[ Test Suite ecm-gcp | Hossa ]

Positions 101 - 110

[Diagram of position #101]

Test position #101

White to move

FEN :          2k2r1r/1pp1nqbp/p2p1p2/5P2/2PBN3/1P3Q2/1P4PP/R4RK1 w - -
Best Move :    Rxa6 
Position ID:  "ECM.1332"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.55    0.00        2 1.f1e1 
   <1>   +0.55    0.01      107 1.f1e1 
    2    +0.24    0.01      150 1.f1e1 f8e8 
   <2>   +0.24    0.01      610 1.f1e1 f8e8 
    3    +0.32    0.01      852 1.f1e1 f8e8 2.a1d1 
   <3>   +0.32    0.01     2368 1.f1e1 f8e8 2.a1d1 
    4    +0.17    0.01     3114 1.f1e1 f8e8 2.a1d1 h8g8 
   <4>   +0.17    0.04    11668 1.f1e1 f8e8 2.a1d1 h8g8 
    5    +0.14    0.04    15202 1.f1e1 f8e8 2.a1d1 h8g8 3.d1d2 
  2/5    +0.35    0.06    17916 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 e7c6 3.c3d2 
   <5>   +0.35    0.08    25999 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 e7c6 3.c3d2 
    6    +0.27    0.09    36900 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 e7c6 3.e1e2 Kb8 
   <6>   +0.27    0.15    72181 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 e7c6 3.e1e2 Kb8 
    7    +0.19    0.20   101775 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 e7c6 3.e1e2 c6xd4 
                                4.c3xd4 f8e8 
   <7>   +0.19    0.40   212900 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 e7c6 3.e1e2 c6xd4 
                                4.c3xd4 f8e8 
    8    +0.43    0.62   329328 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 Kb8 3.d4xf6 e7d5 
                                4.c4xd5 g7xf6 5.c3d2 
   <8>   +0.43    0.73   397143 1.a1e1 h8g8 2.f3c3 Kb8 3.d4xf6 e7d5 
                                4.c4xd5 g7xf6 5.c3d2 
    9    +0.31    1.20   675483 1.a1e1 f8e8 2.f3c3 h8f8 3.e4g5 f6xg5 
                                4.d4xg7 f8g8 5.g7f6 g8f8 6.f6xe7 e8xe7 
                                7.e1xe7 f7xe7 
  2/9    +0.49    1.40   807838 1.e4g5 f6xg5 2.f6 g7xf6 3.f3xf6 f7xf6 
                                4.d4xf6 f8xf6 5.f1xf6 h8e8 6.Kf2 
   <9>   +0.49    1.50   904594 1.e4g5 f6xg5 2.f6 g7xf6 3.f3xf6 f7xf6 
                                4.d4xf6 f8xf6 5.f1xf6 h8e8 6.Kf2 
   10    +0.48    1.75  1085693 1.e4g5 f6xg5 2.f6 g7xf6 3.f3xf6 f7xf6 
                                4.d4xf6 f8xf6 5.f1xf6 h8e8 6.f6h6 e8h8 
  <10>   +0.48    2.29  1526389 1.e4g5 f6xg5 2.f6 g7xf6 3.f3xf6 f7xf6 
                                4.d4xf6 f8xf6 5.f1xf6 h8e8 6.f6h6 e8h8 
   11    +0.50    2.83  1882075 1.e4g5 f6xg5 2.f6 g7xf6 3.f3xf6 f7xf6 
                                4.d4xf6 f8xf6 5.f1xf6 Kd7 6.Kf2 h8e8 
  <11>   +0.50   10.00  6719106 1.e4g5 f6xg5 2.f6 g7xf6 3.f3xf6 f7xf6 
                                4.d4xf6 f8xf6 5.f1xf6 Kd7 6.Kf2 h8e8 

Computed move :   e4g5
NPS:              671910
no solution found [:-( [71/101]!
[Diagram of position #102]

