[ Test Suite wac | Hossa ]

Positions 191 - 200

[Diagram of position #191]

Test position #191

White to move

FEN :          2r1Rn1k/1p1q2pp/p7/5p2/3P4/1B4P1/P1P1QP1P/6K1 w - -
Best Move :    Qc4 
Position ID:  "WAC.191"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +1.52    0.00        4 1.e8xc8 d7xc8 
 27/1    +1.81    0.00      115 1.b3f7 c8xe8 2.e2xe8 d7xe8 3.f7xe8 
   <1>   +1.81    0.00      138 1.b3f7 c8xe8 2.e2xe8 d7xe8 3.f7xe8 
    2    +1.74    0.00      186 1.b3f7 c8d8 
   <2>   +1.74    0.00      560 1.b3f7 c8d8 
    3    +1.75    0.02     1201 1.b3f7 b5 2.d5 
  4/3    +1.83    0.02     1711 1.e8xc8 d7xc8 2.d5 
!43/3    +2.16    0.02     2553 1.e2c4 
!   3    +2.91    0.02     2596 1.e2c4 
!   3    +6.11    0.02     2642 1.e2c4 
!   3   +10.82    0.02     2807 1.e2c4 d7d5 2.e8xf8 c8xf8 3.c4xd5 
   <3>  +10.82    0.02     2849 1.e2c4 d7d5 2.e8xf8 c8xf8 3.c4xd5 
    4   +10.65    0.02     3311 1.e2c4 d7d5 2.e8xf8 c8xf8 3.c4xd5 b5 
   <4>  +10.65    0.03     5660 1.e2c4 d7d5 2.e8xf8 c8xf8 3.c4xd5 b5 
!   5   +11.07    0.03     6165 1.e2c4 
!   5   +11.82    0.03     6331 1.e2c4 
   <5>  +11.82    0.03     6331 1.e2c4 

Computed move :   e2c4
NPS:              211033
solution found [190/191], time: 0.02, points: 25, nodes: 2553!
[Diagram of position #192]

Test position #192

Black to move

FEN :          r3k3/ppp2Npp/4Bn2/2b5/1n1pp3/N4P2/PPP3qP/R2QKR2 b Qq -
Best Move :    Nd3+ 
Position ID:  "WAC.192"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -1.11    0.00        2 1... e3 
 27/1    +5.15    0.00      309 1... b4d3 2.d1xd3 e4xd3 
   <1>   +5.15    0.00      512 1... b4d3 2.d1xd3 e4xd3 
    2    +5.37    0.00     1016 1... b4d3 2.d1xd3 e4xd3 3.f1f2 
   <2>   +5.37    0.01     2123 1... b4d3 2.d1xd3 e4xd3 3.f1f2 
!   3    +5.79    0.01     4277 1... b4d3 
!   3    +6.54    0.01     5230 1... b4d3 
!   3    +8.90    0.03     7689 1... b4d3 2.d1xd3 e4xd3 3.f1f2 d2 
                                4.f2xd2 g2g1 5.Ke2 g1xa1 
   <3>   +8.90    0.03     9933 1... b4d3 2.d1xd3 e4xd3 3.f1f2 d2 
                                4.f2xd2 g2g1 5.Ke2 g1xa1 

Computed move :   b4d3
NPS:              248325
solution found [191/192], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 512!
[Diagram of position #193]

