[ Test Suite wac | Hossa ]
Positions 251 - 260
White to move
FEN : k7/p4p2/P1q1b1p1/3p3p/3Q4/7P/5PP1/1R4K1 w - -
Best Moves: Qe5 Qf4
Position ID: "WAC.251"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +0.43 0.00 3 1.h4 c6xa6
2/1 +0.53 0.00 24 1.Kf1 c6xa6 2.Ke1
4/1 +1.59 0.00 313 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8xc8 e6xc8
<1> +1.59 0.01 452 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8xc8 e6xc8
2 +1.22 0.01 838 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8a1 c8c2
20/2 +1.38 0.01 1395 1.d4d3 c6c4
<2> +1.38 0.01 1483 1.d4d3 c6c4
3 +1.44 0.01 1705 1.d4d3 c6c4 2.d3a3
14/3 +1.67 0.03 3877 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6
<3> +1.67 0.03 4485 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6
4 +1.34 0.03 4955 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 c8c2
4/4 +1.48 0.04 12653 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 h4 3.e5d4 c8c2
<4> +1.48 0.06 18969 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 h4 3.e5d4 c8c2
5 +1.66 0.09 30828 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 h4 3.e5d6 f6
4.d6e7 c8xa6 5.e7xf6
<5> +1.66 0.11 42338 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 h4 3.e5d6 f6
4.d6e7 c8xa6 5.e7xf6
6 +1.72 0.14 58506 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 c8d8 3.e5b2 d8c8
4.b2b7 c8xb7 5.a6xb7 Kb8 6.Kf1
<6> +1.72 0.18 77816 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 c8d8 3.e5b2 d8c8
4.b2b7 c8xb7 5.a6xb7 Kb8 6.Kf1
7 +1.70 0.26 120447 1.d4h8 c6c8 2.h8e5 c8d8 3.h4 d8e8
4.e5d6 e8c8 5.Kf1
! 5/7 +2.14 0.32 147493 1.d4f4
! 7 +2.89 0.32 149709 1.d4f4
! 7 +6.09 0.32 150888 1.d4f4
! 7 #6 0.37 172929 1.d4f4 c6c8 2.f4d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
7.c6c8 c6c8
<7> #6 0.40 188209 1.d4f4 c6c8 2.f4d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
7.c6c8 c6c8
2/8 #6 1.00 540060 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
<8> #6 1.09 588330 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
9 #6 1.14 613994 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
<9> #6 1.28 707103 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
10 #6 1.39 769888 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
<10> #6 1.62 931147 1.d4e5 c6c8 2.e5d6 e6d7 3.b1b8 c8xb8
4.d6xd5 d7c6 5.d5xc6 b8b7 6.c6xb7 c6xb7
Computed move : d4e5
NPS: 574782
solution found [249/251], time: 0.32, points: 25, nodes: 147493!