Test position #102

Black to move

FEN :          2kr3r/pp3p1p/2b1p3/q3Q3/5P2/2P1B3/P1P3PP/1R3RK1 b - -
Best Move :    Rhg8 
Position ID:  "ECM.1335"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.31    0.00        2 1... a5xa2 
   <1>   +0.31    0.00       44 1... a5xa2 
?   2    -0.41    0.00      580 1... a5xa2 2.f1d1 a2xc2 
?13/2    -0.28    0.00      720 1... a5xe5 2.f4xe5 
   <2>   -0.28    0.00      865 1... a5xe5 2.f4xe5 
    3    -0.09    0.00     1160 1... a5xe5 2.f4xe5 h8g8 
  2/3    +0.00    0.00     1847 1... a5xa2 2.f1d1 c6d5 
   <3>   +0.00    0.01     2868 1... a5xa2 2.f1d1 c6d5 
!   4    +0.42    0.01     5876 1... a5xa2 
!   4    +0.46    0.03     9099 1... a5xa2 2.f1d1 a2xc2 3.e3d2 
! 6/4    +0.55    0.03    13166 1... h8g8 2.g3 a5xa2 3.f1d1 d8xd1 
                                4.b1xd1 a2xc2 
   <4>   +0.55    0.04    15289 1... h8g8 2.g3 a5xa2 3.f1d1 d8xd1 
                                4.b1xd1 a2xc2 
  2/5    +0.83    0.09    36037 1... a5xa2 2.f1e1 h8g8 3.g3 c6f3 
   <5>   +0.83    0.11    39403 1... a5xa2 2.f1e1 h8g8 3.g3 c6f3 
    6    +0.70    0.15    69316 1... a5xa2 2.c4 h8g8 3.g3 b6 
   <6>   +0.70    0.18    81728 1... a5xa2 2.c4 h8g8 3.g3 b6 
    7    +0.65    0.33   159281 1... a5xa2 2.c4 h8g8 3.g3 a2xc2 
                                4.b1b2 c2a4 
   <7>   +0.65    0.39   191945 1... a5xa2 2.c4 h8g8 3.g3 a2xc2 
                                4.b1b2 c2a4 
?   8    +0.46    1.48   836231 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 d8d5 
                                4.e5f6 d5f5 5.f6d4 Kb8 
   <8>   +0.46    1.48   836271 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 d8d5 
                                4.e5f6 d5f5 5.f6d4 Kb8 
?   9    -0.02    2.65  1641518 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 a6 
                                4.e3b6 d8d7 5.b1b4 a2d5 6.c1e1 d5xe5 
   <9>   -0.02    3.15  1972880 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 a6 
                                4.e3b6 d8d7 5.b1b4 a2d5 6.c1e1 d5xe5 
   10    +0.11    4.70  3016419 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 a6 
                                4.e3b6 d8d7 5.b1a1 a2d5 6.e5xd5 d7xd5 
  <10>   +0.11    5.89  3805094 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 a6 
                                4.e3b6 d8d7 5.b1a1 a2d5 6.e5xd5 d7xd5 
  <11>   +0.11   10.00  6458760 1... a5xa2 2.f1c1 h8g8 3.g3 a2d5 
                                4.e5xd5 d8xd5 5.e3xa7 d5d2 6.a7f2 c6e4 

Computed move :   a5xa2
NPS:              645876
no solution found [:-( [71/102]!
[Diagram of position #103]

Test position #103

White to move

FEN :          2br1rk1/2qnQ2p/p4pp1/4p3/P1p1P1N1/2Pn1N1P/2B2PP1/1R1R1K2 w - -
Best Move :    Rxd3 
Position ID:  "ECM.1336"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +2.02    0.00        4 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 
   <1>   +2.02    0.00      387 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 
    2    +2.02    0.00      413 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 
  2/2    +2.35    0.00     2161 1.g4h6 Kh8 2.c2xd3 c4xd3 3.d1xd3 
   <2>   +2.35    0.02     3427 1.g4h6 Kh8 2.c2xd3 c4xd3 3.d1xd3 
  2/3    +2.02    0.03    15760 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 
   <3>   +2.02    0.03    19032 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 
    4    +1.89    0.05    20835 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c8b7 
   <4>   +1.89    0.10    62321 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c8b7 
    5    +2.22    0.11    66965 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c8b7 3.g4h6 Kh8 
   <5>   +2.22    0.16   114278 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c8b7 3.g4h6 Kh8 
?   6    +1.86    0.63   483136 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 Kh8 3.Kg1 c8b7 
   <6>   +1.86    0.63   483182 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 Kh8 3.Kg1 c8b7 
    7    +1.76    0.74   560656 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c7c4 3.b1d1 Kh8 
   <7>   +1.76    1.66  1392703 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c7c4 3.b1d1 Kh8 
    8    +1.88    1.85  1518622 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c7c4 3.g4h6 Kh8 
                                4.b1d1 f8e8 5.e7b4 c4xb4 6.c3xb4 e8e6 
   <8>   +1.88    2.92  2586339 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c7c4 3.g4h6 Kh8 
                                4.b1d1 f8e8 5.e7b4 c4xb4 6.c3xb4 e8e6 
    9    +1.72    3.39  3018102 1.c2xd3 c4xd3 2.d1xd3 c7c4 3.g4h6 Kh8 
                                4.b1d1 f8e8 5.e7b4 c4xb4 6.c3xb4 Kg7 
!17/9    +2.30    7.47  6754956 1.d1xd3 
!   9    +2.71    7.61  6867805 1.d1xd3 c4xd3 2.g4xf6 f8xf6 3.c2b3 Kh8 
                                4.f3g5 f6xf2 5.Kxf2 c7c5 6.e7xc5 d7xc5 
                                7.g5f7 Kg7 8.f7xd8 c5xe4 9.Ke3 e4xc3 
   <9>   +2.71    7.74  6994935 1.d1xd3 c4xd3 2.g4xf6 f8xf6 3.c2b3 Kh8 
                                4.f3g5 f6xf2 5.Kxf2 c7c5 6.e7xc5 d7xc5 
                                7.g5f7 Kg7 8.f7xd8 c5xe4 9.Ke3 e4xc3 
   10    +2.71    7.99  7233120 1.d1xd3 c4xd3 2.g4xf6 f8xf6 3.c2b3 Kh8 
                                4.f3g5 f6xf2 5.Kxf2 c7c5 6.e7xc5 d7xc5 
                                7.g5f7 Kg7 8.f7xd8 c5xe4 9.Ke3 e4xc3 
  <10>   +2.71    9.24  8538202 1.d1xd3 c4xd3 2.g4xf6 f8xf6 3.c2b3 Kh8 
                                4.f3g5 f6xf2 5.Kxf2 c7c5 6.e7xc5 d7xc5 
                                7.g5f7 Kg7 8.f7xd8 c5xe4 9.Ke3 e4xc3 
!  11    +3.13    9.99  9033924 1.d1xd3 
  <11>   +3.13   10.00  9040057 