Test position #193

Black to move

FEN :          5bk1/p4ppp/Qp6/4B3/1P6/Pq2P1P1/2rr1P1P/R4RK1 b - -
Best Move :    Qxe3 
Position ID:  "WAC.193"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.59    0.00        5 1... b3d5 
   <1>   +0.59    0.00       53 1... b3d5 
    2    +0.74    0.00      152 1... b3d5 2.e5f4 
   <2>   +0.74    0.00      340 1... b3d5 2.e5f4 
?   3    +0.78    0.00     3297 1... b3d5 2.e5b8 d5f3 3.b8xa7 
   <3>   +0.78    0.01     3338 1... b3d5 2.e5b8 d5f3 3.b8xa7 
! 2/4    +1.20    0.01     6629 1... b3xe3 
!   4    +1.95    0.01     8329 1... b3xe3 
!   4    +2.66    0.03    12583 1... b3xe3 2.a6xa7 e3xe5 3.a7xb6 
   <4>   +2.66    0.03    14809 1... b3xe3 2.a6xa7 e3xe5 3.a7xb6 
    5    +3.05    0.06    31527 1... b3xe3 2.a6xa7 e3xe5 3.a7xb6 e5e2 
   <5>   +3.05    0.08    35399 1... b3xe3 2.a6xa7 e3xe5 3.a7xb6 e5e2 
!   6    +3.47    0.11    58755 1... b3xe3 
!   6    +4.22    0.15    78717 1... b3xe3 
!   6    +4.74    0.20   109659 1... b3xe3 2.Kh1 e3xe5 3.a6xa7 d2xf2 
                                4.f1xf2 c2xf2 
   <6>   +4.74    0.22   120044 1... b3xe3 2.Kh1 e3xe5 3.a6xa7 d2xf2 
                                4.f1xf2 c2xf2 
!   7    +5.16    0.31   171045 1... b3xe3 
!   7    +5.91    0.40   216925 1... b3xe3 
!   7    +5.98    0.51   290978 1... b3xe3 2.e5d4 e3xd4 3.Kh1 d2xf2 
                                4.f1xf2 c2xf2 5.a1e1 
   <7>   +5.98    0.53   307873 1... b3xe3 2.e5d4 e3xd4 3.Kh1 d2xf2 
                                4.f1xf2 c2xf2 5.a1e1 

Computed move :   b3xe3
NPS:              580892
solution found [192/193], time: 0.01, points: 25, nodes: 6629!
[Diagram of position #194]

Test position #194

White to move

FEN :          5rk1/ppq2ppp/2p5/4bN2/4P3/6Q1/PPP2PPP/3R2K1 w - -
Best Move :    Nh6+ 
Position ID:  "WAC.194"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.43    0.02        6 1.g3g5 e5xb2 
  3/1    +0.52    0.02       20 1.g3e3 e5xh2 2.Kf1 
   <1>   +0.52    0.02      290 1.g3e3 e5xh2 2.Kf1 
    2    +0.52    0.02      327 1.g3e3 e5xh2 
   <2>   +0.52    0.02     2401 1.g3e3 e5xh2 
    3    +0.45    0.02     3115 1.g3e3 e5xh2 2.Kh1 h2e5 3.c3 
  5/3    +0.91    0.04     8149 1.g3g5 e5xb2 2.f5e7 Kh8 
   <3>   +0.91    0.04     9802 1.g3g5 e5xb2 2.f5e7 Kh8 
! 3/4    +1.33    0.05    14780 1.f5h6 
!   4    +2.08    0.05    15338 1.f5h6 
!   4    +5.28    0.05    15977 1.f5h6 
!   4    +5.78    0.07    29297 1.f5h6 Kh8 2.g3xe5 c7c8 3.h6f5 f6 
   <4>   +5.78    0.08    31981 1.f5h6 Kh8 2.g3xe5 c7c8 3.h6f5 f6 
!   5    +6.20    0.11    44247 1.f5h6 
!   5    +6.24    0.13    58750 1.f5h6 Kh8 2.g3xe5 c7c8 3.h6f5 f8g8 
                                4.e5e7 c8e6 5.e7xe6 f7xe6 
   <5>   +6.24    0.13    65627 1.f5h6 Kh8 2.g3xe5 c7c8 3.h6f5 f8g8 
                                4.e5e7 c8e6 5.e7xe6 f7xe6 
    6    +6.21    0.19   105859 1.f5h6 Kh8 2.g3xe5 c7c8 3.h6f5 f8g8 
                                4.e5e7 c8e6 5.e7xe6 f7xe6 6.f5d6 
   <6>   +6.21    0.21   121466 1.f5h6 Kh8 2.g3xe5 c7c8 3.h6f5 f8g8 
                                4.e5e7 c8e6 5.e7xe6 f7xe6 6.f5d6 

Computed move :   f5h6
NPS:              578409
solution found [193/194], time: 0.05, points: 25, nodes: 14780!
[Diagram of position #195]