Black to move
FEN : 1rb1r1k1/p1p2ppp/5n2/2pP4/5P2/2QB4/qNP3PP/2KRB2R b - -
Best Move : Re2
Position ID: "WAC.252"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -0.03 0.00 4 1... f6xd5
14/1 +1.23 0.00 438 1... a2a1 2.Kd2 a1xb2 3.c3xb2 b8xb2
<1> +1.23 0.00 558 1... a2a1 2.Kd2 a1xb2 3.c3xb2 b8xb2
2 +1.23 0.01 2159 1... a2a1 2.Kd2 a1xb2 3.c3xb2 b8xb2
! 2/2 +1.65 0.01 2324 1... f6xd5
! 2 +2.40 0.01 2411 1... f6xd5
! 2 +2.61 0.01 2502 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7
<2> +2.61 0.01 2924 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7
? 3 +2.19 0.03 5063 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.c3d3 Kg8
4.d3xd5 a2xb2 5.Kd2
<3> +2.19 0.03 5110 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.c3d3 Kg8
4.d3xd5 a2xb2 5.Kd2
4 +2.19 0.03 6933 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.c3d3 Kg8
<4> +2.19 0.04 13531 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.c3d3 Kg8
5 +2.19 0.04 19227 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.c3d3 Kg8
4.d3xd5 a2xb2
<5> +2.19 0.07 39630 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.c3d3 Kg8
4.d3xd5 a2xb2
6 +2.46 0.10 58388 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.d1xd5 a2xd5
4.c3d3 d5f5 5.d3xf5 c8xf5 6.e1c3
<6> +2.46 0.21 155637 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.d1xd5 a2xd5
4.c3d3 d5f5 5.d3xf5 c8xf5 6.e1c3
7 +2.55 0.28 209106 1... f6xd5 2.d3xh7 Kxh7 3.d1xd5 a2xd5
4.c3d3 d5f5 5.d3xf5 c8xf5 6.e1c3 f5e4
! 8/7 +2.88 1.82 1421297 1... e8e2
! 7 +3.63 1.90 1471606 1... e8e2
! 7 +6.83 1.95 1495589 1... e8e2
! 7 +9.80 2.06 1555735 1... e8e2 2.d3xe2 f6e4 3.c3xg7 Kxg7
4.e1c3 e4xc3 5.b2d3 c3xe2 6.Kd2 c8g4
7.h1e1 a2xd5 8.e1xe2 g4xe2 9.Kxe2 d5xg2
10.d3f2 g2xh2
<7> +9.80 2.10 1597118 1... e8e2 2.d3xe2 f6e4 3.c3xg7 Kxg7
4.e1c3 e4xc3 5.b2d3 c3xe2 6.Kd2 c8g4
7.h1e1 a2xd5 8.e1xe2 g4xe2 9.Kxe2 d5xg2
10.d3f2 g2xh2
! 8 +10.22 4.15 3038785 1... e8e2
! 8 +10.97 4.65 3311848 1... e8e2
! 8 +14.17 8.53 5670647 1... e8e2
<8> +14.17 8.53 5670647 1... e8e2
Computed move : e8e2
NPS: 664788
solution found [250/252], time: 1.82, points: 18, nodes: 1421297!
White to move
FEN : k5r1/p4b2/2P5/5p2/3P1P2/4QBrq/P5P1/4R1K1 w - -
Best Move : Qe8+
Position ID: "WAC.253"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -2.67 0.00 3 1.e1b1
22/1 -2.60 0.00 77 1.d5
<1> -2.60 0.00 117 1.d5
? 2/2 -3.12 0.00 1883 1.c7 g3xf3 2.c7c8Q g8xc8 3.g2xh3 c8g8
4.Kh2 f3xe3 5.e1xe3 f7xa2
<2> -3.12 0.00 2098 1.c7 g3xf3 2.c7c8Q g8xc8 3.g2xh3 c8g8
4.Kh2 f3xe3 5.e1xe3 f7xa2
! 3 -2.70 0.02 4847 1.c7
! 3 -1.95 0.02 4924 1.c7
! 3 +1.25 0.02 4996 1.c7
! 3 +6.94 0.02 5714 1.c7 g3xf3 2.e3e8 g8xe8 3.e1xe8 Kb7
4.c7c8Q Kb6 5.g2xh3 f7xe8 6.c8xe8 f3xf4
! 2/3 #4 0.02 5934 1.e3e8 g8xe8 2.e1xe8 f7xe8 3.c7 e8c6
4.c7c8Q c7c8Q
<3> #4 0.03 6021 1.e3e8 g8xe8 2.e1xe8 f7xe8 3.c7 e8c6
4.c7c8Q c7c8Q
Computed move : e3e8
NPS: 200700
solution found [251/253], time: 0.02, points: 25, nodes: 6021!
