[ Test Suite ecm-gcp | Hossa ]

Positions 111 - 120

[Diagram of position #111]

Test position #111

Black to move

FEN :          r1b2rk1/pp2ppbp/2np1np1/q7/4P3/2N1BN2/PPPQBPPP/2KR3R b - -
Best Move :    Nxe4 
Position ID:  "ECM.1352"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.27    0.00        2 1... c8g4 
   <1>   -0.27    0.00       67 1... c8g4 
    2    -0.29    0.00      137 1... c8g4 2.h4 
! 4/2    +0.15    0.00      392 1... f6g4 
!   2    +0.86    0.00      710 1... f6g4 2.e2c4 g7xc3 3.b2xc3 g4xe3 
   <2>   +0.86    0.00      964 1... f6g4 2.e2c4 g7xc3 3.b2xc3 g4xe3 
    3    +0.86    0.01     1337 1... f6g4 2.e2c4 g7xc3 
   <3>   +0.86    0.01     1902 1... f6g4 2.e2c4 g7xc3 
    4    +0.90    0.01     5104 1... f6g4 2.e2c4 a5b4 3.c4d5 g7xc3 
   <4>   +0.90    0.03     8738 1... f6g4 2.e2c4 a5b4 3.c4d5 g7xc3 
    5    +0.96    0.08    22540 1... f6g4 2.f3d4 g4xe3 3.f2xe3 c8d7 
   <5>   +0.96    0.09    30207 1... f6g4 2.f3d4 g4xe3 3.f2xe3 c8d7 
    6    +0.97    0.14    53211 1... f6g4 2.f3d4 g4xe3 3.f2xe3 c8d7 
                                4.d4b5 a8c8 
   <6>   +0.97    0.22    87437 1... f6g4 2.f3d4 g4xe3 3.f2xe3 c8d7 
                                4.d4b5 a8c8 
    7    +0.98    0.31   135095 1... f6g4 2.f3d4 g4xe3 3.f2xe3 c8d7 
                                4.h4 c6b4 5.e2c4 
! 7/7    +1.39    0.39   188910 1... f6xe4 
!   7    +1.39    0.48   236210 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 f5 5.e4c3 c8e6 6.c3d5 
   <7>   +1.39    0.53   259774 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 f5 5.e4c3 c8e6 6.c3d5 
!   8    +1.81    0.70   374430 1... f6xe4 
!   8    +1.92    0.76   430550 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g5 b2b4 6.c3 b4b2 
                                7.Ke1 g7xc3 8.e3d2 c3xd2 9.d3xd2 
   <8>   +1.92    0.78   442109 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g5 b2b4 6.c3 b4b2 
                                7.Ke1 g7xc3 8.e3d2 c3xd2 9.d3xd2 
    9    +1.80    0.97   619732 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 d4 6.e3g5 b2b4 
                                7.Kc1 a5 
   <9>   +1.80    1.05   658900 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 d4 6.e3g5 b2b4 
                                7.Kc1 a5 
   10    +1.95    1.51  1051558 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 d4 6.e3f4 e5 
                                7.f4g5 b2b4 8.Kc1 c8e6 
  <10>   +1.95    1.69  1193226 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 d4 6.e3f4 e5 
                                7.f4g5 b2b4 8.Kc1 c8e6 
   11    +1.90    2.48  1928436 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 b2b4 6.c3 b4b2 
                                7.Ke1 g7xc3 8.e3d2 d4 9.d1b1 b2a2 
  <11>   +1.90    4.34  3196600 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 b2b4 6.c3 b4b2 
                                7.Ke1 g7xc3 8.e3d2 d4 9.d1b1 b2a2 
   12    +1.82    6.80  5426913 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 b2b4 6.c3 b4b2 
                                7.Ke1 g7xc3 8.e3d2 d4 9.d1b1 b2a2 
                                10.Kf1 c3xd2 11.f3xd2 
  <12>   +1.82   10.00  7822460 1... f6xe4 2.c3xe4 a5xa2 3.d2d3 a2xb2 
                                4.Kd2 d5 5.e4g3 b2b4 6.c3 b4b2 
                                7.Ke1 g7xc3 8.e3d2 d4 9.d1b1 b2a2 
                                10.Kf1 c3xd2 11.f3xd2 

Computed move :   f6xe4
NPS:              781464
solution found [77/111], time: 0.39, points: 23, nodes: 188910!
[Diagram of position #112]