Test position #195

White to move

FEN :          3r1rk1/1p3p2/p3pnnp/2p3p1/2P2q2/1P5P/PB2QPPN/3RR1K1 w - -
Best Move :    g3 
Position ID:  "WAC.195"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -1.32    0.00        2 1.d1b1 
  3/1    -1.05    0.00        9 1.h2f1 
  4/1    -0.68    0.00       21 1.b2xf6 f4xf6 
   <1>   -0.68    0.00       63 1.b2xf6 f4xf6 
    2    -0.68    0.00      117 1.b2xf6 f4xf6 
   <2>   -0.68    0.00      589 1.b2xf6 f4xf6 
    3    -0.62    0.00     1016 1.b2xf6 d8xd1 2.e1xd1 
! 2/3    -0.26    0.00     1521 1.g3 
!   3    +0.49    0.01     1805 1.g3 
!   3    +0.66    0.01     2130 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 
   <3>   +0.66    0.01     2928 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 
    4    +0.67    0.01     5337 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 
   <4>   +0.67    0.01     7272 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 
    5    +0.67    0.03    11006 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 
   <5>   +0.67    0.04    15813 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 
!   6    +1.09    0.04    24818 1.g3 
!   6    +1.24    0.06    34532 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5xf4 
   <6>   +1.24    0.09    49233 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5xf4 
    7    +1.24    0.11    69361 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5xf4 
   <7>   +1.24    0.14    97570 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5xf4 
!   8    +1.66    0.20   144596 1.g3 
!   8    +2.41    0.28   194309 1.g3 
!   8    +2.80    0.37   263831 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5g6 5.e2f3 g5xf4 6.f3xf4 
   <8>   +2.80    0.40   283396 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5g6 5.e2f3 g5xf4 6.f3xf4 
    9    +2.80    0.58   422699 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5g6 5.e2e5 g5xf4 6.e5xf4 
   <9>   +2.80    0.61   458511 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5g6 5.e2e5 g5xf4 6.e5xf4 
   10    +2.95    1.03   770388 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5h7 5.d1xd8 f8xd8 6.b2f6 d8d6 
  <10>   +2.95    1.12   847953 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5h7 5.d1xd8 f8xd8 6.b2f6 d8d6 
   11    +3.15    2.04  1518094 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5h7 5.b2f6 d8xd1 6.e1xd1 g5xf4 
  <11>   +3.15    2.26  1725814 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5h7 5.b2f6 d8xd1 6.e1xd1 g5xf4 
   12    +3.17    3.90  2983506 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5h7 5.d1xd8 f8xd8 6.b2f6 d8d6 
                                7.e2e3 g5xf4 8.e3xc5 
  <12>   +3.17    4.26  3297896 1.g3 f4f5 2.h2g4 f6xg4 3.h3xg4 g6f4 
                                4.g3xf4 f5h7 5.d1xd8 f8xd8 6.b2f6 d8d6 
                                7.e2e3 g5xf4 8.e3xc5 
   13    +3.23    8.65  6569423 1.g3 f4e4 2.d1xd8 f8xd8 3.b2xf6 e4xe2 
                                4.e1xe2 d8d7 5.Kg2 Kh7 6.h2g4 d7d3 
                                7.g4e5 g6xe5 8.f6xe5 
  <13>   +3.23    9.47  7321611 1.g3 f4e4 2.d1xd8 f8xd8 3.b2xf6 e4xe2 
                                4.e1xe2 d8d7 5.Kg2 Kh7 6.h2g4 d7d3 
                                7.g4e5 g6xe5 8.f6xe5 
  <14>   +3.23   10.00  7677975 1.g3 f4e4 2.d1xd8 f8xd8 3.b2xf6 e4xe2 
                                4.e1xe2 d8d1 5.Kg2 Kh7 6.h2f3 b6 
                                7.e2e4 d1d7 

Computed move :   g3
NPS:              767797
solution found [194/195], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 1521!
[Diagram of position #196]

