[ Test Suite wac | Hossa ]

Positions 201 - 210

[Diagram of position #201]

Test position #201

White to move

FEN :          2b2r1k/4q2p/3p2pQ/2pBp3/8/6P1/1PP2P1P/R5K1 w - -
Best Move :    Ra7 
Position ID:  "WAC.201"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.93    0.00        2 1.a1a8 
 39/1    +1.14    0.00       44 1.a1a7 
   <1>   +1.14    0.00      175 1.a1a7 
    2    +1.16    0.00      221 1.a1a7 c8d7 
   <2>   +1.16    0.00      734 1.a1a7 c8d7 
!   3    +1.58    0.00      886 1.a1a7 
!   3    +2.33    0.00     1002 1.a1a7 
!   3    +4.50    0.00     1253 1.a1a7 c8b7 2.a7xb7 
   <3>   +4.50    0.00     1874 1.a1a7 c8b7 2.a7xb7 
!   4    +4.92    0.02     2559 1.a1a7 
!   4    +5.67    0.02     3428 1.a1a7 
!   4    +6.61    0.02     4635 1.a1a7 f8e8 2.a7xe7 e8xe7 
   <4>   +6.61    0.02     7350 1.a1a7 f8e8 2.a7xe7 e8xe7 
!   5    +7.03    0.02     8284 1.a1a7 
   <5>   +7.03    0.02     8284 1.a1a7 

Computed move :   a1a7
NPS:              414200
solution found [200/201], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 175!
[Diagram of position #202]

Test position #202

Black to move

FEN :          QR2rq1k/2p3p1/3p1pPp/8/4P3/8/P1r3PP/1R4K1 b - -
Best Move :    Rxa2 
Position ID:  "WAC.202"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1      #-1    0.00        3 1... e8e5 2.b8xf8 
  4/1    -0.05    0.00       17 1... e8xb8 2.b1xb8 
 19/1    +1.38    0.00       69 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 a2xa8 3.e8xf8 a8xf8 
   <1>   +1.38    0.00      115 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 a2xa8 3.e8xf8 a8xf8 
    2    +1.38    0.00      157 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 
   <2>   +1.38    0.00      450 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 
    3    +1.38    0.00      789 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 a2xa8 
   <3>   +1.38    0.00     1094 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 a2xa8 
    4    +1.38    0.01     2011 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 a2xa8 3.e8xf8 
   <4>   +1.38    0.01     3273 1... c2xa2 2.b8xe8 a2xa8 3.e8xf8 
    5    +1.50    0.01     5830 1... c2xa2 2.a8xa2 e8xb8 3.b1xb8 f8xb8 
   <5>   +1.50    0.01     8181 1... c2xa2 2.a8xa2 e8xb8 3.b1xb8 f8xb8 
    6    +1.40    0.03    14412 1... c2xa2 2.a8xa2 e8xb8 3.Kf2 f8d8 
                                4.b1xb8 d8xb8 
   <6>   +1.40    0.06    24999 1... c2xa2 2.a8xa2 e8xb8 3.Kf2 f8d8 
                                4.b1xb8 d8xb8 
    7    +1.42    0.07    35909 1... c2xa2 2.a8xa2 e8xb8 3.Kf2 b8xb1 
                                4.a2xb1 c5 5.b1b7 
   <7>   +1.42    0.07    41875 1... c2xa2 2.a8xa2 e8xb8 3.Kf2 b8xb1 
                                4.a2xb1 c5 5.b1b7 
    8    +1.39    0.18    97791 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xe4 
   <8>   +1.39    0.21   113619 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xe4 
?   9    +1.01    0.42   236054 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.d6e6 
   <9>   +1.01    0.43   236080 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.d6e6 
   10    +1.01    0.62   348689 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.d6xc5 g6xe4 
  <10>   +1.01    0.65   364443 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.d6xc5 g6xe4 
   11    +1.07    1.15   658365 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.d6d5 a8c8 
                                7.d5d7 g6e8 
  <11>   +1.07    1.23   706296 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.d6d5 a8c8 
                                7.d5d7 g6e8 
   12    +1.06    3.89  2114409 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.b1b8 a8xb8 
                                7.d6xb8 Kh7 8.e5 f6xe5 9.b8xe5 
  <12>   +1.06    4.18  2281288 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7b8 a2a8 5.b8xd6 e8xg6 6.b1b8 a8xb8 
                                7.d6xb8 Kh7 8.e5 f6xe5 9.b8xe5 
   13    +0.82    8.79  4816858 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7f7 a2a8 5.b1b7 e8g8 6.b7d7 c4 
                                7.d7xd6 c3 8.d6c6 a8a3 
  <13>   +0.82    9.45  5192365 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7f7 a2a8 5.b1b7 e8g8 6.b7d7 c4 
                                7.d7xd6 c3 8.d6c6 a8a3 
  <14>   +0.82   10.00  5494556 1... c2xa2 2.a8b7 c5 3.b8xe8 f8xe8 
                                4.b7f7 a2a8 5.b1b7 e8g8 6.b7d7 a8f8 
                                7.f7xg8 Kxg8 8.d7xd6 f8c8 9.Kf2 c4 