Black to move
FEN : r6k/pp3p1p/2p1bp1q/b3p3/4Pnr1/2PP2NP/PP1Q1PPN/R2B2RK b - -
Best Move : Nxh3
Position ID: "WAC.254"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -1.32 0.00 2 1... g4g8
<1> -1.32 0.00 71 1... g4g8
2 -1.47 0.00 115 1... g4g8 2.h2g4
<2> -1.47 0.00 299 1... g4g8 2.h2g4
2/3 -1.48 0.01 1939 1... g4g5 2.h2f3 g5g8
4/3 -1.41 0.01 3013 1... g4g6 2.d1g4 h6h4 3.g4xe6 f7xe6
!34/3 -1.05 0.01 4639 1... f4xh3
! 3 -0.30 0.03 4788 1... f4xh3
! 3 +0.05 0.03 5596 1... f4xh3 2.d2e1 g4xg3 3.f2xg3 h3xg1
<3> +0.05 0.03 5830 1... f4xh3 2.d2e1 g4xg3 3.f2xg3 h3xg1
4 +0.05 0.03 7064 1... f4xh3 2.d2e1 g4xg3 3.f2xg3
<4> +0.05 0.04 9670 1... f4xh3 2.d2e1 g4xg3 3.f2xg3
! 5 +0.47 0.04 11322 1... f4xh3
! 5 +1.22 0.04 12337 1... f4xh3
! 5 +2.96 0.06 16483 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xd3
4.g4xe6 f7xe6
<5> +2.96 0.06 21930 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xd3
4.g4xe6 f7xe6
6 +2.84 0.09 31153 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xf2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6
<6> +2.84 0.11 48521 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xf2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6
! 7 +3.26 0.15 70844 1... f4xh3
! 7 +3.85 0.17 85439 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xf2 6.b1xb7 a5xc3
<7> +3.85 0.22 115077 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xf2 6.b1xb7 a5xc3
8 +3.85 0.26 142633 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xf2
<8> +3.85 0.28 152768 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xf2
9 +3.57 0.37 209917 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
<9> +3.57 0.42 262669 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
10 +3.52 0.62 384659 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
<10> +3.52 1.17 828734 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
11 +3.68 1.68 1141246 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.b7f7 d3d2 8.f7xf6 d2xa2
<11> +3.68 2.14 1622325 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.b7f7 d3d2 8.f7xf6 d2xa2
12 +3.68 2.92 2124422 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.Kg2 d3c2 8.h2g4
<12> +3.68 4.37 3572815 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.Kg2 d3c2 8.h2g4
13 +3.69 7.00 5245483 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.Kg2 d3c2 8.h2g4 a5b6 9.a4
<13> +3.69 9.56 7839009 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.Kg2 d3c2 8.h2g4 a5b6 9.a4
<14> +3.69 10.00 8079326 1... f4xh3 2.d1xg4 h6xd2 3.g2xh3 d2xb2
4.g4xe6 f7xe6 5.a1b1 b2xc3 6.b1xb7 c3xd3
7.Kg2 d3c2 8.h2g4 a5b6 9.b7f7 b6d4
Computed move : f4xh3
NPS: 807125
solution found [252/254], time: 0.01, points: 25, nodes: 4639!