Test position #196

Black to move

FEN :          rr4k1/p1pq2pp/Q1n1pn2/2bpp3/4P3/2PP1NN1/PP3PPP/R1B1K2R b KQ -
Best Move :    Nb4 
Position ID:  "WAC.196"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -2.16    0.00       10 1... c6e7 2.f3xe5 
  3/1    -0.41    0.00       19 1... b8f8 
   <1>   -0.41    0.00      101 1... b8f8 
  5/2    -0.79    0.00      429 1... f6g4 2.O-O 
 39/2    -0.59    0.00      772 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 
   <2>   -0.59    0.00      794 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 
    3    -0.25    0.00     1087 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.e4xd5 e6xd5 
   <3>   -0.25    0.01     2066 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.e4xd5 e6xd5 
?   4    -0.76    0.01     8418 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.a4c2 
   <4>   -0.76    0.03    13475 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.a4c2 
    5    -0.68    0.04    17314 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.O-O f6g4 
   <5>   -0.68    0.06    26582 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.O-O f6g4 
    6    -0.89    0.09    42081 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 f6g4 3.O-O a8f8 
                                4.d4 e5xd4 
   <6>   -0.89    0.18    99636 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 f6g4 3.O-O a8f8 
                                4.d4 e5xd4 
    7    -0.90    0.31   168416 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.O-O c6d4 
                                4.a4d1 d4xf3 5.d1xf3 
   <7>   -0.90    0.50   300855 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 a8f8 3.O-O c6d4 
                                4.a4d1 d4xf3 5.d1xf3 
    8    -0.83    0.73   445651 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 c6d4 3.a4d1 d4xf3 
                                4.d1xf3 a8f8 5.f3e2 d7e7 
   <8>   -0.83    1.04   688122 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 c6d4 3.a4d1 d4xf3 
                                4.d1xf3 a8f8 5.f3e2 d7e7 
    9    -0.69    1.25   830820 1... b8b6 2.a6a4 c6d4 3.a4d1 d4xf3 
                                4.d1xf3 a8f8 5.f3e2 f6xe4 6.g3xe4 d5xe4 
! 9/9    -0.41    1.83  1302828 1... c6b4 
!   9    +0.34    2.11  1498860 1... c6b4 
!   9    +1.14    2.51  1802651 1... c6b4 2.c3xb4 c5xb4 3.c1d2 b8b6 
                                4.f3xe5 d7e8 5.d2xb4 b6xa6 6.O-O a6b6 
   <9>   +1.14    2.54  1839722 1... c6b4 2.c3xb4 c5xb4 3.c1d2 b8b6 
                                4.f3xe5 d7e8 5.d2xb4 b6xa6 6.O-O a6b6 
   10    +1.37    3.68  2605685 1... c6b4 2.c3xb4 c5xb4 3.c1d2 b8b6 
                                4.f3xe5 d7e8 5.a6xb6 b4xd2 6.Kxd2 a7xb6 
                                7.f4 e8a4 
  <10>   +1.37    3.95  2860661 1... c6b4 2.c3xb4 c5xb4 3.c1d2 b8b6 
                                4.f3xe5 d7e8 5.a6xb6 b4xd2 6.Kxd2 a7xb6 
                                7.f4 e8a4 
   11    +1.46    6.75  4933176 1... c6b4 2.f3xe5 d7e8 3.a6a5 b4c2 
                                4.Kd2 b8b5 5.a5xb5 e8xb5 6.Kxc2 c5xf2 
                                7.e4xd5 f2xg3 8.h2xg3 e6xd5 
  <11>   +1.46    7.47  5691244 1... c6b4 2.f3xe5 d7e8 3.a6a5 b4c2 
                                4.Kd2 b8b5 5.a5xb5 e8xb5 6.Kxc2 c5xf2 
                                7.e4xd5 f2xg3 8.h2xg3 e6xd5 
  <12>   +1.46   10.00  7790215 1... c6b4 2.f3xe5 d7e8 3.a6a5 b4c2 
                                4.Kd2 c5b6 5.a5xb6 b8xb6 6.Kxc2 f6d7 
                                7.e5xd7 e8xd7 8.c1e3 d7a4 

Computed move :   c6b4
NPS:              778243
solution found [195/196], time: 1.83, points: 16, nodes: 1302828!
[Diagram of position #197]

Test position #197

Black to move

FEN :          7k/1p4p1/7p/3P1n2/4Q3/2P2P2/PP3qRP/7K b - -
Best Move :    Qf1+ 
Position ID:  "WAC.197"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -6.12    0.00      435 1... f2f1 2.g2g1 f1h3 3.e4e8 Kh7 
   <1>   -6.12    0.00      569 1... f2f1 2.g2g1 f1h3 3.e4e8 Kh7 
!   2    -5.70    0.00     1697 1... f2f1 
!   2    -4.95    0.00     1707 1... f2f1 
!   2    -1.75    0.00     1714 1... f2f1 
!   2      #87    0.00     1724 1... f2f1 
!   2       #3    0.00     1931 1... f2f1 2.g2g1 f5g3 3.h2xg3 f1h3 
   <2>      #3    0.01     2237 1... f2f1 2.g2g1 f5g3 3.h2xg3 f1h3 