Test position #112

White to move

FEN :          r2q1rk1/p5pp/bn1p1p2/2pP4/1bP1NP2/3B1R2/PBQ3PP/R5K1 w - -
Best Move :    Ng5 
Position ID:  "ECM.1354"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.71    0.00        2 1.f3e3 
   <1>   +0.71    0.02       96 1.f3e3 
    2    +0.55    0.02      146 1.f3e3 f8e8 
   <2>   +0.55    0.02      669 1.f3e3 f8e8 
    3    +0.64    0.02      977 1.f3e3 f8e8 2.a1b1 
   <3>   +0.64    0.02     2449 1.f3e3 f8e8 2.a1b1 
    4    +0.57    0.02     3229 1.f3e3 f8e8 2.a1b1 a8b8 
   <4>   +0.57    0.05    13116 1.f3e3 f8e8 2.a1b1 a8b8 
    5    +0.55    0.07    16493 1.f3e3 f8e8 2.a3 b4a5 3.a1b1 
  2/5    +0.65    0.08    22053 1.f3h3 a6c8 2.h3e3 f8e8 3.a1b1 
 31/5    +0.82    0.13    43031 1.e4f2 g6 2.f5 g5 3.f2e4 
   <5>   +0.82    0.13    44821 1.e4f2 g6 2.f5 g5 3.f2e4 
    6    +0.77    0.19    64407 1.e4f2 Kh8 2.f3h3 h6 3.a1b1 f8e8 
   <6>   +0.77    0.27   112702 1.e4f2 Kh8 2.f3h3 h6 3.a1b1 f8e8 
    7    +0.77    0.44   191865 1.e4f2 h6 2.f3e3 f8e8 3.d3h7 Kh8 
                                4.e3xe8 d8xe8 5.h7g6 e8d7 
   <7>   +0.77    0.75   368697 1.e4f2 h6 2.f3e3 f8e8 3.d3h7 Kh8 
                                4.e3xe8 d8xe8 5.h7g6 e8d7 
    8    +0.72    1.02   487893 1.e4f2 h6 2.a4 f8e8 3.a5 b6d7 
                                4.d3h7 Kh8 5.h7g6 e8e1 6.a1xe1 b4xe1 
   <8>   +0.72    2.03  1036833 1.e4f2 h6 2.a4 f8e8 3.a5 b6d7 
                                4.d3h7 Kh8 5.h7g6 e8e1 6.a1xe1 b4xe1 
    9    +0.59    2.97  1509396 1.e4f2 h6 2.a4 b4a5 3.f3e3 f8e8 
                                4.e3xe8 d8xe8 5.d3g6 e8e3 6.g6h7 Kf8 
  2/9    +0.79    3.83  1904691 1.a4 b4a5 2.e4c3 h6 3.c3b5 f8e8 
                                4.d3h7 Kh8 5.h7g6 e8e7 6.f3h3 
! 8/9    +1.14    5.11  2688258 1.e4g5 
!   9    +1.89    5.77  3008556 1.e4g5 
!   9    +2.68    8.33  4658779 1.e4g5 h5 2.g5e6 d8e7 3.e6xf8 a8xf8 
                                4.f3h3 e7f7 5.d3g6 f7d7 
   <9>   +2.68    8.36  4704248 1.e4g5 h5 2.g5e6 d8e7 3.e6xf8 a8xf8 
                                4.f3h3 e7f7 5.d3g6 f7d7 
  <10>   +2.68   10.00  5720130 1.e4g5 h5 2.g5e6 d8e7 3.f3h3 b4a5 
                                4.e6xf8 Kxf8 5.h3xh5 e7e3 6.Kh1 e3xf4 

Computed move :   e4g5
NPS:              572013
solution found [78/112], time: 5.11, points: 14, nodes: 2688258!
[Diagram of position #113]