White to move
FEN : 3r3r/p4pk1/5Rp1/3q4/1p1P2RQ/5N2/P1P4P/2b4K w - -
Best Move : Rfxg6+
Position ID: "WAC.255"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -5.09 0.00 4 1.h4f2 Kxf6
2/1 -4.92 0.00 17 1.h4e1 Kxf6
15/1 -4.70 0.00 227 1.f6xf7 Kxf7 2.h4g3 d5xa2 3.g4xg6 a2xc2
16/1 -3.75 0.00 323 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 Kh6
<1> -3.75 0.00 501 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 Kh6
? 2 -4.19 0.01 2120 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.e7e5 Kh7
<2> -4.19 0.01 2787 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.e7e5 Kh7
! 3 -3.77 0.01 4054 1.f6xg6
! 3 -3.02 0.01 4437 1.f6xg6
! 3 +0.18 0.03 5105 1.f6xg6
! 3 +1.71 0.03 6797 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e7xf7 Ke4
<3> +1.71 0.03 8105 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e7xf7 Ke4
4 +2.02 0.04 16500 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 Kh6 3.g4h4 d5h5
4.h4xh5 g6xh5 5.e7e6 Kg7 6.e6e7 Kg6
<4> +2.02 0.06 19626 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 Kh6 3.g4h4 d5h5
4.h4xh5 g6xh5 5.e7e6 Kg7 6.e6e7 Kg6
! 5 +2.44 0.09 31165 1.f6xg6
! 5 +3.19 0.09 33625 1.f6xg6
! 5 +3.40 0.12 53625 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7c5 Ke4
7.f7xd8 e8xd8 8.c5xb4 d8xd4
<5> +3.40 0.14 62338 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7c5 Ke4
7.f7xd8 e8xd8 8.c5xb4 d8xd4
! 6 +3.82 0.15 70709 1.f6xg6
! 6 +4.28 0.20 100278 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7xb4 d8b8
7.b4a5 Ke4 8.a5xa7
<6> +4.28 0.23 122640 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7xb4 d8b8
7.b4a5 Ke4 8.a5xa7
7 +4.39 0.36 198901 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7c5 Kf6
7.f7xd8 e8xd8 8.c5xb4 d8g8
<7> +4.39 0.40 248655 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7c5 Kf6
7.f7xd8 e8xd8 8.c5xb4 d8g8
8 +4.76 0.78 454457 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7c5 Kf6
7.f7xd8 e8xd8 8.c5xb4 c1e3 9.c3
<8> +4.76 0.81 482427 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e5xf7 h8e8 6.e7c5 Kf6
7.f7xd8 e8xd8 8.c5xb4 c1e3 9.c3
9 +4.96 1.76 1027923 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e7xf7 Ke4 6.f7f3 Kxd4
7.e5f7 b3 8.f7xd8 b2 9.f3d3 Kc5