Computed move :   d1xd3
NPS:              904005
solution found [72/103], time: 7.47, points: 12, nodes: 6754956!
[Diagram of position #104]

Test position #104

White to move

FEN :          r3nrk1/p1pb1qpp/3p1p2/2pP1N2/2P1PR2/P1PB4/4Q1PP/5RK1 w - -
Best Move :    e5 
Position ID:  "ECM.1340"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.00    0.00        2 1.f5e3 
  4/1    +0.22    0.00       11 1.f4h4 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 
   <1>   +0.22    0.00      133 1.f4h4 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 
    2    +0.13    0.00      161 1.f4h4 a8b8 
  6/2    +0.18    0.00      498 1.f1b1 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 
   <2>   +0.18    0.00      658 1.f1b1 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 
    3    +0.18    0.01      871 1.f1b1 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 
   <3>   +0.18    0.01     2114 1.f1b1 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 
    4    +0.27    0.01     2790 1.f1b1 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 f7d7 
   <4>   +0.27    0.01     5628 1.f1b1 d7xf5 2.e4xf5 f7d7 
    5    +0.38    0.03    10541 1.f1b1 d7c8 2.f4h4 c8xf5 3.e4xf5 
   <5>   +0.38    0.04    17628 1.f1b1 d7c8 2.f4h4 c8xf5 3.e4xf5 
    6    +0.47    0.07    34970 1.f1b1 a6 2.f4h4 d7xf5 3.e4xf5 f7d7 
   <6>   +0.47    0.09    50418 1.f1b1 a6 2.f4h4 d7xf5 3.e4xf5 f7d7 
    7    +0.51    0.15    86459 1.f1b1 d7c8 2.f4h4 Kh8 3.e2f3 Kg8 
                                4.b1b2 c8xf5 5.e4xf5 
   <7>   +0.51    0.18   120037 1.f1b1 d7c8 2.f4h4 Kh8 3.e2f3 Kg8 
                                4.b1b2 c8xf5 5.e4xf5 
    8    +0.48    0.37   253088 1.f1b1 a5 2.f4h4 a8a6 3.e2g4 d7xf5 
                                4.g4xf5 h6 
   <8>   +0.48    0.43   309701 1.f1b1 a5 2.f4h4 a8a6 3.e2g4 d7xf5 
                                4.g4xf5 h6 
    9    +0.53    0.70   484590 1.f1b1 a5 2.f4h4 d7c8 3.e2g4 Kh8 
                                4.g4g3 a4 5.g3g4 c8xf5 6.e4xf5 
   <9>   +0.53    0.81   590275 1.f1b1 a5 2.f4h4 d7c8 3.e2g4 Kh8 
                                4.g4g3 a4 5.g3g4 c8xf5 6.e4xf5 
   10    +0.54    2.04  1516944 1.f1b1 a6 2.f4h4 d7c8 3.f5e3 f7e7 
                                4.e5 f6xe5 5.d3xh7 Kh8 6.h4h5 c8d7 
  <10>   +0.54    2.36  1823423 1.f1b1 a6 2.f4h4 d7c8 3.f5e3 f7e7 
                                4.e5 f6xe5 5.d3xh7 Kh8 6.h4h5 c8d7 
   11    +0.58    6.36  4957402 1.f1b1 a5 2.f4h4 a4 3.e5 f6xe5 
                                4.f5xd6 f7e7 5.d6xe8 e7xh4 6.e8xc7 a8b8 
                                7.b1xb8 f8xb8 8.e2xe5 
  <11>   +0.58   10.01  7730939 1.f1b1 a5 2.f4h4 a4 3.e5 f6xe5 
                                4.f5xd6 f7e7 5.d6xe8 e7xh4 6.e8xc7 a8b8 
                                7.b1xb8 f8xb8 8.e2xe5 

Computed move :   f1b1
NPS:              772321
no solution found [:-( [72/104]!
[Diagram of position #105]