Computed move :   c2xa2
NPS:              548906
solution found [201/202], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 115!
[Diagram of position #203]

Test position #203

White to move

FEN :          r4rk1/5ppp/p3q1n1/2p2NQ1/4n3/P3P3/1B3PPP/1R3RK1 w - -
Best Move :    Qh6 
Position ID:  "WAC.203"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.40    0.00        2 1.g5h5 
   <1>   +0.40    0.00      133 1.g5h5 
    2    +0.53    0.00      220 1.g5h5 g6e5 2.b2xe5 e6xe5 
!35/2    +0.82    0.00      934 1.g5h6 
!   2    +1.57    0.00      988 1.g5h6 
!   2    +4.77    0.00     1064 1.g5h6 
!   2    +9.76    0.00     1160 1.g5h6 e6f6 2.b2xf6 g7xf6 
   <2>   +9.76    0.01     1208 1.g5h6 e6f6 2.b2xf6 g7xf6 
    3    +9.76    0.01     1306 1.g5h6 e6f6 2.b2xf6 
   <3>   +9.76    0.01     1794 1.g5h6 e6f6 2.b2xf6 
    4    +9.76    0.01     2271 1.g5h6 e6f6 2.b2xf6 g7xf6 
   <4>   +9.76    0.01     4564 1.g5h6 e6f6 2.b2xf6 g7xf6 
!   5   +10.18    0.01     4926 1.g5h6 
   <5>  +10.18    0.01     4926 1.g5h6 

Computed move :   g5h6
NPS:              492600
solution found [202/203], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 934!
[Diagram of position #204]