Computed move :   f2f1
NPS:              223700
solution found [196/197], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 569!
[Diagram of position #198]

Test position #198

Black to move

FEN :          2br2k1/ppp2p1p/4p1p1/4P2q/2P1Bn2/2Q5/PP3P1P/4R1RK b - -
Best Move :    Rd3 
Position ID:  "WAC.198"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.47    0.00        2 1... h5h4 
   <1>   +0.47    0.00      108 1... h5h4 
    2    +0.37    0.00      195 1... h5h4 2.g1g3 
 23/2    +0.78    0.01      659 1... f4e2 2.e4f3 e2xc3 3.f3xh5 c3xa2 
   <2>   +0.78    0.01      824 1... f4e2 2.e4f3 e2xc3 3.f3xh5 c3xa2 
    3    +0.78    0.01     1092 1... f4e2 2.e4f3 e2xc3 
   <3>   +0.78    0.01     1843 1... f4e2 2.e4f3 e2xc3 
    4    +0.78    0.01     4062 1... f4e2 2.e4f3 e2xc3 3.f3xh5 
   <4>   +0.78    0.03     6915 1... f4e2 2.e4f3 e2xc3 3.f3xh5 
! 2/5    +1.20    0.04    14041 1... d8d3 
!   5    +1.95    0.04    16965 1... d8d3 
!   5    +4.19    0.06    24525 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 h5xe5 
                                4.e4xd3 f4xd3 
   <5>   +4.19    0.06    28636 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 h5xe5 
                                4.e4xd3 f4xd3 
    6    +4.49    0.09    43867 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 h5h4 
                                4.c1c2 d3d8 
   <6>   +4.49    0.11    53273 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 h5h4 
                                4.c1c2 d3d8 
    7    +4.67    0.17    90521 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 h5h4 
                                4.e1e3 d3xe3 5.c1xe3 b6 
   <7>   +4.67    0.18   109137 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 h5h4 
                                4.e1e3 d3xe3 5.c1xe3 b6 
    8    +5.04    0.34   201915 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 f4h3 
                                4.Kg2 d3d4 5.f3 h5h4 
   <8>   +5.04    0.34   210398 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c1 f4h3 
                                4.Kg2 d3d4 5.f3 h5h4 
    9    +5.25    0.93   594892 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c2 d3h3 
                                4.f3 h5xe5 5.c2f2 e5a5 6.a3 e5 
   <9>   +5.25    0.95   609486 1... d8d3 2.g1xg6 h7xg6 3.c3c2 d3h3 
                                4.f3 h5xe5 5.c2f2 e5a5 6.a3 e5 

Computed move :   d8d3
NPS:              628336
solution found [197/198], time: 0.04, points: 25, nodes: 14041!
[Diagram of position #199]

