4 e8e7 5.d7d5 f6d4 6.e3e1 d4c3
7.e1b1 c4
<11> +0.45 8.57 4251261 1... g5h4 2.e1e2 d3 3.e2e3 h4f6
4.b4 e8e7 5.d7d5 f6d4 6.e3e1 d4c3
7.e1b1 c4
! 12 +0.87 13.93 6988510 1... g5h4
! 12 +1.11 27.07 13579249 1... g5h4 2.g5 h4xg5 3.Kg2 d3
4.e1f1 c4 5.f1f7 g5c1 6.h4 e8h8
7.d7d4 c1xb2 8.d4xe4
<12> +1.11 27.75 13909374 1... g5h4 2.g5 h4xg5 3.Kg2 d3
4.e1f1 c4 5.f1f7 g5c1 6.h4 e8h8
7.d7d4 c1xb2 8.d4xe4
13 +1.37 52.47 26542447 1... g5h4 2.g5 h4xg5 3.Kg2 d3
4.e1f1 c4 5.h4 g5d8 6.f1f7 d8xh4
7.f7h7 Kg5 8.d7d4 h4e1 9.h7d7 e3
<13> +1.37 53.12 26890935 1... g5h4 2.g5 h4xg5 3.Kg2 d3
4.e1f1 c4 5.h4 g5d8 6.f1f7 d8xh4
7.f7h7 Kg5 8.d7d4 h4e1 9.h7d7 e3
<14> +1.37 1:00 30209413 1... g5h4 2.g5 h4xg5 3.Kg2 d3
4.e1f1 c4 5.h4 g5d8 6.f1f7 d8xh4
7.f7h7 Kg5 8.d7d4 h4e1 9.Kf1 d2
10.Ke2 e3 11.d4xc4
Computed move : g5h4
NPS: 503490
solution found [45/56], time: 0.47, points: 25, nodes: 206002!
White to move
FEN : r2r2k1/pbpq1ppp/1pn1pn2/8/P2PP3/B1R2NP1/P1Q2PBP/3R2K1 w - -
Best Move : d5
Position ID: "arasan4.57"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -1.10 0.00 13 1.f3g5 c6xd4
2/1 -0.26 0.00 15 1.g2f1
<1> -0.26 0.00 71 1.g2f1
2 -0.34 0.00 121 1.g2f1 f6g4
3/2 -0.25 0.01 230 1.g2h3 a8b8
<2> -0.25 0.01 430 1.g2h3 a8b8
3 -0.22 0.01 778 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c2e2
<3> -0.22 0.01 1693 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c2e2
4 -0.13 0.01 2998 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c2e2 a8b8
<4> -0.13 0.03 5421 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c2e2 a8b8
5 -0.23 0.03 8276 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c2d3 a8b8 3.d3e2
3/5 -0.22 0.04 14674 1.e5 f6d5 2.f3g5 f5 3.c3d3
! 6/5 +0.29 0.06 18900 1.f3e5
! 5 +0.37 0.06 21227 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
<5> +0.37 0.07 24209 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
6 +0.37 0.09 31992 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
<6> +0.37 0.14 56799 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
7 +0.23 0.17 70808 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
4.d7xb7 e5g4 5.d1f1 c2xa2
<7> +0.23 0.29 134204 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
4.d7xb7 e5g4 5.d1f1 c2xa2
8 +0.10 0.34 168620 1.f3e5 c6xe5 2.c3xc7 d8c8 3.c7xd7 c8xc2
4.d7xb7 e5c4 5.a3b4 c2xa2
2/8 +0.18 0.67 331366 1.a5 a8c8 2.a5xb6 c7xb6 3.c2e2 d7e8
4.c3c2 f6g4
<8> +0.18 0.87 448412 1.a5 a8c8 2.a5xb6 c7xb6 3.c2e2 d7e8
4.c3c2 f6g4
9 +0.18 1.36 722017 1.a5 a8c8 2.a5xb6 c7xb6 3.c2e2 d7e8
4.c3c2 a5 5.d5 e6xd5