Test position #105

White to move

FEN :          r1b2rk1/pp2qp2/2nRp1p1/6Pn/1Pp5/P1N1P3/1BQ2PP1/2K2B1R w - -
Best Move :    Rxh5 
Position ID:  "ECM.1341"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -2.89    0.00        4 1.f1xc4 e7xd6 
  2/1    +0.70    0.00        9 1.d6d2 
  7/1    +0.82    0.00       18 1.c3e4 
   <1>   +0.82    0.00      103 1.c3e4 
!   2    +1.24    0.00      186 1.c3e4 
!   2    +1.57    0.01      267 1.c3e4 a5 2.f1xc4 a5xb4 
   <2>   +1.57    0.01      577 1.c3e4 a5 2.f1xc4 a5xb4 
    3    +1.57    0.01      754 1.c3e4 a5 2.f1xc4 
   <3>   +1.57    0.01     1448 1.c3e4 a5 2.f1xc4 
    4    +1.76    0.03     4203 1.c3e4 e5 2.f1xc4 a5 
   <4>   +1.76    0.03     7223 1.c3e4 e5 2.f1xc4 a5 
    5    +1.74    0.04    11542 1.c3e4 e5 2.f1xc4 c8f5 3.d6d5 f5xe4 
                                4.c2xe4 e7xg5 5.b2xe5 c6xe5 6.d5xe5 
   <5>   +1.74    0.06    19665 1.c3e4 e5 2.f1xc4 c8f5 3.d6d5 f5xe4 
                                4.c2xe4 e7xg5 5.b2xe5 c6xe5 6.d5xe5 
!   6    +2.16    0.11    41824 1.c3e4 
!   6    +2.20    0.15    62009 1.c3e4 c3 2.c2xc3 e5 3.b5 c8f5 
                                4.b5xc6 f5xe4 5.c6xb7 e7xb7 6.c3xe5 e4xg2 
   <6>   +2.20    0.17    80893 1.c3e4 c3 2.c2xc3 e5 3.b5 c8f5 
                                4.b5xc6 f5xe4 5.c6xb7 e7xb7 6.c3xe5 e4xg2 
    7    +2.20    0.23   111006 1.c3e4 c3 2.c2xc3 e5 3.b5 c8f5 
                                4.b5xc6 f5xe4 
   <7>   +2.20    0.29   173238 1.c3e4 c3 2.c2xc3 e5 3.b5 c8f5 
                                4.b5xc6 f5xe4 
    8    +2.47    0.57   346089 1.c3e4 e5 2.h1xh5 c8f5 3.d6xc6 b7xc6 
                                4.h5h6 f5xe4 5.c2xe4 
! 5/8    +2.62    0.90   575824 1.h1xh5 
!   8    +3.37    1.12   717757 1.h1xh5 
!   8    +5.94    1.70  1137682 1.h1xh5 e7e8 2.c3e4 f6 3.h5h6 c3 
                                4.b2xc3 f5 
   <8>   +5.94    1.70  1139947 1.h1xh5 e7e8 2.c3e4 f6 3.h5h6 c3 
                                4.b2xc3 f5 
!   9    +6.36    2.07  1378749 1.h1xh5 
!   9    +7.11    3.04  2007444 1.h1xh5 
!   9    +7.29    3.95  2618435 1.h1xh5 e7xd6 2.c3e4 e5 3.e4xd6 g6xh5 
                                4.f1xc4 c8e6 5.c4xe6 f7xe6 6.d6xb7 
   <9>   +7.29    4.04  2742390 1.h1xh5 e7xd6 2.c3e4 e5 3.e4xd6 g6xh5 
                                4.f1xc4 c8e6 5.c4xe6 f7xe6 6.d6xb7 
   10    +7.36    6.01  4021144 1.h1xh5 e7xd6 2.c3e4 e5 3.e4xd6 c3 
                                4.h5h2 c3xb2 5.Kxb2 f8d8 6.c2c5 a5 
                                7.b4xa5 a8xa5 
  <10>   +7.36    6.32  4384944 1.h1xh5 e7xd6 2.c3e4 e5 3.e4xd6 c3 
                                4.h5h2 c3xb2 5.Kxb2 f8d8 6.c2c5 a5 
                                7.b4xa5 a8xa5 

Computed move :   h1xh5
NPS:              693820
solution found [73/105], time: 0.90, points: 20, nodes: 575824!
[Diagram of position #106]