Test position #113

White to move

FEN :          1r1q2k1/7p/2p3p1/1P1n1b1r/2BQ4/4B3/P6P/1R3RK1 w - -
Best Move :    bxc6 
Position ID:  "ECM.1355"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -2.44    0.00       15 1.b5xc6 f5xb1 
  2/1    +1.07    0.01       27 1.b1e1 
   <1>   +1.07    0.01      262 1.b1e1 
    2    +0.88    0.01      368 1.b1e1 h5h4 
  9/2    +1.19    0.01     1417 1.b1d1 f5c2 
   <2>   +1.19    0.01     1852 1.b1d1 f5c2 
    3    +1.04    0.01     2341 1.b1d1 f5c2 2.d1d2 
   <3>   +1.04    0.03     5377 1.b1d1 f5c2 2.d1d2 
    4    +1.40    0.03     9046 1.b1d1 f5d7 2.b6 d7h3 
   <4>   +1.40    0.04    16635 1.b1d1 f5d7 2.b6 d7h3 
    5    +1.34    0.08    27167 1.b1d1 f5d7 2.b5xc6 d7xc6 3.f1f3 
   <5>   +1.34    0.11    51424 1.b1d1 f5d7 2.b5xc6 d7xc6 3.f1f3 
    6    +1.51    0.22   107194 1.b1d1 f5e6 2.b5xc6 d8c7 3.e3f4 d5xf4 
   <6>   +1.51    0.33   178132 1.b1d1 f5e6 2.b5xc6 d8c7 3.e3f4 d5xf4 
    7    +1.50    0.64   360901 1.b1d1 f5h3 2.f1f3 b8xb5 3.c4xb5 c6xb5 
                                4.e3h6 d8b8 
   <7>   +1.50    0.87   544113 1.b1d1 f5h3 2.f1f3 b8xb5 3.c4xb5 c6xb5 
                                4.e3h6 d8b8 
    8    +1.52    1.40   893112 1.b1d1 f5h3 2.f1f2 h3d7 3.e3f4 b8b7 
                                4.f4d6 d8g5 5.Kf1 
! 5/8    +1.92    1.81  1182415 1.b5xc6 
!   8    +2.36    2.04  1338084 1.b5xc6 f5xb1 2.e3h6 h5g5 3.Kh1 d8e7 
                                4.c4xd5 g5xd5 5.d4xd5 Kh8 6.d5d4 Kg8 
   <8>   +2.36    2.11  1400435 1.b5xc6 f5xb1 2.e3h6 h5g5 3.Kh1 d8e7 
                                4.c4xd5 g5xd5 5.d4xd5 Kh8 6.d5d4 Kg8 
    9    +2.71    3.59  2464267 1.b5xc6 f5e6 2.d4e4 e6f7 3.b1b7 d8e8 
                                4.e4xe8 b8xe8 5.e3f4 h5h3 
   <9>   +2.71    4.09  2906357 1.b5xc6 f5e6 2.d4e4 e6f7 3.b1b7 d8e8 
                                4.e4xe8 b8xe8 5.e3f4 h5h3 
!  10    +3.13    5.59  3851850 1.b5xc6 
!  10    +3.88    6.25  4286812 1.b5xc6 
!  10    +4.50    7.97  5583701 1.b5xc6 f5e6 2.d4e4 e6f7 3.b1xb8 d8xb8 
                                4.f1xf7 b8xh2 5.Kf1 h5e5 6.c4xd5 h2h3 
                                7.e4g2 h3xe3 
  <10>   +4.50    8.39  6034519 1.b5xc6 f5e6 2.d4e4 e6f7 3.b1xb8 d8xb8 
                                4.f1xf7 b8xh2 5.Kf1 h5e5 6.c4xd5 h2h3 
                                7.e4g2 h3xe3 
  <11>   +4.50   10.00  7179973 1.b5xc6 f5e6 2.d4e4 e6f7 3.b1xb8 d8xb8 
                                4.f1xf7 b8xh2 5.Kf1 h5e5 6.c4xd5 e5xe4 

Computed move :   b5xc6
NPS:              717997
solution found [79/113], time: 1.81, points: 18, nodes: 1182415!
[Diagram of position #114]

Test position #114

White to move

FEN :          r1b1qbk1/pp3r1p/2pR1np1/5p2/2P1pP2/1PN1Q1PP/PB2P1B1/5RK1 w - -
Best Move :    Rxf6 
Position ID:  "ECM.1357"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.27    0.00        2 1.d6d4 
   <1>   -0.27    0.00      100 1.d6d4 
    2    -0.43    0.00      143 1.d6d4 f7d7 
   <2>   -0.43    0.00      385 1.d6d4 f7d7 
  2/3    -0.19    0.00      993 1.d6d1 f7d7 2.e3f2 
   <3>   -0.19    0.00     2882 1.d6d1 f7d7 2.e3f2 
    4    -0.31    0.01     3790 1.d6d1 f7d7 2.e3f2 e3 
   <4>   -0.31    0.01     8115 1.d6d1 f7d7 2.e3f2 e3 
    5    -0.19    0.03    12529 1.d6d1 f7d7 2.c3b1 f8g7 3.e3f2 
  5/5    -0.09    0.03    16395 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e4f6 Kf7 
   <5>   -0.09    0.04    21846 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e4f6 Kf7 
    6    -0.09    0.06    27257 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e4f6 Kf7 
                                4.e3d4 f8g7 
   <6>   -0.09    0.08    44457 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e4f6 Kf7 
                                4.e3d4 f8g7 
    7    +0.03    0.11    56859 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
   <7>   +0.03    0.17   101329 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
    8    -0.05    0.20   120485 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f8c5 
                                7.Kh2 f5xe4 
   <8>   -0.05    0.26   177798 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f8c5 
                                7.Kh2 f5xe4 
    9    +0.00    0.34   236383 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8f6 Kg8 6.f6h8 Kf7 
                                7.h8f6 Kg8 8.f6h8 Kf7 
   <9>   +0.00    0.42   307340 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8f6 Kg8 6.f6h8 Kf7 
                                7.h8f6 Kg8 8.f6h8 Kf7 9.h8f6 Kg8 
                                10.f6h8 Kf7 11.h8f6 
!  10    +0.42    0.50   358230 1.d6xf6 
!  10    +0.27    0.58   437763 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
                                7.f5 Kd6 8.f5xg6 
  <10>   +0.27    0.78   614960 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
                                7.f5 Kd6 8.f5xg6 
   11    +0.23    1.03   841779 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f8c5 
                                7.Kh2 f5xe4 8.f5 g6xf5 9.f1xf5 
  <11>   +0.23    1.45  1186692 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f8c5 
                                7.Kh2 f5xe4 8.f5 g6xf5 9.f1xf5 
   12    +0.51    2.17  1844363 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
                                7.f5 Kd6 8.f5xg6 e8e7 9.f1f7 
  <12>   +0.51    2.61  2208584 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
                                7.f5 Kd6 8.f5xg6 e8e7 9.f1f7 
   13    +0.63    3.87  3389784 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
                                7.f5 Kd6 8.f5xg6 f8e7 9.g7 c8e6 
                                10.h7xe4 e6xh3 
  <13>   +0.63    5.54  4928112 1.d6xf6 f7xf6 2.c3xe4 f6e6 3.e3d4 e6xe4 
                                4.d4h8 Kf7 5.h8xh7 Ke6 6.g2xe4 f5xe4 
                                7.f5 Kd6 8.f5xg6 f8e7 9.g7 c8e6 
                                10.h7xe4 e6xh3 
!  14    +1.05    7.25  6365416 1.d6xf6 
  <14>   +1.05   10.00  8550809 