Test position #204

White to move

FEN :          r1b1qrk1/1p3ppp/p1p5/3Nb3/5N2/P7/1P4PQ/K1R1R3 w - -
Best Move :    Rxe5 
Position ID:  "WAC.204"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1   -14.13    0.00        4 1.f4e2 e5xh2 
  2/1    -2.94    0.00       22 1.d5b6 
  7/1    -2.68    0.00       39 1.h2h5 
   <1>   -2.68    0.00      202 1.h2h5 
    2    -2.34    0.00      309 1.h2h5 f6 
!37/2    -2.26    0.00     1178 1.d5c7 
!   2    -1.84    0.00     1254 1.d5c7 e5xf4 2.e1xe8 f4xh2 3.e8xf8 Kxf8 
   <2>   -1.84    0.00     1303 1.d5c7 e5xf4 2.e1xe8 f4xh2 3.e8xf8 Kxf8 
    3    -1.84    0.02     1572 1.d5c7 e5xf4 2.e1xe8 
   <3>   -1.84    0.02     3503 1.d5c7 e5xf4 2.e1xe8 
!   4    -1.42    0.02     4774 1.d5c7 
!   4    -1.21    0.02     6264 1.d5c7 e5xc7 2.e1xe8 f8xe8 
   <4>   -1.21    0.03    11666 1.d5c7 e5xc7 2.e1xe8 f8xe8 
?   5    -2.48    0.10    59098 1.d5c7 e8e7 2.e1xe5 e7xc7 3.h2h5 
? 7/5    -2.14    0.11    74251 1.d5b6 a8b8 2.b6xc8 e5xf4 3.e1xe8 f4xh2 
   <5>   -2.14    0.11    74285 1.d5b6 a8b8 2.b6xc8 e5xf4 3.e1xe8 f4xh2 
    6    -2.34    0.13    85366 1.d5b6 a8b8 2.b6xc8 b8xc8 3.h2h5 f6 
  6/6    -1.96    0.19   133693 1.h2h5 f6 2.h5xe8 f8xe8 3.d5c7 e8d8 
                                4.c7xa8 e5xf4 
! 9/6    -1.72    0.20   154286 1.e1xe5 
!   6    -0.97    0.22   164073 1.e1xe5 
!   6    -0.72    0.24   171046 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 e5xd5 3.g6e7 Kh8 
                                4.e7xd5 c6xd5 5.Kb1 
   <6>   -0.72    0.25   181930 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 e5xd5 3.g6e7 Kh8 
                                4.e7xd5 c6xd5 5.Kb1 
!   7    -0.30    0.27   188910 1.e1xe5 
!   7    +0.45    0.27   196952 1.e1xe5 
!   7    +0.56    0.28   208517 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 
   <7>   +0.56    0.38   309430 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 
    8    +0.74    0.41   337417 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 5.Kb1 
   <8>   +0.74    0.53   478565 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 5.Kb1 
    9    +0.66    0.60   541493 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 5.c1f1 e8e7 
   <9>   +0.66    0.88   871795 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 5.c1f1 e8e7 
   10    +0.68    1.05  1020603 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 5.c1f1 e8f8 6.f1f4 a8a7 
  <10>   +0.68    1.69  1760885 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 f8e8 5.c1f1 e8f8 6.f1f4 a8a7 
?  11    +0.31    3.74  3968685 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 a8b8 5.c1h1 c8e6 6.d5c5 b8c8 
  <11>   +0.31    3.75  3968725 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 a8b8 5.c1h1 c8e6 6.d5c5 b8c8 
   12    +0.20    4.33  4476263 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 a8b8 5.d5d6 c8f5 6.c1e1 b8e8 
                                7.e1e7 e8b8 
  <12>   +0.20    8.67  9148537 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 a8b8 5.d5d6 c8f5 6.c1e1 b8e8 
                                7.e1e7 e8b8 
   13    +0.25    9.85 10145351 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 a8b8 5.d5d6 c8f5 6.d6f4 b8c8 
                                7.c1xc8 f8xc8 8.Ka2 f6 
  <13>   +0.25   10.00 10351455 1.e1xe5 e8xe5 2.f4g6 h7xg6 3.h2xe5 c6xd5 
                                4.e5xd5 a8b8 5.d5d6 c8f5 6.d6f4 b8c8 
                                7.c1xc8 f8xc8 8.Ka2 f6 

Computed move :   e1xe5
NPS:              1035145
solution found [203/204], time: 0.20, points: 25, nodes: 154286!
[Diagram of position #205]