Test position #106

White to move

FEN :          R2b2k1/2rq1n1p/3p2p1/1p1Ppp1n/1P6/1B1PQN1P/1B3PP1/6K1 w - -
Best Move :    Nxe5 
Position ID:  "ECM.1344"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.03    0.00        2 1.e3d2 
   <1>   -0.03    0.00       97 1.e3d2 
    2    -0.19    0.00      134 1.e3d2 h5f4 
   <2>   -0.19    0.00      388 1.e3d2 h5f4 
    3    -0.16    0.02      596 1.e3d2 h5f4 2.b2d4 
   <3>   -0.16    0.02     2710 1.e3d2 h5f4 2.b2d4 
    4    -0.10    0.02     4260 1.e3d2 c7c8 2.a8xc8 d7xc8 
   <4>   -0.10    0.04     9142 1.e3d2 c7c8 2.a8xc8 d7xc8 
    5    -0.15    0.04    11549 1.e3d2 c7c8 2.a8xc8 d7xc8 3.b3d1 
   <5>   -0.15    0.07    19651 1.e3d2 c7c8 2.a8xc8 d7xc8 3.b3d1 
    6    -0.30    0.07    25929 1.e3d2 c7c8 2.a8xc8 d7xc8 3.b3d1 h5f4 
  3/6    -0.17    0.11    48541 1.h4 h5f6 2.f3g5 f6g4 3.e3e2 f7xg5 
   <6>   -0.17    0.16    75248 1.h4 h5f6 2.f3g5 f6g4 3.e3e2 f7xg5 
    7    -0.26    0.24   113336 1.h4 h5f6 2.f3g5 f6g4 3.e3d2 c7c8 
                                4.a8xc8 d7xc8 
 13/7    +0.18    0.39   198348 1.b2xe5 d6xe5 2.f3xe5 d7d6 3.e5c6 h5g7 
!26/7    +0.25    0.46   224818 1.f3xe5 
!   7    +0.13    0.47   234221 1.f3xe5 d6xe5 2.b2xe5 c7c8 3.a8a7 d8g5 
! 2/7    +0.18    0.47   234223 1.b2xe5 d6xe5 2.f3xe5 d7d6 3.e5c6 h5g7 
   <7>   +0.18    0.49   245228 1.b2xe5 d6xe5 2.f3xe5 d7d6 3.e5c6 h5g7 
  2/8    +0.25    0.74   385593 1.f3xe5 f4 2.e5xf7 f4xe3 3.a8xd8 Kxf7 
                                4.d8xd7 c7xd7 5.f2xe3 d7e7 6.Kf2 
   <8>   +0.25    0.79   410166 1.f3xe5 f4 2.e5xf7 f4xe3 3.a8xd8 Kxf7 
                                4.d8xd7 c7xd7 5.f2xe3 d7e7 6.Kf2 
    9    +0.09    1.00   547209 1.f3xe5 f4 2.e3e1 d6xe5 3.b2xe5 c7c8 
                                4.a8xc8 d7xc8 5.d6 c8d7 
   <9>   +0.09    1.19   674920 1.f3xe5 f4 2.e3e1 d6xe5 3.b2xe5 c7c8 
                                4.a8xc8 d7xc8 5.d6 c8d7 
   10    +0.13    1.58   927158 1.f3xe5 f4 2.e5xd7 f4xe3 3.d7b8 e2 
                                4.a8a1 d8f6 5.d4 h5f4 6.a1e1 c7e7 
  <10>   +0.13    2.32  1398820 1.f3xe5 f4 2.e5xd7 f4xe3 3.d7b8 e2 
                                4.a8a1 d8f6 5.d4 h5f4 6.a1e1 c7e7 
!  11    +0.55    3.10  1862720 1.f3xe5 
!  11    +1.30    3.69  2212670 1.f3xe5 
!  11    +2.18    6.32  3845540 1.f3xe5 f7xe5 2.b2xe5 h5g7 3.Kh2 d7e7 
                                4.e5d4 e7f8 5.e3h6 f4 6.d4b6 c7d7 
                                7.b6xd8 d7xd8 
  <11>   +2.18    6.47  3992374 1.f3xe5 f7xe5 2.b2xe5 h5g7 3.Kh2 d7e7 
                                4.e5d4 e7f8 5.e3h6 f4 6.d4b6 c7d7 
                                7.b6xd8 d7xd8 
  <12>   +2.18   10.00  6326870 1.f3xe5 f7xe5 2.b2xe5 h5g7 3.Kh2 d7e7 
                                4.e5d4 e7f8 5.e3h6 c7b7 6.d4e3 b7e7 
                                7.b3d1 e7e5 

Computed move :   f3xe5
NPS:              632687
solution found [74/106], time: 0.74, points: 20, nodes: 410166!
[Diagram of position #107]