Computed move :   d6xf6
NPS:              855080
solution found [80/114], time: 0.03, points: 25, nodes: 21846!
[Diagram of position #115]

Test position #115

White to move

FEN :          1n2n1r1/r3qppk/p2p3p/3PpP1P/1P2P3/3B2RQ/3B1P1K/6R1 w - -
Best Move :    Bxh6 
Position ID:  "ECM.1371"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.05    0.00        2 1.h3g4 
   <1>   -0.05    0.00       87 1.h3g4 
    2    -0.20    0.00      117 1.h3g4 g5 
 29/2    -0.15    0.00      444 1.b5 g5 2.b5xa6 b8xa6 
   <2>   -0.15    0.00      506 1.b5 g5 2.b5xa6 b8xa6 
    3    +0.02    0.02      808 1.b5 e8f6 2.b5xa6 
   <3>   +0.02    0.02     1670 1.b5 e8f6 2.b5xa6 
    4    -0.20    0.02     3109 1.b5 a6xb5 2.d3xb5 a7a2 
  5/4    -0.13    0.03     7338 1.f4 e5xf4 2.d2xf4 g5 
   <4>   -0.13    0.03    10019 1.f4 e5xf4 2.d2xf4 g5 
    5    +0.15    0.05    13856 1.f4 b8d7 2.Kh1 e8f6 3.f4xe5 d7xe5 
   <5>   +0.15    0.06    21590 1.f4 b8d7 2.Kh1 e8f6 3.f4xe5 d7xe5 
    6    +0.10    0.08    28724 1.f4 b8d7 2.Kh1 e8f6 3.f4xe5 d7xe5 
   <6>   +0.10    0.13    66516 1.f4 b8d7 2.Kh1 e8f6 3.f4xe5 d7xe5 
    7    +0.10    0.22   113440 1.f4 b8d7 2.h3f1 e8f6 3.f1e2 e5xf4 
                                4.d2xf4 g5 
   <7>   +0.10    0.33   195502 1.f4 b8d7 2.h3f1 e8f6 3.f1e2 e5xf4 
                                4.d2xf4 g5 
    8    +0.08    0.60   341217 1.f4 e5xf4 2.d2xf4 e8f6 3.g3e3 b8d7 
                                4.h3g3 d7e5 5.f4xe5 d6xe5 
   <8>   +0.08    0.78   496938 1.f4 e5xf4 2.d2xf4 e8f6 3.g3e3 b8d7 
                                4.h3g3 d7e5 5.f4xe5 d6xe5 
    9    -0.01    1.33   809770 1.f4 e5xf4 2.d2xf4 e8f6 3.g3e3 a7b7 
                                4.h3g3 b7b6 5.Kh1 f6xh5 
! 5/9    +0.50    1.81  1165765 1.d2xh6 
!   9    +1.25    2.00  1287351 1.d2xh6 
!   9    +1.70    2.69  1678676 1.d2xh6 a7b7 2.h6d2 e8f6 3.h6 g6 
                                4.f5xg6 f7xg6 5.h3g2 e7f7 6.f4 
   <9>   +1.70    2.69  1684035 1.d2xh6 a7b7 2.h6d2 e8f6 3.h6 g6 
                                4.f5xg6 f7xg6 5.h3g2 e7f7 6.f4 
   10    +1.81    3.60  2198084 1.d2xh6 a7b7 2.h6g5 e7d7 3.h6 g6 
                                4.f5xg6 f7xg6 5.h3xd7 b7xd7 6.f4 e5xf4 
  <10>   +1.81    3.94  2569176 1.d2xh6 a7b7 2.h6g5 e7d7 3.h6 g6 
                                4.f5xg6 f7xg6 5.h3xd7 b7xd7 6.f4 e5xf4 
   11    +2.04    6.35  4106203 1.d2xh6 e7d7 2.h6g5 g8h8 3.h6 Kg8 
                                4.h3h5 a7b7 5.g5d2 b7c7 6.g1h1 d7e7 
  <11>   +2.04    6.89  4763090 1.d2xh6 e7d7 2.h6g5 g8h8 3.h6 Kg8 
                                4.h3h5 a7b7 5.g5d2 b7c7 6.g1h1 d7e7 
  <12>   +2.04   10.02  6819241 1.d2xh6 e7d7 