Test position #205

White to move

FEN :          r3rnk1/1pq2bb1/p4p2/3p1Pp1/3B2P1/1NP4R/P1PQB3/2K4R w - -
Best Move :    Qxg5 
Position ID:  "WAC.205"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.44    0.00        2 1.e2d3 
  5/1    +0.63    0.00        7 1.Kb1 
 27/1    +0.64    0.00       33 1.d4c5 
   <1>   +0.64    0.00       99 1.d4c5 
    2    +0.47    0.00      161 1.d4c5 a8c8 
   <2>   +0.47    0.00      628 1.d4c5 a8c8 
    3    +0.45    0.00     1211 1.d4c5 f8d7 2.c5b4 
  3/3    +0.52    0.02     2516 1.Kb1 a8c8 2.c4 
   <3>   +0.52    0.02     3583 1.Kb1 a8c8 2.c4 
    4    +0.40    0.02     5102 1.Kb1 b5 2.d4c5 a8c8 
!21/4    +0.94    0.03    10012 1.d2xg5 
!   4    +1.12    0.03    11215 1.d2xg5 f8g6 2.g5d2 g6f4 
   <4>   +1.12    0.03    12446 1.d2xg5 f8g6 2.g5d2 g6f4 
    5    +1.11    0.05    17529 1.d2xg5 f8g6 2.d4xf6 e8xe2 3.f5xg6 
   <5>   +1.11    0.06    28059 1.d2xg5 f8g6 2.d4xf6 e8xe2 3.f5xg6 
!   6    +1.53    0.08    36710 1.d2xg5 
!   6    +2.12    0.10    47495 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 e8xe2 3.h3xh5 e2g2 
                                4.f6xg7 c7xg7 5.g5xg7 Kxg7 
   <6>   +2.12    0.13    76551 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 e8xe2 3.h3xh5 e2g2 
                                4.f6xg7 c7xg7 5.g5xg7 Kxg7 
!   7    +2.54    0.17   103358 1.d2xg5 
!   7    +3.29    0.22   125211 1.d2xg5 
!   7    +2.73    0.25   143539 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 c7f7 3.f6xg7 f7xg7 
                                4.g5xh5 e8xe2 
   <7>   +2.73    0.33   209306 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 c7f7 3.f6xg7 f7xg7 
                                4.g5xh5 e8xe2 
!   8    +3.15    0.39   254782 1.d2xg5 
!   8    +3.90    0.53   334049 1.d2xg5 
!   8    +5.42    1.05   701809 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 c7f7 3.e2f3 f8e6 
                                4.f5xe6 f7xf6 5.g5xf6 g7xf6 6.g4xh5 
   <8>   +5.42    1.10   764834 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 c7f7 3.e2f3 f8e6 
                                4.f5xe6 f7xf6 5.g5xf6 g7xf6 6.g4xh5 
!   9    +5.84    1.47   987893 1.d2xg5 
!   9    +6.04    1.74  1155425 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 c7f7 3.e2f3 f8h7 
                                4.g5xg7 f7xg7 5.f6xg7 Kxg7 6.h3xh5 h7f6 
   <9>   +6.04    1.85  1299767 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 c7f7 3.e2f3 f8h7 
                                4.g5xg7 f7xg7 5.f6xg7 Kxg7 6.h3xh5 h7f6 
   10    +5.93    2.64  1821892 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 f8h7 3.g5xg7 c7xg7 
                                4.f6xg7 Kxg7 5.b3d4 h7f6 6.g4xh5 f6e4 
                                7.d4e6 Kh6 
  <10>   +5.93    3.13  2362821 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 f8h7 3.g5xg7 c7xg7 
                                4.f6xg7 Kxg7 5.b3d4 h7f6 6.g4xh5 f6e4 
                                7.d4e6 Kh6 
   11    +6.08    4.56  3308973 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 f8h7 3.g5xg7 c7xg7 
                                4.f6xg7 Kxg7 5.h3xh5 h7f6 6.h5h2 a8c8 
                                7.b3d4 e8xe2 8.h2xe2 f6xg4 
  <11>   +6.08    5.31  4172963 1.d2xg5 f7h5 2.d4xf6 f8h7 3.g5xg7 c7xg7 
                                4.f6xg7 Kxg7 5.h3xh5 h7f6 6.h5h2 a8c8 
                                7.b3d4 e8xe2 8.h2xe2 f6xg4 

Computed move :   d2xg5
NPS:              782919
solution found [204/205], time: 0.03, points: 25, nodes: 10012!
[Diagram of position #206]