Test position #107

White to move

FEN :          6k1/5rb1/6pp/1p2p3/2b5/4B1P1/r4PBP/1RR3K1 w - -
Best Move :    Rxc4 
Position ID:  "ECM.1346"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -1.05    0.00        2 1.c1d1 
   <1>   -1.05    0.00       38 1.c1d1 
    2    -1.12    0.01       92 1.c1d1 g7f8 
  6/2    -1.08    0.01      308 1.g2c6 c4d3 
   <2>   -1.08    0.01      505 1.g2c6 c4d3 
    3    -1.02    0.01      780 1.g2c6 c4d3 2.b1b4 
  3/3    -0.75    0.01     1505 1.g2f1 a2a4 2.c1d1 
   <3>   -0.75    0.01     1916 1.g2f1 a2a4 2.c1d1 
    4    -0.84    0.03     3751 1.g2f1 a2a4 2.b1a1 a4xa1 3.c1xa1 
   <4>   -0.84    0.03     5410 1.g2f1 a2a4 2.b1a1 a4xa1 3.c1xa1 
    5    -0.82    0.05    10717 1.g2f1 c4xf1 2.Kxf1 f7b7 3.b1b4 
   <5>   -0.82    0.05    14332 1.g2f1 c4xf1 2.Kxf1 f7b7 3.b1b4 
    6    -0.78    0.08    25798 1.g2f1 c4xf1 2.Kxf1 f7b7 3.b1b4 g5 
!10/6    -0.40    0.14    57095 1.c1d1 
!   6    -0.40    0.17    73075 1.c1d1 g7f6 2.g2d5 c4xd5 3.d1xd5 f6g5 
                                4.e3xg5 h6xg5 
   <6>   -0.40    0.19    78261 1.c1d1 g7f6 2.g2d5 c4xd5 3.d1xd5 f6g5 
                                4.e3xg5 h6xg5 
    7    -0.38    0.33   146771 1.c1d1 g7f8 2.g2d5 c4xd5 3.d1xd5 b4 
                                4.d5xe5 f7b7 
   <7>   -0.38    0.36   164808 1.c1d1 g7f8 2.g2d5 c4xd5 3.d1xd5 b4 
                                4.d5xe5 f7b7 
    8    -0.35    0.76   372066 1.c1d1 a2a5 2.e3b6 a5a6 3.d1d6 g5 
                                4.d6d8 f7f8 5.d8xf8 g7xf8 
  3/8    -0.15    1.00   510361 1.g2c6 g5 2.c6xb5 c4xb5 3.b1xb5 Kh7 
                                4.Kg2 Kg6 5.c1e1 
   <8>   -0.15    1.01   522604 1.g2c6 g5 2.c6xb5 c4xb5 3.b1xb5 Kh7 
                                4.Kg2 Kg6 5.c1e1 
    9    -0.09    1.40   762490 1.g2c6 g5 2.b1xb5 c4xb5 3.c6xb5 e4 
                                4.b5c4 a2a1 5.c4xf7 Kxf7 6.Kg2 a1xc1 
  7/9    +0.26    1.70   935151 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.c4xf7 Kxf7 5.Kg2 Kf6 6.Kf3 
   <9>   +0.26    1.72   936461 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.c4xf7 Kxf7 5.Kg2 Kf6 6.Kf3 
   10    +0.31    1.97  1097498 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.c4xf7 Kxf7 5.b1b7 Kf6 6.b7b6 Kf7 
                                7.Kg2 g5 
  <10>   +0.31    2.01  1126090 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.c4xf7 Kxf7 5.b1b7 Kf6 6.b7b6 Kf7 
                                7.Kg2 g5 
   11    +0.26    2.50  1389359 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.c4xf7 Kxf7 5.b1b7 Kf6 6.b7b6 Kf7 
                                7.Kg2 g5 8.h4 g5xh4 9.e3xh6 
  <11>   +0.26    2.65  1474783 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.c4xf7 Kxf7 5.b1b7 Kf6 6.b7b6 Kf7 
                                7.Kg2 g5 8.h4 g5xh4 9.e3xh6 
!  12    +0.68    4.56  2510136 1.c1xc4 
!  12    +1.34    6.37  3464833 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.b1b8 g7f8 5.c4b3 a4a1 6.Kg2 Kg7 
                                7.e3xh6 Kxh6 8.b3xf7 f8d6 9.b8g8 
  <12>   +1.34    6.51  3545607 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.b1b8 g7f8 5.c4b3 a4a1 6.Kg2 Kg7 
                                7.e3xh6 Kxh6 8.b3xf7 f8d6 9.b8g8 
   13    +1.74    9.50  5133502 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.b1b8 g7f8 5.c4b3 a4a1 6.Kg2 Kg7 
                                7.e3xh6 Kxh6 8.b3xf7 f8c5 9.b8g8 a1a6 
  <13>   +1.74    9.75  5296886 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 
                                4.b1b8 g7f8 5.c4b3 a4a1 6.Kg2 Kg7 
                                7.e3xh6 Kxh6 8.b3xf7 f8c5 9.b8g8 a1a6 
  <14>   +1.74   10.00  5425904 1.c1xc4 b5xc4 2.g2d5 a2a5 3.d5xc4 a5a4 

Computed move :   c1xc4
NPS:              542590
solution found [75/107], time: 1.70, points: 18, nodes: 936461!
[Diagram of position #108]

Test position #108

White to move

FEN :          4r1k1/1p5p/5ppP/1qnP4/r4R2/P6P/1B1Q2K1/5R2 w - -
Best Move :    Rxf6 
Position ID:  "ECM.1347"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.74    0.00        2 1.f4xf6 
   <1>   +0.74    0.00       53 1.f4xf6 
? 2/2    -0.93    0.00     1387 1.f4f2 c5e4 
?17/2    -0.71    0.00     1760 1.Kg1 c5e4 
?23/2    -0.70    0.00     1902 1.Kh1 c5e4 
   <2>   -0.70    0.00     2144 1.Kh1 c5e4 
? 5/3    -1.13    0.01     6338 1.f1f2 c5e4 2.f4xe4 a4xe4 3.f2xf6 
   <3>   -1.13    0.01     7905 1.f1f2 c5e4 2.f4xe4 a4xe4 3.f2xf6 
    4    -1.13    0.03     8864 1.f1f2 c5e4 2.f4xe4 a4xe4 
   <4>   -1.13    0.03    15346 1.f1f2 c5e4 2.f4xe4 a4xe4 
 15/5    -1.06    0.06    34104 1.f4b4 e8e2 2.f1f2 e2xd2 3.b4xb5 d2xd5 
   <5>   -1.06    0.09    43405 1.f4b4 e8e2 2.f1f2 e2xd2 3.b4xb5 d2xd5 
? 3/6    -2.15    0.19   110018 1.f4xa4 c5xa4 2.f1f2 a4xb2 3.d2xb2 b5xd5 
                                4.f2f3 e8f8 
?12/6    -1.93    0.23   137061 1.f1f2 a4xf4 2.d2xf4 c5e4 3.d6 e4xf2 
   <6>   -1.93    0.26   154193 1.f1f2 a4xf4 2.d2xf4 c5e4 3.d6 e4xf2 
!   7    -1.51    0.31   178290 1.f1f2 
!   7    -1.34    0.36   208858 1.f1f2 c5e4 2.f4xe4 e8xe4 3.b2xf6 a4xa3 
! 4/7    -0.76    0.51   307088 1.f4xf6 
!   7    -0.68    0.64   380442 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f2 d3xf2 3.f1xf2 b5d7 
   <7>   -0.68    0.78   459134 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f2 d3xf2 3.f1xf2 b5d7 
!   8    -0.26    1.28   780110 1.f4xf6 
!   8    +0.00    1.72  1073103 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 
   <8>   +0.00    1.78  1116303 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 
    9    +0.00    2.90  1887109 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 
                                7.Kh2 d5d6 8.Kh1 d6d5 9.Kh2 
   <9>   +0.00    3.03  1983626 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 
                                7.Kh2 d5d6 8.Kh1 d6d5 9.Kh2 d5d6 
                                10.Kh1 d6d5 11.Kh2 d5d6 
   10    +0.00    5.34  3695552 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 
                                7.Kh2 d5d6 8.Kh1 d6d5 9.Kh2 
  <10>   +0.00    6.19  4227966 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 
                                7.Kh2 d5d6 8.Kh1 d6d5 9.Kh2 d5d6 
                                10.Kh1 d6d5 11.Kh2 d5d6 
  <11>   +0.00   10.00  7017886 1.f4xf6 c5d3 2.f6f7 b5xd5 3.Kg1 d5c5 
                                4.Kh1 c5d5 5.Kh2 d5d6 6.Kh1 d6d5 