<9> +0.18 1.54 840780 1.a5 a8c8 2.a5xb6 c7xb6 3.c2e2 d7e8
4.c3c2 a5 5.d5 e6xd5
10 +0.10 3.36 1826369 1.a5 b6xa5 2.e5 f6d5 3.f3g5 f5
4.e5xf6 g7xf6 5.g2xd5 e6xd5 6.c3b3 f6xg5
7/10 +0.18 5.84 3257164 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 a5b7 6.d5xe6 f7xe6
<10> +0.18 6.15 3456710 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 a5b7 6.d5xe6 f7xe6
11 +0.24 8.89 5013252 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 f6d7 6.d5xe6 f7xe6
<11> +0.24 10.73 6194219 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 f6d7 6.d5xe6 f7xe6
12 +0.13 17.75 10657500 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 f6d7 6.d5xe6 f7xe6
7.h3g4 a8c8 8.e3f3
<12> +0.13 26.20 16141749 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 f6d7 6.d5xe6 f7xe6
7.h3g4 a8c8 8.e3f3
13 +0.23 37.20 22729555 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 f6d7 6.c2c3 d7f6
7.d5xe6 f7xe6 8.c3e5 a6c4
<13> +0.23 48.40 30216497 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5 3.d5 b7a6
4.f3d2 c5 5.a3b2 f6d7 6.c2c3 d7f6
7.d5xe6 f7xe6 8.c3e5 a6c4
<14> +0.23 1:00 37141945 1.g2h3 d7e8 2.c3e3 c6a5
Computed move : g2h3
NPS: 619032
no solution found [:-( [45/57]!
Black to move
FEN : 8/r4p2/4qp2/kp6/3b4/1P2pQ2/2R4P/1R5K b - -
Best Move : Kb4
Position ID: "arasan4.58"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +0.38 0.00 2 1... a7d7
<1> +0.38 0.00 39 1... a7d7
4/2 -0.03 0.00 204 1... e6d6 2.c2c6
18/2 +0.05 0.00 469 1... f5 2.c2c6
<2> +0.05 0.02 537 1... f5 2.c2c6
3 -0.36 0.02 992 1... f5 2.b4 Kb6 3.b1g1
4/3 +0.32 0.02 1903 1... Kb6 2.f3e2 e6h3
<3> +0.32 0.02 2424 1... Kb6 2.f3e2 e6h3
? 4 -0.20 0.03 10609 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 e6xb3 3.f3c6 Ka5
<4> -0.20 0.05 13358 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 e6xb3 3.f3c6 Ka5
5 +0.04 0.06 20696 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 e6xb3 3.f3c6 Ka5
4.c6d6 d4e5 5.d6c6
<5> +0.04 0.08 30639 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 e6xb3 3.f3c6 Ka5
4.c6d6 d4e5 5.d6c6
6 -0.11 0.13 57965 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 e6xb3 3.f3e4 d4e5
4.e4c6 Ka5
<6> -0.11 0.17 84503 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 e6xb3 3.f3e4 d4e5
4.e4c6 Ka5
7 +0.00 0.28 148294 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 Ka5 3.c2a2 Kb6
4.a2c2 Ka5 5.c2a2 Kb6 6.a2c2 Ka5
<7> +0.00 0.34 184237 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 Ka5 3.c2a2 Kb6
4.a2c2 Ka5 5.c2a2 Kb6 6.a2c2 Ka5
7.c2a2 Kb6 8.a2c2 Ka5 9.c2a2