Test position #206

Black to move

FEN :          1Qq5/2P1p1kp/3r1pp1/8/8/7P/p4PP1/2R3K1 b - -
Best Move :    Rc6 
Position ID:  "WAC.206"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -7.71    0.00       16 1... c8f5 2.c7c8Q 
  2/1    -7.65    0.00       24 1... c8d7 2.c7c8Q 
  4/1    -5.03    0.00       67 1... c8a6 2.c7c8Q a2a1Q 3.c1xa1 a6xa1 
 24/1    -0.63    0.00      158 1... a2a1R 2.c1xa1 
   <1>   -0.63    0.00      260 1... a2a1R 2.c1xa1 
    2    -0.63    0.00      289 1... a2a1R 2.c1xa1 
   <2>   -0.63    0.00      658 1... a2a1R 2.c1xa1 
!30/3    -0.21    0.02     2274 1... d6c6 
!   3    +0.54    0.02     2490 1... d6c6 
!   3    +1.51    0.02     2920 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
   <3>   +1.51    0.02     3116 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
    4    +1.51    0.02     4095 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
   <4>   +1.51    0.04     7527 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
    5    +1.51    0.05     9919 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
   <5>   +1.51    0.05    15373 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
    6    +1.54    0.07    20855 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
                                4.a1xa2 c8d8 
   <6>   +1.54    0.10    33410 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
                                4.a1xa2 c8d8 
    7    +1.45    0.13    45889 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
                                4.a1xa2 g5 5.a2e2 
   <7>   +1.45    0.22    89723 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c6xc7 3.b8xc8 c7xc8 
                                4.a1xa2 g5 5.a2e2 
    8    +1.38    0.27   115479 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c8xc7 3.b8xc7 c6xc7 
                                4.a1xa2 Kh6 5.f4 c7c4 6.g3 
   <8>   +1.38    0.36   164455 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c8xc7 3.b8xc7 c6xc7 
                                4.a1xa2 Kh6 5.f4 c7c4 6.g3 
    9    +1.44    0.43   197255 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c8xc7 3.b8xc7 c6xc7 
                                4.a1xa2 g5 5.Kh2 Kg6 6.Kg3 Kf5 
   <9>   +1.44    0.54   251278 1... d6c6 2.c1a1 c8xc7 3.b8xc7 c6xc7 
                                4.a1xa2 g5 5.Kh2 Kg6 6.Kg3 Kf5 
   10    +1.54    2.46  1240265 1... d6c6 2.b8b2 c6xc1 3.b2xc1 g5 
                                4.c1a3 a2a1Q 5.a3xa1 c8xc7 6.a1a4 c7c1 
                                7.Kh2 c1e1 8.a4c2 e1f1 
  <10>   +1.54    2.69  1364352 1... d6c6 2.b8b2 c6xc1 3.b2xc1 g5 
                                4.c1a3 a2a1Q 5.a3xa1 c8xc7 6.a1a4 c7c1 
                                7.Kh2 c1e1 8.a4c2 e1f1 
   11    +1.50    4.21  2213876 1... d6c6 2.b8b2 c6xc1 3.b2xc1 g5 
                                4.c1a3 a2a1Q 5.a3xa1 c8xc7 6.a1a2 c7e5 
                                7.g3 e5e1 8.Kg2 h5 9.a2c2 Kh6 
  <11>   +1.50    7.44  4019355 1... d6c6 2.b8b2 c6xc1 3.b2xc1 g5 
                                4.c1a3 a2a1Q 5.a3xa1 c8xc7 6.a1a2 c7e5 
                                7.g3 e5e1 8.Kg2 h5 9.a2c2 Kh6 
  <12>   +1.50   10.00  5514915 1... d6c6 2.b8b2 c6xc1 3.b2xc1 e5 
                                4.g4 h5 5.g4xh5 g6xh5 6.c1a1 c8xc7 
                                7.a1xa2 Kg6 8.Kg2 c7b7 9.Kg3 b7h1 

Computed move :   d6c6
NPS:              551491
solution found [205/206], time: 0.02, points: 25, nodes: 2274!
[Diagram of position #207]