Computed move :   f4xf6
NPS:              701087
solution found [76/108], time: 0.51, points: 20, nodes: 307088!
[Diagram of position #109]

Test position #109

White to move

FEN :          r2q1rnk/1p1bb1pp/p2p4/3NP1P1/P2Bp3/3Q3R/1PP1B2P/6RK w - -
Best Move :    e6 
Position ID:  "ECM.1348"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -5.71    0.00       11 1.d3d2 d7xh3 
  2/1    -2.54    0.00       36 1.d3c3 d7xh3 2.c3xh3 d6xe5 
   <1>   -2.54    0.00      273 1.d3c3 d7xh3 2.c3xh3 d6xe5 
    2    -2.54    0.00      315 1.d3c3 d7xh3 
   <2>   -2.54    0.01     4124 1.d3c3 d7xh3 
! 2/3    -2.12    0.03     8280 1.h3xh7 
!   3    -1.37    0.03     8700 1.h3xh7 
!   3    +1.83    0.05    13867 1.h3xh7 
!   3    +2.00    0.05    16919 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 Kh8 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.e5xd6 e7xg5 5.g1xg5 
   <3>   +2.00    0.06    17900 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 Kh8 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.e5xd6 e7xg5 5.g1xg5 
    4    +2.26    0.09    33932 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d6xe5 5.g5xh6 d8xd4 6.g1xg7 Kh8 
                                7.e7xf5 f8xf5 8.h4xd4 e5xd4 9.g7xb7 
   <4>   +2.26    0.11    39284 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d6xe5 5.g5xh6 d8xd4 6.g1xg7 Kh8 
                                7.e7xf5 f8xf5 8.h4xd4 e5xd4 9.g7xb7 
?   5    +1.73    0.28   148434 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 f8f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d6xe5 5.e2d3 e5xd4 6.d3xf5 d7xf5 
   <5>   +1.73    0.30   156640 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 f8f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d6xe5 5.e2d3 e5xd4 6.d3xf5 d7xf5 
!   6    +2.15    0.34   175530 1.h3xh7 
!   6    +2.52    0.51   299208 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 f8f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d6xe5 5.e2d3 Kh8 6.e7xf5 d7xf5 
                                7.d4xe5 f5xd3 8.c2xd3 
   <6>   +2.52    0.56   328429 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 f8f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d6xe5 5.e2d3 Kh8 6.e7xf5 d7xf5 
                                7.d4xe5 f5xd3 8.c2xd3 
!   7    +2.94    1.01   574575 1.h3xh7 
!   7    +3.69    1.20   665120 1.h3xh7 
!   7    +4.23    1.50   860542 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 f8f5 3.e6 d7xe6 
                                4.e4h4 g8h6 5.d5xe7 e6d5 6.e7xd5 f5xd5 
                                7.h4e4 d5f5 8.g5xh6 
   <7>   +4.23    1.58   943188 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 f8f5 3.e6 d7xe6 
                                4.e4h4 g8h6 5.d5xe7 e6d5 6.e7xd5 f5xd5 
                                7.h4e4 d5f5 8.g5xh6 
?   8    +2.62    3.95  3012666 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d8xe7 5.g6 f5xg6 6.h4xe7 g6e4 
                                7.g1g2 h6f5 8.e7g5 e4xg2 9.g5xg2 f5xd4 
                                10.e5xd6 d4xc2 11.g2xb7 
   <8>   +2.62    4.03  3079455 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 d8xe7 5.g6 f5xg6 6.h4xe7 g6e4 
                                7.g1g2 h6f5 8.e7g5 e4xg2 9.g5xg2 f5xd4 
                                10.e5xd6 d4xc2 11.g2xb7 
!   9    +3.04    4.56  3382413 1.h3xh7 
!   9    +3.79    5.39  3839870 1.h3xh7 
!   9    +3.99    7.76  5641840 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 f8f7 5.g6 f5xg6 6.e7xg6 d8xh4 
                                7.g6xh4 f7f4 8.h4f3 f4xd4 9.f3xd4 d6xe5 
   <9>   +3.99    7.90  5790471 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 f8f7 5.g6 f5xg6 6.e7xg6 d8xh4 
                                7.g6xh4 f7f4 8.h4f3 f4xd4 9.f3xd4 d6xe5 
  <10>   +3.99   10.00  7070762 1.h3xh7 Kxh7 2.d3xe4 d7f5 3.e4h4 g8h6 
                                4.d5xe7 f8f7 