8 -0.23 0.49 272195 1... Kb6 2.b1c1 Ka5 3.c2e2 e6xb3
4.f3e4 b3a3 5.e4c6 a7e7
2/8 +0.31 1.02 573127 1... f5 2.b1d1 e6xb3 3.c2c1 d4b2
4.c1b1 Kb6 5.f3xf5 a7a2
! 8/8 +0.42 1.30 748555 1... Kb4
! 8 +0.70 1.50 877040 1... Kb4 2.c2e2 a7e7 3.f3f1 e6e4
4.Kg1 e4g4 5.Kh1 d4c3 6.b1c1 Kxb3
<8> +0.70 1.50 884417 1... Kb4 2.c2e2 a7e7 3.f3f1 e6e4
4.Kg1 e4g4 5.Kh1 d4c3 6.b1c1 Kxb3
9 +0.57 1.89 1113505 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 a7a1 3.b1xa1 d4xa1
4.g2g4 Kxb3 5.g4e4 e6d7 6.e4xe3 Kc4
<9> +0.57 2.31 1404626 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 a7a1 3.b1xa1 d4xa1
4.g2g4 Kxb3 5.g4e4 e6d7 6.e4xe3 Kc4
10 +0.53 3.49 2120279 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 a7a1 3.b1xa1 d4xa1
4.g2g4 Kxb3 5.g4e4 e6d6 6.e4xe3 Kb4
7.f3a8 d6d2
<10> +0.53 5.11 3161098 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 a7a1 3.b1xa1 d4xa1
4.g2g4 Kxb3 5.g4e4 e6d6 6.e4xe3 Kb4
7.f3a8 d6d2
! 11 +0.95 8.08 5031687 1... Kb4
! 11 +1.14 11.31 7047773 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 f5 3.f3f1 e6e4
4.b1d1 f4 5.h3 d4c3 6.Kg1 f3
<11> +1.14 15.30 9551073 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 f5 3.f3f1 e6e4
4.b1d1 f4 5.h3 d4c3 6.Kg1 f3
12 +1.43 23.58 14717808 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 f5 3.g2e2 e6e4
4.f3xe4 f5xe4 5.b1d1 Kc3 6.h4 f5
7.d1f1 a7f7 8.f1d1
<12> +1.43 38.11 23787456 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 f5 3.g2e2 e6e4
4.f3xe4 f5xe4 5.b1d1 Kc3 6.h4 f5
7.d1f1 a7f7 8.f1d1
<13> +1.43 1:00 37186966 1... Kb4 2.c2g2 f5 3.g2e2 e6e4
4.f3xe4 f5xe4 5.Kg2 f5 6.b1f1 a7g7
7.Kh3 g7g5 8.Kh4 d4f6 9.f1c1
Computed move : Kb4
NPS: 619576
solution found [46/58], time: 1.30, points: 25, nodes: 748555!
White to move
FEN : 1b6/4kPp1/Pp6/2p2K1B/2P5/3p4/8/8 w - -
Best Move : Ke4
Position ID: "arasan4.59"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -1.36 0.00 5 1.a7 b8xa7
2/1 -1.27 0.00 41 1.f7f8Q Kxf8 2.Ke6
3/1 +0.16 0.00 43 1.h5g6
<1> +0.16 0.00 57 1.h5g6
7/2 -0.13 0.00 224 1.Ke4 d2
<2> -0.13 0.00 263 1.Ke4 d2
3 -0.24 0.02 729 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6
<3> -0.24 0.02 1064 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6
! 4 +0.18 0.02 1617 1.Ke4
! 4 +0.21 0.02 2271 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5d1 Kxf7
<4> +0.21 0.02 2822 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5d1 Kxf7
5 +0.02 0.03 5394 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5g4 b8a7
4.f7f8Q Kxf8 5.Kxd2
<5> +0.02 0.03 7642 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5g4 b8a7