Computed move :   d2xh6
NPS:              680562
solution found [81/115], time: 1.81, points: 18, nodes: 1165765!
[Diagram of position #116]

Test position #116

White to move

FEN :          3r1r2/1b4bk/p1n3pp/1p2p3/4P3/q1P1QNB1/B4RPP/5RK1 w - -
Best Move :    Bh4 
Position ID:  "ECM.1376"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.60    0.00        2 1.a2e6 
  5/1    -0.53    0.00        7 1.g3h4 
 20/1    -0.43    0.00       37 1.a2d5 
   <1>   -0.43    0.00      175 1.a2d5 
    2    -0.53    0.00      548 1.a2d5 a3e7 
   <2>   -0.53    0.00     1215 1.a2d5 a3e7 
    3    -0.59    0.00     1813 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.g3h4 
   <3>   -0.59    0.02     4788 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.g3h4 
    4    -0.58    0.02     6959 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.e3c1 a5 
   <4>   -0.58    0.03    14604 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.e3c1 a5 
    5    -0.39    0.06    25674 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.c4 b4 3.c5 
   <5>   -0.39    0.11    50031 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.c4 b4 3.c5 
    6    -0.42    0.16    70393 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.e3b6 d8d6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
   <6>   -0.42    0.25   139873 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.e3b6 d8d6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
    7    -0.33    0.50   252704 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.Kxf2 a3a2 5.Kg1 
   <7>   -0.33    0.64   348619 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.Kxf2 a3a2 5.Kg1 
    8    -0.13    1.02   544593 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.e3b6 f8f6 3.g3h4 g5 
                                4.f3xg5 h6xg5 5.f2xf6 g7xf6 
   <8>   -0.13    1.30   757279 1.a2d5 a3e7 2.e3b6 f8f6 3.g3h4 g5 
                                4.f3xg5 h6xg5 5.f2xf6 g7xf6 
    9    -0.17    2.52  1450853 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.e3xf2 g7xe5 5.g3xe5 c6xe4 6.f2f6 
   <9>   -0.17    3.06  1923109 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.e3xf2 g7xe5 5.g3xe5 c6xe4 6.f2f6 
   10    -0.19    4.58  2902963 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.Kxf2 g7xe5 5.g3xe5 a3e7 6.e3f4 
  <10>   -0.19    5.80  3953033 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.Kxf2 g7xe5 5.g3xe5 a3e7 6.e3f4 
   11    -0.38    9.85  6566479 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.Kxf2 g7xe5 5.g3xe5 a3a2 6.Kg1 a2c2 
                                7.f1e1 d7d2 
  <11>   -0.38   10.00  6719277 1.a2d5 d8d7 2.d5xc6 b7xc6 3.f3xe5 f8xf2 
                                4.Kxf2 g7xe5 5.g3xe5 a3a2 6.Kg1 a2c2 
                                7.f1e1 d7d2 

Computed move :   a2d5
NPS:              671927
no solution found [:-( [81/116]!
[Diagram of position #117]