Test position #207

White to move

FEN :          r1bq2kr/p1pp1ppp/1pn1p3/4P3/2Pb2Q1/BR6/P4PPP/3K1BNR w - -
Best Move :    Qxg7+ 
Position ID:  "WAC.207"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -3.45    0.00        8 1.f1d3 d4xe5 
  6/1    -2.20    0.00       29 1.f4 
   <1>   -2.20    0.00      154 1.f4 
?   2    -3.07    0.00      638 1.f4 d6 
   <2>   -3.07    0.00     1017 1.f4 d6 
    3    -3.13    0.00     1446 1.f4 d6 2.b3d3 
  8/3    -3.02    0.02     2829 1.b3f3 d4xe5 2.f1d3 
   <3>   -3.02    0.02     4923 1.b3f3 d4xe5 2.f1d3 
  2/4    -3.01    0.02     6788 1.f4 d6 2.b3d3 d8e7 
   <4>   -3.01    0.03    13288 1.f4 d6 2.b3d3 d8e7 
    5    -2.97    0.05    16703 1.f4 d6 2.b3g3 g6 3.g3d3 
! 3/5    -2.59    0.05    21671 1.g4xg7 
!   5    -1.84    0.06    24214 1.g4xg7 
!   5    +1.36    0.13    64133 1.g4xg7 
!   5    +1.99    0.16    94602 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke8 
                                7.g7xh8 c6xe5 
   <5>   +1.99    0.17    98665 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke8 
                                7.g7xh8 c6xe5 
    6    +2.16    0.22   141161 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke7 
                                7.g7xh8 d4xe5 8.g3g8 f6 
   <6>   +2.16    0.24   151641 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke7 
                                7.g7xh8 d4xe5 8.g3g8 f6 
    7    +2.42    0.31   217634 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke7 
                                7.g7xh8 c6xe5 8.g3h3 d6 9.h3xh7 d4xf2 
   <7>   +2.42    0.33   240533 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke7 
                                7.g7xh8 c6xe5 8.g3h3 d6 9.h3xh7 d4xf2 
    8    +2.50    0.67   550421 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke8 
                                7.g7xh8 c6xe5 8.g3g8 Ke7 9.g1e2 d4b2 
   <8>   +2.50    0.69   564199 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke8 
                                7.g7xh8 c6xe5 8.g3g8 Ke7 9.g1e2 d4b2 
    9    +2.59    1.24  1068772 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke7 
                                7.g7xh8 d4xe5 8.h8xe5 c6xe5 9.g3g7 h6 
                                10.g1f3 e5g6 
   <9>   +2.59    1.27  1088690 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5f6 Kf8 6.f6g7 Ke7 
                                7.g7xh8 d4xe5 8.h8xe5 c6xe5 9.g3g7 h6 
                                10.g1f3 e5g6 
!  10    +3.01    2.17  1690508 1.g4xg7 
!  10    +3.38    3.63  3062132 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5e7 Kh6 6.e7a3 d4e3 
                                7.g3xe3 h8g8 8.e3h3 Kg7 9.f1d3 h6 
                                10.a3c1 g8h8 
  <10>   +3.38    3.69  3146839 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5e7 Kh6 6.e7a3 d4e3 
                                7.g3xe3 h8g8 8.e3h3 Kg7 9.f1d3 h6 
                                10.a3c1 g8h8 
   11    +3.38    7.75  7244158 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5e7 Kh6 6.e7a3 d4e3 
                                7.g3xe3 h8g8 8.e3h3 Kg7 9.f1d3 h6 
                                10.g1f3 c8b7 11.h3g3 Kh8 12.g3xg8 Kxg8 
  <11>   +3.38    7.89  7419521 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5e7 Kh6 6.e7a3 d4e3 
                                7.g3xe3 h8g8 8.e3h3 Kg7 9.f1d3 h6 
                                10.g1f3 c8b7 11.h3g3 Kh8 12.g3xg8 Kxg8 
  <12>   +3.38   10.00  9179731 1.g4xg7 Kxg7 2.b3g3 Kh6 3.a3c1 d8g5 
                                4.c1xg5 Kg7 5.g5e7 Kh6 6.e7a3 d4e3 
                                7.g3xe3 h8g8 8.e3h3 Kg7 9.f1d3 h6 
                                10.g1f3 c8b7 11.Ke1 a8b8 12.h3h4 

Computed move :   g4xg7
NPS:              917973
solution found [206/207], time: 0.05, points: 25, nodes: 21671!
[Diagram of position #208]