4.f7f8Q Kxf8 5.Kxd2
6 +0.01 0.05 14196 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5f3 Kxf7
4.f3d5 Kf6 5.Kxd2
<6> +0.01 0.06 18202 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5f3 Kxf7
4.f3d5 Kf6 5.Kxd2
7 +0.01 0.08 25671 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5f3 Kxf7
4.Kxd2 b8f4 5.Kd3 Ke6
<7> +0.01 0.09 32359 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.h5f3 Kxf7
4.Kxd2 b8f4 5.Kd3 Ke6
8 -0.02 0.14 61847 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.f7f8Q Kxf8
4.h5g4 Kf7 5.Kxd2 b8f4 6.Kd3 Kf6
<8> -0.02 0.19 90409 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.f7f8Q Kxf8
4.h5g4 Kf7 5.Kxd2 b8f4 6.Kd3 Kf6
9 -0.15 0.24 117892 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.f7f8Q Kxf8
4.h5f3 b8a7 5.Kxd2 Kf7
<9> -0.15 0.34 191038 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 g6 3.f7f8Q Kxf8
4.h5f3 b8a7 5.Kxd2 Kf7
10 -0.03 0.50 290496 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 d2d1Q 3.h5xd1 Kxf7
4.Ke4 b8a7 5.Kd5 Kf6 6.Kd6 g6
<10> -0.03 0.75 442524 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 d2d1Q 3.h5xd1 Kxf7
4.Ke4 b8a7 5.Kd5 Kf6 6.Kd6 g6
11 -0.02 1.05 631345 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 d2d1Q 3.h5xd1 Kxf7
4.Ke4 Ke6 5.d1h5 b8a7 6.h5g4 Kd6
7.g4f5 g5 8.f5g4
<11> -0.02 2.24 1414037 1.Ke4 d2 2.Ke3 d2d1Q 3.h5xd1 Kxf7
4.Ke4 Ke6 5.d1h5 b8a7 6.h5g4 Kd6
7.g4f5 g5 8.f5g4
! 12 +0.40 2.91 1851989 1.Ke4
! 12 +0.93 4.05 2587327 1.Ke4 g6 2.h5xg6 d2 3.g6h5 b8a7
4.Kd3 d2d1Q 5.h5xd1 Kxf7 6.d1f3 Ke6
7.f3d5 Kd7 8.Kd2 b5 9.c4xb5 Kd6
<12> +0.93 5.91 3806326 1.Ke4 g6 2.h5xg6 d2 3.g6h5 b8a7
4.Kd3 d2d1Q 5.h5xd1 Kxf7 6.d1f3 Ke6
7.f3d5 Kd7 8.Kd2 b5 9.c4xb5 Kd6
13 +1.26 8.91 5733418 1.Ke4 b8a7 2.Kxd3 g5 3.Ke4 b5
4.c4xb5 c4 5.h5g6 g4 6.Kf4 Kf8
7.Kxg4 c3 8.b6 a7xb6 9.Kf4
<13> +1.26 13.25 8628571 1.Ke4 b8a7 2.Kxd3 g5 3.Ke4 b5
4.c4xb5 c4 5.h5g6 g4 6.Kf4 Kf8
7.Kxg4 c3 8.b6 a7xb6 9.Kf4
14 +1.13 16.53 10799846 1.Ke4 b8a7 2.Kxd3 g5 3.Ke4 b5
4.c4xb5 c4 5.h5g6 g4 6.Kf4 Kf8
7.Kxg4 c3 8.Kg3 a7b6 9.Kf4 b6a7
<14> +1.13 34.45 22589018 1.Ke4 b8a7 2.Kxd3 g5 3.Ke4 b5
4.c4xb5 c4 5.h5g6 g4 6.Kf4 Kf8
7.Kxg4 c3 8.Kg3 a7b6 9.Kf4 b6a7
15 +1.05 46.33 30289742 1.Ke4 b8a7 2.Kxd3 g5 3.Ke4 b5
4.c4xb5 c4 5.h5g6 Kf8 6.Kf3 c3
7.Ke2 g4 8.Kd3 c2 9.Kxc2 g3
<15> +1.05 1:00 39237722 1.Ke4 b8a7 2.Kxd3 g5 3.Ke4 b5
4.c4xb5 c4 5.h5g6 Kf8 6.Kf3 c3
7.Ke2 g4 8.Kd3 c2 9.Kxc2 g3
Computed move : Ke4
NPS: 653744
solution found [47/59], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 263!