Test position #117

White to move

FEN :          r1r3kb/1pqbpp2/p2p1npB/n7/3NP3/1BN2P2/PPPQ2P1/2KR3R w - -
Best Move :    Bf8 
Position ID:  "ECM.1377"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.59    0.00        6 1.c3e2 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 
  3/1    +0.77    0.00       20 1.Kb1 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 
 35/1    +0.97    0.00      219 1.b3a4 d7xa4 2.c3xa4 
   <1>   +0.97    0.00      240 1.b3a4 d7xa4 2.c3xa4 
  2/2    +0.77    0.00      424 1.Kb1 a5xb3 
   <2>   +0.77    0.02      777 1.Kb1 a5xb3 
    3    +0.63    0.02     1421 1.Kb1 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 3.a2xb3 
 26/3    +0.64    0.02     3102 1.g4 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 3.a2xb3 
   <3>   +0.64    0.02     3677 1.g4 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 3.a2xb3 
    4    +0.64    0.03     4686 1.g4 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 
   <4>   +0.64    0.03     9016 1.g4 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 
    5    +0.76    0.05    15745 1.g4 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 3.a2xb3 f6e8 
   <5>   +0.76    0.08    26845 1.g4 e5 2.d4e2 a5xb3 3.a2xb3 f6e8 
    6    +0.70    0.16    65987 1.g4 b5 2.b3d5 a5c4 3.d5xc4 b5xc4 
  5/6    +0.71    0.22   100535 1.Kb1 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 a5 3.g4 a4 
   <6>   +0.71    0.27   123838 1.Kb1 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 a5 3.g4 a4 
    7    +0.67    0.33   151380 1.Kb1 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 b5 3.g4 b4 
                                4.c3d5 f6xd5 5.e4xd5 
   <7>   +0.67    0.47   240897 1.Kb1 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 b5 3.g4 b4 
                                4.c3d5 f6xd5 5.e4xd5 
    8    +0.68    0.66   348522 1.Kb1 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 b5 3.c3d5 f6xd5 
                                4.e4xd5 b4 5.d1e1 
  4/8    +0.78    1.33   738260 1.g4 a5c4 2.b3xc4 c7xc4 3.Kb1 f6xg4 
                                4.f3xg4 d7xg4 5.d1g1 h8xd4 6.g1xg4 d4xc3 
                                7.b2xc3 c4xc3 
   <8>   +0.78    1.61   913420 1.g4 a5c4 2.b3xc4 c7xc4 3.Kb1 f6xg4 
                                4.f3xg4 d7xg4 5.d1g1 h8xd4 6.g1xg4 d4xc3 
                                7.b2xc3 c4xc3 
    9    +0.80    2.75  1533287 1.g4 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 d7e6 3.Kb1 b5 
                                4.d2h2 e6xb3 5.a2xb3 b4 6.c3d5 f6xd5 
 18/9    +1.13    4.35  2617972 1.h6g5 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 d7e6 3.g5xf6 h8xf6 
                                4.c3d5 f6g5 5.f4 e6xd5 6.e4xd5 
   <9>   +1.13    4.35  2619420 1.h6g5 a5xb3 2.d4xb3 d7e6 3.g5xf6 h8xf6 
                                4.c3d5 f6g5 5.f4 e6xd5 6.e4xd5 
!  10    +1.55    6.58  4127797 1.h6g5 
!  10    +2.01    9.30  6028589 1.h6g5 h8g7 2.g5xf6 e7xf6 3.g4 c7b8 
                                4.c3d5 a5c4 5.b3xc4 c8xc4 6.d5e7 Kf8 
  <10>   +2.01    9.69  6411976 1.h6g5 h8g7 2.g5xf6 e7xf6 3.g4 c7b8 
                                4.c3d5 a5c4 5.b3xc4 c8xc4 6.d5e7 Kf8 
  <11>   +2.01   10.00  6640693 1.h6g5 h8g7 2.g5xf6 e7xf6 3.g4 c7b8 

Computed move :   h6g5
NPS:              664069
no solution found [:-( [81/117]!
[Diagram of position #118]

Test position #118

White to move

FEN :          4qn1k/1b3rpp/pb2pB2/1pp1P2P/3p1NQ1/P2P2PB/1PP4K/5R2 w - -
Best Move :    Ng6+ 
Position ID:  "ECM.1380"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.47    0.00        2 1.f6h4 
   <1>   -0.47    0.00      180 1.f6h4 
    2    -0.32    0.01      650 1.f6h4 f7f5 
   <2>   -0.32    0.01     1345 1.f6h4 f7f5 
    3    -0.22    0.01     1818 1.f6h4 e8d7 2.h6 
   <3>   -0.22    0.01     3435 1.f6h4 e8d7 2.h6 
    4    -0.29    0.03     5599 1.f6h4 e8d7 2.h6 g6 
   <4>   -0.29    0.03    10365 1.f6h4 e8d7 2.h6 g6 
    5    +0.12    0.06    17212 1.f6h4 b7c8 2.h6 c8b7 3.h6xg7 f7xg7 
   <5>   +0.12    0.07    30465 1.f6h4 b7c8 2.h6 c8b7 3.h6xg7 f7xg7 
    6    +0.17    0.14    59145 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.f4xe6 f8xe6 3.f1xf7 e8xf7 
                                4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.h3xe6 c7xe5 
   <6>   +0.17    0.18    95985 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.f4xe6 f8xe6 3.f1xf7 e8xf7 
                                4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.h3xe6 c7xe5 
?   7    -0.13    0.45   258109 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.h6 c7xe5 3.f4xe6 f8xe6 
                                4.f1xf7 e8xf7 5.g4xe6 
   <7>   -0.13    0.45   258144 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.h6 c7xe5 3.f4xe6 f8xe6 
                                4.f1xf7 e8xf7 5.g4xe6 
    8    -0.13    0.62   355386 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.h6 c7xe5 3.f4xe6 f8xe6 
                                4.f1xf7 e8xf7 5.g4xe6 
   <8>   -0.13    0.73   452407 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.h6 c7xe5 3.f4xe6 f8xe6 
                                4.f1xf7 e8xf7 5.g4xe6 
    9    -0.16    1.07   643366 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.h6 c7xe5 3.g4h5 e5d6 
                                4.h6xg7 Kxg7 5.h4f6 Kxf6 6.f4xe6 Ke7 
                                7.h5h4 Kd7 8.f1xf7 e8xf7 9.e6xf8 Kc6 
   <9>   -0.16    1.36   895577 1.f6h4 b6c7 2.h6 c7xe5 3.g4h5 e5d6 
                                4.h6xg7 Kxg7 5.h4f6 Kxf6 6.f4xe6 Ke7 
                                7.h5h4 Kd7 8.f1xf7 e8xf7 9.e6xf8 Kc6 
   10    +0.00    4.90  2844010 1.f6h4 h6 2.b4 e8c6 3.g4e2 c6e8 
                                4.e2g4 e8c6 5.g4e2 c6e8 6.e2g4 e8c6 
  <10>   +0.00    6.07  3639640 1.f6h4 h6 2.b4 e8c6 3.g4e2 c6e8 
                                4.e2g4 e8c6 5.g4e2 c6e8 6.e2g4 e8c6 
                                7.g4e2 c6e8 8.e2g4 e8c6 9.g4e2 
  <11>   +0.00   10.01  5777307 1.f6h4 h6 2.b4 a5 3.Kg1 Kg8 
                                4.b4xc5 b6xc5 5.a4 b5xa4 6.f4xe6 f7xf1 