Test position #199

White to move

FEN :          r1br2k1/pp2nppp/2n5/1B1q4/Q7/4BN2/PP3PPP/2R2RK1 w - -
Best Moves:    Bxc6 Rfd1 Rcd1 
Position ID:  "WAC.199"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -0.12    0.00        5 1.b5xc6 e7xc6 
  2/1    +0.33    0.00        7 1.b5e2 
  5/1    +0.56    0.00       11 1.f1e1 
   <1>   +0.56    0.00       63 1.f1e1 
    2    +0.41    0.00      136 1.f1e1 c8f5 
!39/2    +0.98    0.00      720 1.f1d1 
!   2    +1.60    0.00      838 1.f1d1 d5h5 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.e3xa7 
   <2>   +1.60    0.02     1102 1.f1d1 d5h5 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.e3xa7 
    3    +1.60    0.02     1426 1.f1d1 d5h5 2.d1xd8 
   <3>   +1.60    0.02     2054 1.f1d1 d5h5 2.d1xd8 
?   4    +0.91    0.03     9153 1.f1d1 d5h5 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.a4e4 h5xb5 
   <4>   +0.91    0.05    12472 1.f1d1 d5h5 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.a4e4 h5xb5 
    5    +1.05    0.08    25650 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.b5c4 e6d7 
   <5>   +1.05    0.13    41395 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.b5c4 e6d7 
    6    +1.30    0.17    63146 1.f1d1 d5f5 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.b5d3 f5d7 
                                4.a4xd7 c8xd7 5.e3f4 
   <6>   +1.30    0.25   105431 1.f1d1 d5f5 2.d1xd8 c6xd8 3.b5d3 f5d7 
                                4.a4xd7 c8xd7 5.e3f4 
!   7    +1.72    0.36   164283 1.f1d1 
!   7    +2.47    0.39   182986 1.f1d1 
!   7    +4.01    0.45   228675 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 d8xd1 3.c1xd1 e7xc6 
                                4.a4xc6 e6e7 5.c6d6 
   <7>   +4.01    0.53   290395 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 d8xd1 3.c1xd1 e7xc6 
                                4.a4xc6 e6e7 5.c6d6 
    8    +3.96    0.61   346968 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 d8xd1 3.c1xd1 e7xc6 
                                4.a4xc6 e6e7 5.c6d6 e7e4 
   <8>   +3.96    0.70   427338 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 d8xd1 3.c1xd1 e7xc6 
                                4.a4xc6 e6e7 5.c6d6 e7e4 
    9    +4.13    1.03   675971 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.a4xc6 d8e8 
                                4.c6xe6 c8xe6 5.c1c7 e6xa2 6.c7xb7 
   <9>   +4.13    1.16   793487 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.a4xc6 d8e8 
                                4.c6xe6 c8xe6 5.c1c7 e6xa2 6.c7xb7 
   10    +4.31    1.89  1367063 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.d1xd8 c6xd8 
                                4.c1d1 e6e7 5.e3c5 c8d7 6.c5xe7 d7xa4 
                                7.d1xd8 a8xd8 8.e7xd8 
  <10>   +4.31    2.13  1594151 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.d1xd8 c6xd8 
                                4.c1d1 e6e7 5.e3c5 c8d7 6.c5xe7 d7xa4 
                                7.d1xd8 a8xd8 8.e7xd8 
   11    +4.17    3.58  2770206 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.d1xd8 c6xd8 
                                4.c1d1 e6e7 5.e3c5 c8d7 6.c5xe7 d7xa4 
                                7.d1xd8 a8xd8 8.e7xd8 a4c2 
  <11>   +4.17    5.44  4416173 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.d1xd8 c6xd8 
                                4.c1d1 e6e7 5.e3c5 c8d7 6.c5xe7 d7xa4 
                                7.d1xd8 a8xd8 8.e7xd8 a4c2 
   12    +4.23    8.09  6750073 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.d1xd8 c6xd8 
                                4.c1d1 e6e7 5.e3c5 c8d7 6.c5xe7 d7xa4 
                                7.d1xd8 a8xd8 8.e7xd8 a4c6 9.f3d4 
  <12>   +4.23   10.00  8542856 1.f1d1 d5e6 2.b5xc6 e7xc6 3.d1xd8 c6xd8 
                                4.c1d1 e6e7 5.e3c5 c8d7 6.c5xe7 d7xa4 
                                7.d1xd8 a8xd8 8.e7xd8 a4c6 9.f3d4 

Computed move :   f1d1
NPS:              854285
solution found [198/199], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 720!
[Diagram of position #200]