Test position #208

White to move

FEN :          3r1bk1/ppq3pp/2p5/2P2Q1B/8/1P4P1/P6P/5RK1 w - -
Best Move :    Bf7+ 
Position ID:  "WAC.208"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +0.40    0.00        2 1.h5g4 
 28/1    +0.68    0.00      456 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.a3 
   <1>   +0.68    0.02      597 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.a3 
    2    +0.56    0.02     2554 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.f7e6 f8e7 3.e6f7 
   <2>   +0.56    0.02     3737 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.f7e6 f8e7 3.e6f7 
    3    +0.32    0.08    31494 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.a4 d8d2 3.f7g6 f8xc5 
                                4.f5xc5 h7xg6 5.c5xa7 
  2/3    +0.42    0.10    35474 1.f5e6 Kh8 2.b4 c7e7 3.e6f7 e7xf7 
   <3>   +0.42    0.10    37326 1.f5e6 Kh8 2.b4 c7e7 3.e6f7 e7xf7 
    4    +0.30    0.13    50551 1.f5e6 Kh8 2.b4 c7e7 3.e6xe7 f8xe7 
! 2/4    +0.84    0.16    69585 1.h5f7 
!   4    +1.59    0.16    70467 1.h5f7 
!   4    +4.79    0.16    71842 1.h5f7 
!   4    +9.38    0.18    77263 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.f7e8 h5 3.f5xh5 Kg8 
                                4.e8f7 c7xf7 5.h5xf7 Kh7 6.f7h5 Kg8 
   <4>   +9.38    0.18    80096 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.f7e8 h5 3.f5xh5 Kg8 
                                4.e8f7 c7xf7 5.h5xf7 Kh7 6.f7h5 Kg8 
    5    +9.60    0.21    95334 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.f7e8 h5 3.f5xh5 Kg8 
                                4.e8f7 c7xf7 5.h5xf7 Kh7 6.b4 d8b8 
   <5>   +9.60    0.22   110677 1.h5f7 Kh8 2.f7e8 h5 3.f5xh5 Kg8 
                                4.e8f7 c7xf7 5.h5xf7 Kh7 6.b4 d8b8 
!   6   +10.02    0.27   137580 1.h5f7 
!   6   +10.77    0.27   140159 1.h5f7 
   <6>  +10.77    0.27   140159 1.h5f7 

Computed move :   h5f7
NPS:              500567
solution found [207/208], time: 0.16, points: 25, nodes: 69585!
[Diagram of position #209]

Test position #209

White to move

FEN :          4kb1r/2q2p2/r2p4/pppBn1B1/P6P/6Q1/1PP5/2KRR3 w k -
Best Move :    Rxe5+ 
Position ID:  "WAC.209"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    +1.62    0.00        2 1.a4xb5 
   <1>   +1.62    0.02      245 1.a4xb5 
    2    +1.27    0.02      294 1.a4xb5 a6b6 
   <2>   +1.27    0.02     1185 1.a4xb5 a6b6 
    3    +1.45    0.02     1354 1.a4xb5 a6b6 2.g5f6 
! 3/3    +1.69    0.02     3948 1.e1xe5 
!   3    +2.44    0.02     4290 1.e1xe5 
!   3    +5.64    0.03     6511 1.e1xe5 
!   3    +6.27    0.03     8273 1.e1xe5 d6xe5 2.g3xe5 Kd7 3.e5xh8 Ke8 
   <3>   +6.27    0.03     9066 1.e1xe5 d6xe5 2.g3xe5 Kd7 3.e5xh8 Ke8 
    4    +6.57    0.05    21267 1.e1xe5 d6xe5 2.g3xe5 Kd7 3.e5xh8 f8e7 
   <4>   +6.57    0.07    28421 1.e1xe5 d6xe5 2.g3xe5 Kd7 3.e5xh8 f8e7 
!   5    +6.99    0.10    48799 1.e1xe5 
!   5    +7.74    0.10    49958 1.e1xe5 
   <5>   +7.74    0.10    49958 1.e1xe5 

Computed move :   e1xe5
NPS:              499580
solution found [208/209], time: 0.02, points: 25, nodes: 3948!
[Diagram of position #210]

Test position #210

White to move

FEN :          3r1rk1/pp1q1ppp/3pn3/2pN4/5PP1/P5PQ/1PP1B3/1K1R4 w - -
Best Move :    Rh1 
Position ID:  "WAC.210"