Computed move :   f6h4
NPS:              577153
no solution found [:-( [81/118]!
[Diagram of position #119]

Test position #119

White to move

FEN :          2b5/2qrrpk1/5Rp1/2p4p/1pB1PR1P/1P1P2P1/5Q1K/8 w - -
Best Move :    Qb2 
Position ID:  "ECM.1381"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.84    0.00        2 1.f4f3 
  2/1    +1.22    0.00        4 1.c4b5 
   <1>   +1.22    0.00      132 1.c4b5 
    2    +0.81    0.01      208 1.c4b5 d7d6 2.f6xd6 c7xd6 
  5/2    +1.00    0.01      630 1.Kg1 Kg8 
 24/2    +1.05    0.01      813 1.c4d5 Kg8 
   <2>   +1.05    0.01      866 1.c4d5 Kg8 
    3    +1.08    0.01     1237 1.c4d5 c8b7 2.d5xb7 c7xb7 
  2/3    +1.15    0.01     1980 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.c4b5 
   <3>   +1.15    0.01     3786 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.c4b5 
    4    +0.96    0.03     4626 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.c4b5 d7d6 3.f6xd6 c7xd6 
  2/4    +1.08    0.03     5744 1.c4d5 c8b7 2.d5xb7 c7xb7 
   <4>   +1.08    0.04    11646 1.c4d5 c8b7 2.d5xb7 c7xb7 
    5    +0.87    0.04    14325 1.c4d5 c8b7 2.d5xb7 c7xb7 3.f2f1 
  4/5    +1.12    0.06    25543 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 c7c8 3.c4b5 
   <5>   +1.12    0.07    32772 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 c7c8 3.c4b5 
    6    +0.97    0.11    47577 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7a8 3.Kg1 Kg8 
   <6>   +0.97    0.18    93809 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7a8 3.Kg1 Kg8 
    7    +1.10    0.25   123908 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7a8 3.Kh2 a8b7 
   <7>   +1.10    0.36   217139 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7a8 3.Kh2 a8b7 
    8    +1.05    0.46   288253 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7c6 3.Kh2 c6a8 
                                4.Kg2 a8b7 5.c4b5 
   <8>   +1.05    0.95   614692 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7c6 3.Kh2 c6a8 
                                4.Kg2 a8b7 5.c4b5 
    9    +1.05    1.09   710568 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7c6 3.Kh2 c6a8 
                                4.Kg2 a8c6 5.Kh1 c6b7 
   <9>   +1.05    1.56  1148033 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7c6 3.Kh2 c6a8 
                                4.Kg2 a8c6 5.Kh1 c6b7 
   10    +0.96    1.87  1387290 1.Kg1 c8b7 2.Kh1 b7c6 3.Kh2 c6a8 
                                4.Kg2 a8b7 5.Kg1 b7a8 6.c4b5 d7d6 
                                7.f6xd6 c7xd6 
 15/10    +1.07    3.53  2559699 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c7b6 6.c4xf7 d7xd3 
                                7.f6xg6 Kh8 
  <10>   +1.07    3.68  2697349 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c7b6 6.c4xf7 d7xd3 
                                7.f6xg6 Kh8 
   11    +1.10    4.93  3487590 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c6b7 6.Kh2 Kh7 
                                7.c4xf7 d7xd3 8.f7xg6 Kh8 
  <11>   +1.10    6.39  4740405 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c6b7 6.Kh2 Kh7 
                                7.c4xf7 d7xd3 8.f7xg6 Kh8 
   12    +1.17    7.82  5703660 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c6b7 6.Kh2 b7a8 
                                7.c4b5 d7d6 8.Kg1 
  <12>   +1.17    9.34  7075840 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c6b7 6.Kh2 b7a8 
                                7.c4b5 d7d6 8.Kg1 
  <13>   +1.17   10.00  7508434 1.f2b2 Kh7 2.f4f1 c8b7 3.b2f2 Kg7 
                                4.Kg1 b7c6 5.Kh1 c6a8 6.c4b5 d7d6 
                                7.f2f4 d6e6 8.f4f2 