Computed move :   h3xh7
NPS:              707076
no solution found [:-( [76/109]!
[Diagram of position #110]

Test position #110

Black to move

FEN :          6k1/pbq2pp1/4r2p/8/3prb2/1P1Q3P/PN2BPP1/3RRK2 b - -
Best Move :    Bd2 
Position ID:  "ECM.1350"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.01    0.00        3 1... e4e5 2.d3xd4 
  2/1    +1.25    0.00        5 1... e6d6 
   <1>   +1.25    0.00       59 1... e6d6 
    2    +1.12    0.00       95 1... e6d6 2.Kg1 
 16/2    +1.14    0.00      331 1... c7a5 2.a4 
   <2>   +1.14    0.00      534 1... c7a5 2.a4 
    3    +1.29    0.00      950 1... c7a5 2.f3 b7a6 
   <3>   +1.29    0.01     1885 1... c7a5 2.f3 b7a6 
    4    +0.96    0.01     2648 1... c7a5 2.f3 b7a6 3.b2c4 
   <4>   +0.96    0.05    17298 1... c7a5 2.f3 b7a6 3.b2c4 
    5    +0.88    0.06    22126 1... c7a5 2.f3 b7a6 3.b2c4 a6xc4 
  2/5    +0.89    0.08    26518 1... c7c5 2.b2c4 c5f5 3.Kg1 f4c7 
  6/5    +0.91    0.09    37115 1... c7e7 2.g3 f4c7 3.b2c4 e6c6 
  8/5    +1.21    0.12    49695 1... f4g5 2.Kg1 c7e7 3.Kf1 e4e5 
   <5>   +1.21    0.14    56205 1... f4g5 2.Kg1 c7e7 3.Kf1 e4e5 
    6    +1.13    0.20    86568 1... f4g5 2.g3 c7a5 3.a4 a5f5 
                                4.d3b5 f5xb5 5.e2xb5 
   <6>   +1.13    0.30   147887 1... f4g5 2.g3 c7a5 3.a4 a5f5 
                                4.d3b5 f5xb5 5.e2xb5 
    7    +1.09    0.42   212724 1... f4g5 2.g3 e6e8 3.b2c4 c7d7 
                                4.e2g4 e4xe1 5.d1xe1 
   <7>   +1.09    0.72   405232 1... f4g5 2.g3 e6e8 3.b2c4 c7d7 
                                4.e2g4 e4xe1 5.d1xe1 
    8    +1.10    1.03   590877 1... f4g5 2.g3 c7a5 3.f4 g5e7 
                                4.a4 e4e3 5.b2c4 e3xd3 6.c4xa5 
   <8>   +1.10    1.70  1084117 1... f4g5 2.g3 c7a5 3.f4 g5e7 
                                4.a4 e4e3 5.b2c4 e3xd3 6.c4xa5 
    9    +1.01    2.55  1650247 1... f4g5 2.g3 c7a5 3.h4 a5d5 
                                4.e2f3 e4xe1 5.d1xe1 e6xe1 6.Kxe1 d5xf3 
                                7.h4xg5 f3xd3 8.b2xd3 h6xg5 
  6/9    +1.06    3.45  2351994 1... c7e7 2.b2c4 e4xe2 3.e1xe2 e6xe2 
                                4.d3xe2 b7xg2 5.Ke1 e7b4 6.c4d2 g2xh3 
                                7.e2e8 b4f8 
   <9>   +1.06    4.65  3253319 1... c7e7 2.b2c4 e4xe2 3.e1xe2 e6xe2 
                                4.d3xe2 b7xg2 5.Ke1 e7b4 6.c4d2 g2xh3 
                                7.e2e8 b4f8 
   10    +1.10    5.15  3618828 1... c7e7 2.b2c4 e4xe2 3.e1xe2 e6xe2 
                                4.d3xe2 b7xg2 5.Ke1 e7b4 6.c4d2 g2xh3 
                                7.e2e4 g5 8.e4e8 Kg7 
!2/10    +1.48    6.73  4627750 1... f4g5 
!  10    +2.23    8.12  5559788 1... f4g5 
  <10>   +2.23   10.00  6809904 

Computed move :   f4g5
NPS:              680990
no solution found [:-( [76/110]!
© Steffen A. Jakob