 depth   value    time    nodes pv
    1    -1.98    0.00        2 1.c4 
   <1>   -1.98    0.00      153 1.c4 
  5/2    -2.26    0.00      694 1.h3h5 f8e8 
   <2>   -2.26    0.00      850 1.h3h5 f8e8 
    3    -2.34    0.00     1311 1.h3h5 e6c7 2.e2c4 c7xd5 3.c4xd5 
  9/3    -2.12    0.00     3173 1.e2d3 h6 2.c4 
   <3>   -2.12    0.00     3452 1.e2d3 h6 2.c4 
    4    -2.42    0.01     4015 1.e2d3 h6 2.h3g2 f8e8 
   <4>   -2.42    0.01    13108 1.e2d3 h6 2.h3g2 f8e8 
    5    -2.33    0.03    15583 1.e2d3 h6 2.h3h4 f8e8 3.c4 
! 4/5    -2.00    0.04    23951 1.e2b5 
!   5    -1.25    0.04    26391 1.e2b5 
!   5    +0.21    0.04    28649 1.e2b5 e6g5 2.h3f1 d7xg4 3.f4xg5 g4xg5 
   <5>   +0.21    0.06    37936 1.e2b5 e6g5 2.h3f1 d7xg4 3.f4xg5 g4xg5 
!   6    +0.63    0.06    45563 1.e2b5 
!   6    +1.35    0.08    53130 1.e2b5 e6xf4 2.g3xf4 d7e6 3.h3h5 e6e4 
   <6>   +1.35    0.11    84918 1.e2b5 e6xf4 2.g3xf4 d7e6 3.h3h5 e6e4 
    7    +1.35    0.12   106541 1.e2b5 e6xf4 2.g3xf4 d7e6 3.h3h5 f6 
                                4.d1h1 e6e4 
! 7/7    +1.77    0.25   230219 1.d1h1 
!   7    +2.52    0.26   236763 1.d1h1 
!   7    +3.20    0.28   250700 1.d1h1 e6g5 2.f4xg5 h6 3.g5xh6 f8e8 
                                4.h7 Kh8 
   <7>   +3.20    0.29   268468 1.d1h1 e6g5 2.f4xg5 h6 3.g5xh6 f8e8 
                                4.h7 Kh8 
    8    +3.50    0.42   409669 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 e6xf4 
                                4.g3xf4 d7a4 5.e2h5 Ke6 6.d5c7 Kd7 
                                7.h7xg7 Kc6 
   <8>   +3.50    0.50   495349 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 e6xf4 
                                4.g3xf4 d7a4 5.e2h5 Ke6 6.d5c7 Kd7 
                                7.h7xg7 Kc6 
!   9    +3.92    1.03  1105047 1.d1h1 
!   9    +3.12    1.06  1145058 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 f8g8 
                                4.d5xf6 d7c6 5.f6xg8 d8xg8 6.e2g4 e6c7 
   <9>   +3.12    1.06  1145096 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 f8g8 
                                4.d5xf6 d7c6 5.f6xg8 d8xg8 6.e2g4 e6c7 
!  10    +3.54    2.00  1955585 1.d1h1 
!  10    +3.73    2.51  2422790 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.h7h5 g6 
                                4.h5h4 e6g5 5.f4xg5 f6xg5 6.h4xg5 d7e6 
                                7.e2b5 f8g8 8.h1h7 g8g7 9.h7xg7 Kxg7 
                                10.g5xd8 e6xd5 
  <10>   +3.73    4.61  4465097 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.h7h5 g6 
                                4.h5h4 e6g5 5.f4xg5 f6xg5 6.h4xg5 d7e6 
                                7.e2b5 f8g8 8.h1h7 g8g7 9.h7xg7 Kxg7 
                                10.g5xd8 e6xd5 
!  11    +4.15    5.45  5081093 1.d1h1 
!  11    +4.90    7.26  6532540 1.d1h1 
!  11    +5.57    9.03  8245386 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 f8g8 
                                4.d5xf6 d7c8 5.g6 Ke7 6.f6d5 Kf8 
                                7.h7xg8 Kxg8 8.d5e7 Kf8 9.e7xc8 Kg8 
                                10.c8xa7 d8e8 
  <11>   +5.57    9.92  9307752 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 f8g8 
                                4.d5xf6 d7c8 5.g6 Ke7 6.f6d5 Kf8 
                                7.h7xg8 Kxg8 8.d5e7 Kf8 9.e7xc8 Kg8 
                                10.c8xa7 d8e8 
  <12>   +5.57   10.00  9352024 1.d1h1 f6 2.h3xh7 Kf7 3.g5 f8g8 
                                4.d5xf6 d7c8 5.g6 Ke7 6.f6d5 Kf8 
                                7.h7xg8 Kxg8 8.d5e7 Kf8 9.e7xc8 Kg8 
                                10.c8xa7 d8e8 

Computed move :   d1h1
NPS:              934268
solution found [209/210], time: 0.25, points: 25, nodes: 230219!
© Steffen A. Jakob