White to move
FEN : 4r1k1/pppb3p/1n4p1/3P4/1bP2p2/qN3PPP/P1Q3B1/2R3KR w - -
Best Move : g4
Position ID: "arasan4.60"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -1.19 0.00 3 1.c1b1 f4xg3
7/1 -0.15 0.00 23 1.Kh2 f4xg3 2.Kxg3
14/1 +0.09 0.00 48 1.g3xf4
19/1 +0.28 0.00 56 1.g4
<1> +0.28 0.00 99 1.g4
2 +0.18 0.00 170 1.g4 b4e1
! 2/2 +0.70 0.00 293 1.g3xf4
! 2 +0.67 0.00 352 1.g3xf4 c5
<2> +0.67 0.00 561 1.g3xf4 c5
3 +0.79 0.02 1166 1.g3xf4 b4c5 2.b3xc5 a3xc5 3.Kh2
<3> +0.79 0.02 2090 1.g3xf4 b4c5 2.b3xc5 a3xc5 3.Kh2
4 +0.77 0.02 3904 1.g3xf4 b4c5 2.b3xc5 a3xc5 3.Kh2 d7f5
<4> +0.77 0.02 5482 1.g3xf4 b4c5 2.b3xc5 a3xc5 3.Kh2 d7f5
5 +0.83 0.03 11853 1.g3xf4 b4c5 2.b3xc5 a3xc5 3.c2f2 c5a3
4.Kh2 a3e7
<5> +0.83 0.05 15680 1.g3xf4 b4c5 2.b3xc5 a3xc5 3.c2f2 c5a3
4.Kh2 a3e7
? 6 +0.22 0.11 57745 1.g3xf4 e8f8 2.Kh2 f8xf4 3.c2e2 b4e7
<6> +0.22 0.13 67142 1.g3xf4 e8f8 2.Kh2 f8xf4 3.c2e2 b4e7
7 +0.07 0.20 120049 1.g3xf4 e8f8 2.c2e2 f8xf4 3.Kf2 f4f8
2/7 +0.12 0.30 195713 1.g4 b4e1 2.c1b1 a3b4 3.b3d4 b4c5
<7> +0.12 0.34 225943 1.g4 b4e1 2.c1b1 a3b4 3.b3d4 b4c5
8 +0.02 0.58 386397 1.g4 b4e1 2.c1b1 a3e7 3.g2f1 e7h4
4.b3c5 d7c8
2/8 +0.11 0.81 569911 1.g3xf4 e8f8 2.g2f1 f8xf4 3.c2f2 b4e7
4.Kh2 e7h4 5.f2e2
<8> +0.11 0.88 606678 1.g3xf4 e8f8 2.g2f1 f8xf4 3.c2f2 b4e7
4.Kh2 e7h4 5.f2e2
9 -0.13 1.53 1085376 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.d2a5 a3xa5
4.b3xa5 d6xf4 5.c1e1 d7c8
<9> -0.13 2.49 1739349 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.d2a5 a3xa5
4.b3xa5 d6xf4 5.c1e1 d7c8
10 -0.14 4.27 3277140 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.f5 d7xf5 3.c2d2 b6a4
4.b3d4 a3c5 5.g2f1 d6e7
<10> -0.14 4.56 3459930 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.f5 d7xf5 3.c2d2 b6a4
4.b3d4 a3c5 5.g2f1 d6e7
11 -0.14 5.74 4596305 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.f5 d7xf5 3.c2d2 b6a4
4.c1a1 a4b2 5.g2f1 Kg7 6.b3d4 d6c5
<11> -0.14 6.31 4975498 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.f5 d7xf5 3.c2d2 b6a4
4.c1a1 a4b2 5.g2f1 Kg7 6.b3d4 d6c5
12 -0.14 12.17 10607723 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.c1c2 d6xf4
4.d2d4 f4g3 5.h4 f8f4 6.d4c5 a3xc5
7.b3xc5 g3xh4 8.c5xd7 b6xd7
<12> -0.14 13.41 11442338 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.c1c2 d6xf4
4.d2d4 f4g3 5.h4 f8f4 6.d4c5 a3xc5
7.b3xc5 g3xh4 8.c5xd7 b6xd7
13 -0.14 24.67 21897810 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.c1c2 d6xf4
4.d2d4 f4g3 5.d4d2 d7f5 6.c2c1 f8e8
7.g2f1 b6d7 8.Kg2
<13> -0.14 27.36 23843173 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.c1c2 d6xf4
4.d2d4 f4g3 5.d4d2 d7f5 6.c2c1 f8e8
7.g2f1 b6d7 8.Kg2
14 -0.14 56.64 51003265 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.c1c2 d6xf4
4.d2d4 f4g3 5.d4d2 d7f5 6.c2c1 f8e8
7.f4 e8f8 8.h4 f8e8
<14> -0.14 1:00 53552762 1.g3xf4 b4d6 2.c2d2 e8f8 3.c1c2 d6xf4
4.d2d4 f4g3 5.d4d2 d7f5 6.c2c1 f8e8
7.f4 e8f8 8.h4 f8e8
Computed move : g3xf4
NPS: 892546
no solution found [:-( [47/60]!