10.d8e6 Kc6 11.c4
<9> +4.96 1.82 1078285 1.f6xg6 f7xg6 2.h4e7 d5f7 3.g4xg6 Kxg6
4.f3e5 Kf5 5.e7xf7 Ke4 6.f7f3 Kxd4
7.e5f7 b3 8.f7xd8 b2 9.f3d3 Kc5
10.d8e6 Kc6 11.c4
! 10 +5.38 2.76 1583942 1.f6xg6
<10> +5.38 2.76 1583942 1.f6xg6
Computed move : f6xg6
NPS: 573892
solution found [253/255], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 501!
White to move
FEN : 3r1rk1/1pb1qp1p/2p3p1/p7/P2Np2R/1P5P/1BP2PP1/3Q1BK1 w - -
Best Move : Nf5
Position ID: "WAC.256"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -9.49 0.00 4 1.d4e2 d8xd1
2/1 +0.94 0.00 6 1.h4g4
12/1 +1.19 0.00 25 1.d1g4
<1> +1.19 0.00 70 1.d1g4
2 +1.19 0.00 148 1.d1g4 f8e8
<2> +1.19 0.00 298 1.d1g4 f8e8
3 +1.48 0.01 683 1.d1g4 f8e8 2.d4f5
<3> +1.48 0.01 1526 1.d1g4 f8e8 2.d4f5
? 4 +0.96 0.03 12466 1.d1g4 e7e5 2.f4 e5e7
<4> +0.96 0.03 15242 1.d1g4 e7e5 2.f4 e5e7
! 2/5 +1.38 0.06 30208 1.d4f5
! 5 +2.13 0.07 32294 1.d4f5
! 5 +2.86 0.07 37782 1.d4f5 e7g5 2.f5h6 g5xh6 3.d1xd8 c7xd8
<5> +2.86 0.09 41467 1.d4f5 e7g5 2.f5h6 g5xh6 3.d1xd8 c7xd8
? 6 -0.83 0.15 94328 1.d4f5 e7g5 2.f5h6 g5xh6 3.d1xd8 c7xd8
4.h4xh6 d8g5 5.b2a3 g5xh6 6.a3xf8 h6xf8
? 2/6 -0.21 0.18 112973 1.d1g4 f5 2.f1c4 d8d5 3.c4xd5 c6xd5
4.d4xf5 f8xf5 5.b2d4
?10/6 +0.35 0.23 142736 1.h4g4 f5 2.f1c4 f8f7 3.c4xf7 Kxf7
4.g4g3 c7xg3 5.f2xg3
<6> +0.35 0.26 155800 1.h4g4 f5 2.f1c4 f8f7 3.c4xf7 Kxf7
4.g4g3 c7xg3 5.f2xg3
? 5/7 -0.30 0.57 376230 1.d1g4 f5 2.f1c4 d8d5 3.c4xd5 c6xd5
4.d4xf5 f8xf5 5.b2d4 c7e5
<7> -0.30 0.61 411661 1.d1g4 f5 2.f1c4 d8d5 3.c4xd5 c6xd5
4.d4xf5 f8xf5 5.b2d4 c7e5
! 8 +0.12 0.76 498978 1.d1g4
! 8 +0.48 0.90 588566 1.d1g4 e7e5 2.f4 e5g7 3.c3 h5
4.g4g3 f8e8 5.g3e3
! 6/8 +0.87 1.56 1010804 1.g3
! 8 +1.04 2.01 1274284 1.g3 h5 2.d1c1 f8e8 3.f1g2 e7c5
4.d4e2 c5d5
<8> +1.04 2.06 1318958 1.g3 h5 2.d1c1 f8e8 3.f1g2 e7c5
4.d4e2 c5d5
9 +1.30 3.97 2527179 1.g3 f8e8 2.d1c1 e3 3.c1e1 e7e5
4.f1d3 e3xf2 5.e1xf2 e5xg3 6.f2xg3 c7xg3
<9> +1.30 4.39 2853548 1.g3 f8e8 2.d1c1 e3 3.c1e1 e7e5
4.f1d3 e3xf2 5.e1xf2 e5xg3 6.f2xg3 c7xg3
10 +1.45 8.86 5618544 1.g3 f8e8 2.d1c1 h5 3.f1g2 e7c5
4.c3 d8xd4 5.c3xd4 c5d5 6.c1d2
<10> +1.45 10.00 6468589 1.g3 f8e8 2.d1c1 h5 3.f1g2 e7c5
4.c3 d8xd4 5.c3xd4 c5d5 6.c1d2
Computed move : g3
NPS: 646212
no solution found [:-( [253/256]!