Test position #200

White to move

FEN :          2rqrn1k/pb4pp/1p2pp2/n2P4/2P3N1/P2B2Q1/1B3PPP/2R1R1K1 w - -
Best Move :    Bxf6 
Position ID:  "WAC.200"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.15    0.00        4 1.d5xe6 f8xe6 
  7/1    +0.39    0.00      120 1.g3f3 
 34/1    +0.57    0.00      151 1.d6 
   <1>   +0.57    0.00      172 1.d6 
    2    +0.23    0.00      216 1.d6 f8d7 
   <2>   +0.23    0.00      710 1.d6 f8d7 
    3    -0.07    0.02     1298 1.d6 e5 2.d3f5 d8xd6 3.f5xc8 e8xc8 
  4/3    +0.03    0.02     2237 1.g3f3 a5b3 2.c1b1 
  8/3    +0.15    0.02     3296 1.d5xe6 e8xe6 2.e1xe6 f8xe6 
   <3>   +0.15    0.03     5730 1.d5xe6 e8xe6 2.e1xe6 f8xe6 
    4    +0.12    0.03     7371 1.d5xe6 f8xe6 2.d3f5 d8d7 
   <4>   +0.12    0.06    13892 1.d5xe6 f8xe6 2.d3f5 d8d7 
    5    +0.25    0.08    19377 1.d5xe6 f8xe6 2.d3f5 d8d7 3.c1d1 
   <5>   +0.25    0.13    41518 1.d5xe6 f8xe6 2.d3f5 d8d7 3.c1d1 
    6    +0.08    0.19    67011 1.d5xe6 e8xe6 2.e1xe6 f8xe6 3.g3h3 d8g8 
 15/6    +0.10    0.36   155700 1.e1e3 a5b3 2.c1e1 b3c5 3.d3c2 d8e7 
 18/6    +0.47    0.53   219301 1.c1d1 c8c5 2.d5xe6 e8xe6 3.d3e4 d8c7 
   <6>   +0.47    0.56   234604 1.c1d1 c8c5 2.d5xe6 e8xe6 3.d3e4 d8c7 
  2/7    +0.13    0.80   351647 1.e1e3 a5b3 2.c1e1 b3c5 3.d3c2 d8d7 
                                4.g3f3 d7c7 
 16/7    +0.26    1.45   681152 1.g3f4 e5 2.f4g3 a5b3 3.c1d1 b3d4 
                                4.b2xd4 e5xd4 
 18/7    +0.33    1.83   854066 1.g3h4 b7a6 2.g4xf6 e5 3.e1xe5 d8xf6 
                                4.h4xf6 g7xf6 5.e5xe8 c8xe8 6.b2xf6 Kg8 
   <7>   +0.33    1.94   907951 1.g3h4 b7a6 2.g4xf6 e5 3.e1xe5 d8xf6 
                                4.h4xf6 g7xf6 5.e5xe8 c8xe8 6.b2xf6 Kg8 
    8    +0.33    2.39  1149530 1.g3h4 b7a6 2.g4xf6 e5 3.e1xe5 d8xf6 
                                4.h4xf6 g7xf6 5.e5xe8 c8xe8 
!47/8    +0.75    3.44  1792113 1.b2xf6 
!   8    +1.50    3.47  1812067 1.b2xf6 
!   8    +2.17    4.08  2212798 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.f6e5 c7e7 3.e5d6 e7d7 
                                4.d6xf8 e8xf8 5.d5xe6 
   <8>   +2.17    4.11  2230333 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.f6e5 c7e7 3.e5d6 e7d7 
                                4.d6xf8 e8xf8 5.d5xe6 
!   9    +2.59    4.23  2314174 1.b2xf6 
!   9    +2.89    4.42  2447626 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.f6e5 c7e7 3.g4h6 f8d7 
                                4.d5xe6 d7xe5 5.g3xe5 e7xa3 
   <9>   +2.89    4.53  2574983 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.f6e5 c7e7 3.g4h6 f8d7 
                                4.d5xe6 d7xe5 5.g3xe5 e7xa3 
   10    +2.80    5.36  3113163 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.d6 c7f7 3.f6c3 a5b3 
                                4.g4h6 f7d7 5.c1b1 b3c5 6.d3c2 
  <10>   +2.80    6.02  3821755 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.d6 c7f7 3.f6c3 a5b3 
                                4.g4h6 f7d7 5.c1b1 b3c5 6.d3c2 
   11    +2.86    6.91  4471748 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.d6 c7f7 3.f6c3 a5b3 
                                4.c1d1 f8d7 5.g4h6 f7f8 6.d3c2 d7f6 
                                7.c2xb3 g7xh6 
  <11>   +2.86    8.77  6453009 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.d6 c7f7 3.f6c3 a5b3 
                                4.c1d1 f8d7 5.g4h6 f7f8 6.d3c2 d7f6 
                                7.c2xb3 g7xh6 
  <12>   +2.86   10.00  7251656 1.b2xf6 d8c7 2.d6 c7f7 3.f6c3 a5b3 

Computed move :   b2xf6
NPS:              723718
solution found [199/200], time: 3.44, points: 14, nodes: 1792113!
© Steffen A. Jakob