Computed move :   f2b2
NPS:              750093
solution found [82/119], time: 3.53, points: 14, nodes: 2697349!
[Diagram of position #120]

Test position #120

White to move

FEN :          7r/2p1q1k1/1p3r1p/p1pPpPp1/2P1P1P1/PP6/3Q2KR/7R w - -
Best Move :    Qxg5+ 
Position ID:  "ECM.1383"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +1.88    0.00        2 1.h1f1 
   <1>   +1.88    0.00       66 1.h1f1 
    2    +1.91    0.01      104 1.h1f1 e7e8 
   <2>   +1.91    0.01      264 1.h1f1 e7e8 
    3    +1.58    0.01      671 1.h1f1 c6 2.d5xc6 f6xc6 
 14/3    +1.70    0.01     2012 1.h1d1 a4 2.b3xa4 
   <3>   +1.70    0.01     2273 1.h1d1 a4 2.b3xa4 
    4    +1.73    0.01     3273 1.h1d1 a4 2.b3xa4 h8a8 
  5/4    +1.76    0.03     6581 1.h2h5 h8d8 2.Kh2 Kg8 
   <4>   +1.76    0.03     8650 1.h2h5 h8d8 2.Kh2 Kg8 
  5/5    +1.52    0.06    20139 1.h2h3 c6 2.d5xc6 h8d8 3.h3d3 d8xd3 
                                4.d2xd3 f6xc6 
   <5>   +1.52    0.07    30000 1.h2h3 c6 2.d5xc6 h8d8 3.h3d3 d8xd3 
                                4.d2xd3 f6xc6 
    6    +1.52    0.09    37997 1.h2h3 c6 2.d5xc6 h8d8 3.h3d3 d8xd3 
  3/6    +1.61    0.15    72470 1.h1d1 f6d6 2.d2e2 c6 3.d5xc6 d6xc6 
   <6>   +1.61    0.18    92889 1.h1d1 f6d6 2.d2e2 c6 3.d5xc6 d6xc6 
  2/7    +1.52    0.29   157506 1.h2h3 c6 2.d5xc6 h8d8 3.h3d3 d8xd3 
                                4.d2xd3 f6xc6 
   <7>   +1.52    0.51   305876 1.h2h3 c6 2.d5xc6 h8d8 3.h3d3 d8xd3 
                                4.d2xd3 f6xc6 
    8    +1.52    0.82   502313 1.h2h3 f6d6 2.h3d3 e7f6 3.h1f1 c6 
                                4.d5xc6 d6xd3 5.d2xd3 f6xc6 
   <8>   +1.52    1.25   795314 1.h2h3 f6d6 2.h3d3 e7f6 3.h1f1 c6 
                                4.d5xc6 d6xd3 5.d2xd3 f6xc6 
    9    +1.50    1.89  1228377 1.h2h3 f6d6 2.h3d3 h8d8 3.h1h3 d6f6 
                                4.Kf2 c6 5.d5xc6 d8xd3 6.d2xd3 f6xc6 
  9/9    +1.59    2.56  1700140 1.d2xg5 h6xg5 2.h2xh8 f6f7 3.h1h7 Kf6 
                                4.h7h6 Kg7 5.f6 e7xf6 6.h8h7 Kg8 
                                7.h6xf6 f7xh7 8.f6f5 h7g7 9.a4 g7g6 
   <9>   +1.59    2.84  1917931 1.d2xg5 h6xg5 2.h2xh8 f6f7 3.h1h7 Kf6 
                                4.h7h6 Kg7 5.f6 e7xf6 6.h8h7 Kg8 
                                7.h6xf6 f7xh7 8.f6f5 h7g7 9.a4 g7g6 
   10    +1.30    3.17  2098279 1.d2xg5 h6xg5 2.h2xh8 f6f7 3.h1h7 Kf6 
                                4.h7h6 Kg7 5.f6 e7xf6 6.h8h7 Kf8 
                                7.h6xf6 f7xf6 8.h7xc7 f6f4 9.d6 f4xe4 
                                10.c7c8 Kf7 11.Kf3 
 2/10    +1.41    4.64  3006140 1.h2h3 f6d6 2.h1f1 c6 3.d2f2 d6f6 
                                4.d5xc6 h8d8 5.Kh1 f6xc6 6.f2e2 
  <10>   +1.41    6.71  4423927 1.h2h3 f6d6 2.h1f1 c6 3.d2f2 d6f6 
                                4.d5xc6 h8d8 5.Kh1 f6xc6 6.f2e2 
  <11>   +1.41   10.00  6340097 1.h2h3 f6d6 2.h1f1 c6 3.Kh1 h8d8 
                                4.d2c3 Kg8 5.h3h2 e7f6 6.d5xc6 d6xc6 

Computed move :   h2h3
NPS:              634009
no solution found [:-( [82/120]!
© Steffen A. Jakob