White to move
FEN : 4r1k1/pq3p1p/2p1r1p1/2Q1p3/3nN1P1/1P6/P1P2P1P/3RR1K1 w - -
Best Move : Rxd4
Position ID: "WAC.257"
depth value time nodes pv
1 +1.50 0.00 2 1.g5
<1> +1.50 0.00 121 1.g5
? 3/2 +0.42 0.00 907 1.e4g5 e6e7
<2> +0.42 0.00 1320 1.e4g5 e6e7
3 +0.51 0.00 1653 1.e4g5 e6e7 2.f4
<3> +0.51 0.01 3480 1.e4g5 e6e7 2.f4
4 +0.46 0.01 5153 1.e4g5 e6e7 2.f4 b7c8
<4> +0.46 0.03 10598 1.e4g5 e6e7 2.f4 b7c8
5 +0.35 0.04 17889 1.e4g5 e6e7 2.a4 b7b6 3.c5c3
4/5 +0.38 0.06 25508 1.d1d3 e8d8 2.g5 d8d5 3.c5c4
8/5 +0.40 0.07 32050 1.Kg2 e8d8 2.e4g5 d8d5 3.g5xe6 d5xc5
<5> +0.40 0.09 41758 1.Kg2 e8d8 2.e4g5 d8d5 3.g5xe6 d5xc5
6 +0.40 0.12 62022 1.Kg2 e8d8 2.e4g5 d8d5 3.g5xe6 d5xc5
2/6 +0.52 0.18 96756 1.d1d3 b7b5 2.e1d1 b5xc5 3.e4xc5 e6d6
!12/6 +0.82 0.23 128051 1.d1xd4
! 6 +1.57 0.26 142739 1.d1xd4
! 6 +4.05 0.31 174116 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.d4d3 f5 3.e4d6 e8d8
<6> +4.05 0.32 182118 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.d4d3 f5 3.e4d6 e8d8
7 +4.22 0.42 239531 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.d4d3 e8b8 3.e4d6 b8d8
4.e1d1 a5
<7> +4.22 0.45 271181 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.d4d3 e8b8 3.e4d6 b8d8
4.e1d1 a5
8 +4.52 0.90 541366 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.g5 e5xd4 3.e4f6 Kh8
4.e1xe6 f7xe6 5.f6xe8 c7f4
<8> +4.52 0.92 557687 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.g5 e5xd4 3.e4f6 Kh8
4.e1xe6 f7xe6 5.f6xe8 c7f4
9 +4.60 1.48 912879 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.g5 e5xd4 3.e4f6 Kh8
4.e1xe6 f7xe6 5.f6xe8 c7f4 6.e8f6 f4d2
<9> +4.60 1.50 945136 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.g5 e5xd4 3.e4f6 Kh8
4.e1xe6 f7xe6 5.f6xe8 c7f4 6.e8f6 f4d2
10 +4.60 2.18 1385356 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.g5 e5xd4 3.e4f6 Kh8
4.e1xe6 f7xe6 5.f6xe8 c7f4 6.e8f6 f4c1
7.Kg2 d3
<10> +4.60 2.26 1467373 1.d1xd4 b7c7 2.g5 e5xd4 3.e4f6 Kh8
4.e1xe6 f7xe6 5.f6xe8 c7f4 6.e8f6 f4c1
7.Kg2 d3
Computed move : d1xd4
NPS: 649280
solution found [254/257], time: 0.23, points: 25, nodes: 128051!
White to move
FEN : r3brkn/1p5p/2p2Ppq/2Pp3B/3Pp2Q/4P1R1/6PP/5R1K w - -
Best Move : Bxg6
Position ID: "WAC.258"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -5.56 0.00 6 1.g3h3 h6xh5
2/1 -0.85 0.00 12 1.Kg1
<1> -0.85 0.00 108 1.Kg1
? 2 -3.27 0.01 732 1.Kg1 e8d7
? 4/2 -2.72 0.01 911 1.h4g4 f8f7
? 9/2 -2.32 0.01 983 1.g3g5 f8f7
<2> -2.32 0.01 1069 1.g3g5 f8f7
3 -2.35 0.01 1280 1.g3g5 f8f7 2.Kg1
<3> -2.35 0.01 2587 1.g3g5 f8f7 2.Kg1
? 3/4 -2.77 0.03 8673 1.Kg1 f8f7 2.g3g5 a8a2
<4> -2.77 0.03 8698 1.Kg1 f8f7 2.g3g5 a8a2
5 -3.18 0.04 11675 1.Kg1 f8f7 2.h4g5 h6xg5 3.g3xg5
! 5/5 -2.35 0.04 17055 1.h5xg6
! 5 -1.60 0.04 18025 1.h5xg6
! 5 +0.80 0.06 20846 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 h8xg6 3.h4h5 f8f7
<5> +0.80 0.06 23525 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 h8xg6 3.h4h5 f8f7
6 +0.98 0.07 33318 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 e8d7
<6> +0.98 0.09 43401 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 e8d7
7 +0.90 0.12 65179 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 a8a3 5.h5e2
<7> +0.90 0.15 92783 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 a8a3 5.h5e2
8 +0.90 0.22 142756 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 a8a3 5.h5e2 a3a8
<8> +0.90 0.25 160415 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 a8a3 5.h5e2 a3a8
9 +0.92 0.40 276760 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 e8d7 5.g3 d7e6 6.Kg2
<9> +0.92 0.43 311692 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.Kg1 f8f7 3.g3xg6 h8xg6
4.h4h5 e8d7 5.g3 d7e6 6.Kg2
10 +0.95 0.95 610119 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 h8xg6 3.h4f2 f8f7
4.g4 e8d7 5.f2e2 d7e6 6.g5 a8a3
<10> +0.95 1.09 736929 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 h8xg6 3.h4f2 f8f7
4.g4 e8d7 5.f2e2 d7e6 6.g5 a8a3
11 +0.95 1.76 1131058 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.f1b1 a3a7 6.f4c7 a7a3
7.b1xb7 a3xe3 8.c7xc6
<11> +0.95 1.95 1320899 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.f1b1 a3a7 6.f4c7 a7a3
7.b1xb7 a3xe3 8.c7xc6
12 +0.95 3.54 2260560 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.f1b1 a3a7 6.f4c7 a7a3
7.Kf2 a3a2 8.Kg1 a2a3 9.b1xb7 a3xe3
10.c7xc6 e3e1
<12> +0.95 4.15 2844432 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.f1b1 a3a7 6.f4c7 a7a3
7.Kf2 a3a2 8.Kg1 a2a3 9.b1xb7 a3xe3
10.c7xc6 e3e1
13 +0.97 6.82 4507687 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.Kf2 a3a2 6.Kg3 a2a3
7.f1b1 a3a7 8.f4c7 a7a3 9.Kf4 a3a2
<13> +0.97 7.32 5064151 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.Kf2 a3a2 6.Kg3 a2a3
7.f1b1 a3a7 8.f4c7 a7a3 9.Kf4 a3a2
<14> +0.97 10.00 6425443 1.h5xg6 h6xg6 2.g3xg6 e8xg6 3.Kg1 h8f7
4.h4f4 a8a3 5.Kf2 a3a2 6.Kg3 a2b2
7.f4g4 f8a8 8.h4 b2b3 9.Kf4 b3a3
Computed move : h5xg6
NPS: 641902
solution found [255/258], time: 0.04, points: 25, nodes: 17055!
White to move
FEN : r1bq1rk1/ppp2ppp/2np4/2bN1PN1/2B1P3/3p4/PPP2nPP/R1BQ1K1R w - -
Best Move : Qh5
Position ID: "WAC.259"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -4.99 0.00 7 1.d1d2 f2xh1 2.c2xd3
3/1 -2.68 0.00 26 1.d1h5
<1> -2.68 0.00 214 1.d1h5
2 -2.28 0.00 460 1.d1h5 h6
<2> -2.28 0.00 969 1.d1h5 h6
? 3 -3.49 0.02 6852 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 h6xg5 3.c2xd3
<3> -3.49 0.02 9406 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 h6xg5 3.c2xd3
4 -3.49 0.04 10060 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 h6xg5
<4> -3.49 0.04 16501 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 h6xg5
? 5 -3.29 0.11 49754 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 h6xg5 3.c2xd3 g4
<5> -3.29 0.11 49796 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 h6xg5 3.c2xd3 g4
6 -3.50 0.14 64679 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 d3xc2 3.d5e3 c6e5
4.Kxf2 e5xc4
<6> -3.50 0.22 110143 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 d3xc2 3.d5e3 c6e5
4.Kxf2 e5xc4
! 7 -3.08 0.25 125526 1.d1h5
! 7 -3.04 0.33 179003 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 d2 3.c1xd2 h6xg5
4.d2xg5 d8d7
<7> -3.04 0.49 281372 1.d1h5 h6 2.h1g1 d2 3.c1xd2 h6xg5
4.d2xg5 d8d7
! 8 -2.62 0.74 402697 1.d1h5
! 8 -2.41 0.86 481640 1.d1h5 h6 2.g5xf7 f8xf7 3.d5e3 f2xh1
4.h5xf7 Kh8 5.c2xd3 c6d4
<8> -2.41 0.97 559532 1.d1h5 h6 2.g5xf7 f8xf7 3.d5e3 f2xh1
4.h5xf7 Kh8 5.c2xd3 c6d4
9 -2.80 1.36 813072 1.d1h5 h6 2.g5xf7 f8xf7 3.d5e3 f2xh1
4.h5xf7 Kh8 5.c2xd3 c6e5 6.f7h5 c5xe3
7.c1xe3 e5xc4 8.d3xc4
<9> -2.80 1.58 982812 1.d1h5 h6 2.g5xf7 f8xf7 3.d5e3 f2xh1
4.h5xf7 Kh8 5.c2xd3 c6e5 6.f7h5 c5xe3
7.c1xe3 e5xc4 8.d3xc4
! 10 -2.38 3.49 2099073 1.d1h5
! 10 -1.63 4.86 2796616 1.d1h5
! 10 +0.41 9.97 5562652 1.d1h5 h6 2.f6 d2 3.c1xd2 c6e5
4.d5e7 Kh8 5.g5xf7 f8xf7 6.c4xf7 e5xf7
7.e7xc8 f2xh1 8.h5xf7 d8xf6 9.f7xf6 g7xf6
<10> +0.41 10.00 5579348 1.d1h5 h6 2.f6 d2 3.c1xd2 c6e5
4.d5e7 Kh8 5.g5xf7 f8xf7 6.c4xf7 e5xf7
7.e7xc8 f2xh1 8.h5xf7 d8xf6 9.f7xf6 g7xf6
Computed move : d1h5
NPS: 557934
solution found [256/259], time: 0.00, points: 25, nodes: 214!
White to move
FEN : 2r2b1r/p1Nk2pp/3p1p2/N2Qn3/4P3/q6P/P4PP1/1R3K1R w - -
Best Move : Qe6+
Position ID: "WAC.260"
depth value time nodes pv
1 -1.55 0.00 4 1.a5b7 c8xc7
2/1 +2.22 0.00 6 1.c7e6
<1> +2.22 0.01 260 1.c7e6
? 2 +1.01 0.01 2655 1.c7e6 a3d3 2.d5xd3 e5xd3
<2> +1.01 0.01 3766 1.c7e6 a3d3 2.d5xd3 e5xd3
? 3 +0.38 0.03 10331 1.c7e6 c8c1 2.Ke2 c1c2 3.Kf1 a3xa2
<3> +0.38 0.03 16188 1.c7e6 c8c1 2.Ke2 c1c2 3.Kf1 a3xa2
4 +0.38 0.03 17608 1.c7e6 c8c1 2.Ke2 c1c2 3.Kf1 a3xa2
! 2/4 +0.80 0.07 49864 1.d5e6
! 4 +1.55 0.07 49886 1.d5e6
! 4 +4.75 0.07 49908 1.d5e6
! 4 #5 0.07 58562 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
<4> #5 0.09 63083 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
5 #5 0.11 85452 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
<5> #5 0.12 100273 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
6 #5 0.17 150057 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
<6> #5 0.20 191213 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
7 #5 0.26 261261 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
<7> #5 0.36 365298 1.d5e6 Kxc7 2.b1b7 Kd8 3.a5c6 c8xc6
4.b7b8 Kc7 5.e6c8 e6c8
Computed move : d5e6
NPS: 1014716
solution found [257/260], time: 0.07, points: 25, nodes: 49864!